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  1. No doubt a conflict on my system... and not on the other fs2crew versions. I ran track IR after pulling into the gate yesterday and the FO would no longer run tasks. I did see a brief message flash - something about voice recognition... I'll see if I can read it in a next experiment.
  2. Agreed. And it always worked well in the past, so I hope this conflict can be fixed.
  3. Flew a lot today. Without track Ir running I had no issues. This has always worked fine in the past with other version for Airbus and PMDG 737, so I wonder what the conflict is now? I think it would be easy for you to see the issue if you have track ir to test with.
  4. I believe I am , yes...i see the appropriate commands in the green bar. The FO responds,but doesn't perform any of the tasks (switches). Im running p3d4.4 with track ir and ezdok. I noticed as i loaded track ir during an engine start, that the FO hasn't thrown any switches since.
  5. I'm unable to get fs2Crew to work with the latest Maddogx. Have tried reinstalling maddog and fs2crew as well as updating fsuipc to the latest. The failure mode doesn't seem consistent, but the FO eventually stops performing tasks. I can move or reset using the control panel and get the FO to respond but he won't perform any of the tasks. P3D v4.4
  6. As far as the install goes, that seems to work. But using the Start Center to activate doesn't. It doesn't detect the MD11 presence. Any suggestions for that?
  7. I think the problem with that approach is that I've only been able to install the MD11 in one or the other, so chose to uninstall from fsx and move the md11 to steam... So all the panel files are in steam.. Can I copy those to fsx to satisfy the installer,and then copy back to steam?
  8. So, I do have steam and boxed fsx side by side. I was able to install the MD11 by using the registry tool to change the path to the steam path. However I can't get fscrew to install because it's looking for panel files in the fsx path. Is there a way to fake this out so I can get the md11 fs2crew working in steam?
  9. I configured fsuipc so that when I pull my Saitek throttle into reverse it hits F1 followed by F2 4 or 5 times. Does a better job of simulating BETA which is what is usually used rather than full reverse.
  10. 2 issues: Want to limit the pushback distance before the 90 degree turn. When I decrease the distance number to what I want, it performs that, but then after the 90 degree turn keeps pushing for what seems like forever... after pushing last night and setting the parking brake, I could not get it to show released even though it was in the released position. After starting the pmdg ngx pushback, it released. Other than that, great so far.
  11. I currently have reinstalled FSX & Acceleration UT2 GEX UTX REX PMDG the fsdt scenery, but have not added FSUIPC yet.
  12. Anybody have any issues with long pauses just after departure at fsdt ( LAS DFW ) airports. I've been trying to trouble shoot an issue where this occurs, but only after flying for an extended period. I get anywhere from a 15 second to 1 minute pause just after takeoff while still over airport. Been flying the 737NGX and don't know if it is specific to that airplane or not.
  13. I was concerned after reading this that I may not be happy with the latest. Anybody else see problems with 260.99?http://forum.avsim.net/topic/312966-a-day-of-comparing-driversand-the-verdict-is/
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