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About Rhinozherous

  • Birthday 02/22/1986

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  • Location
    Vienna, Austria - LOWW

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  1. Thank you so much! I was just searching and trying for a time now... this did the trick for me!
  2. Wow, thank you very much! I will play with these examples!
  3. I have nothing fancy in mind. For example my after takeoff items for the JustFlight BAE146 are: Engine Air - All 4 ON APU Air - OFF APU Master - OFF Both Packs - ON AC Pump - OFF PTU - OFF I had in mind to start these actions with a single button press on my hardware. Right now I have most of the switches bound to several buttons on my MFDs with LVARs. So far the LVARs seem to do their job. In high workload situations it would be nice to not switch these buttons one by one... Just press one button and they all get set in that order.
  4. Hello! I am no programer, this could be the reason if this question sounds dumb or so. I wonder if it is possible with AAO to create a script that executes LVARs one after another with a set time in between. For example, I want to setup one button for some after takeoff items to be executed one after another when I push a hardwarebutton. There should be some time (1 or 2 sec) between the execution and I want to use LVARs that I use for normal button assignment. Can anyone give me an example if this is possible? Thank you very much!
  5. It seems to work nontheless. When I start the simulator I can use the FIP configuration of AAO. Nevermind! Thank you!
  6. Hello! I found my old Saitek FIP and thought I might trie out what I can do with it in MSFS. I read in the AAO manual which settings should be active - but "Saitek panels enabled" is greyed out (see screenshot). I have the old 64bit Driver installed and the FIP is showing the pictures and so on when plugged in. Screenshot
  7. Please vote this topic over at the Simbrief forum (link below). Maybe we get an official profile for our new birds. You have to vote via the button left of the topic title! https://forum.navigraph.com/t/b60t-simbrief-profile-request/15662/1
  8. Unfortunately there is no Simbrief profile for the Turbine Duke... Do you think the B200 King Air is close enough for creating a profile for the Turbine Duke?
  9. Will trie this! Thank you for this awesome tool, it is essential for my flightsim-fun!
  10. This worked like a charm! Thank you very much! Yes, this is the exact name of the variable.
  11. Hello! I am currently setting up the Black Square Turbine Duke. In the manual it lists a lot of its LVARs. One of them is for the Autopilot Pitch Knob. The knob in the Virtual cockpit has a middle position (zero pitch) and can be incremented up and down for pitching the airplane up and down. The manual shows only one LVAR for this knob, it is named: L:var_AP_PitchKnob and it has a Range of -15 to 15 I am trying to set this knob to a potentiometer on my Behringer Xtouch mini where a left turn of the knob should be Pitch Up and a right turn should be Pitch Down. The only thing I managed so far is setting this knob up and change the number beside the LVAR in AAOs to lets say 10 - but the result is that the virtual cockpit pitch knob is set to 10 pitch - I am unable to increment or decrement this knob. Is there a way to set this up? I have to say that I am no programer, sorry for the maybe dumb question! Thank you very much!
  12. Thank you very much! (Also for the nice backup and Hardware change functions!)
  13. Hello! As the title says, I am soon moving all my stuff to a new PC. I created a Database Backup zip for this. But will it include also the scripts I downloaded from FS.to for example plus my created templates? What is included in the Backup? Thank you very much!
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