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Everything posted by homemonster

  1. Pardon me for being word not allowed regarding Lvar creation and interface, but I've been trying to create the same Lvar as below but using one of the split switches on my HC Alpha yoke. The issue for me not being versed at writing these scripts, I own SPAD.NEXT, which appears to have a long learning curve, I own FSUIPC7, but that seems limited to writing Lvars, so I'm now looking into Axis & Ohs if I don't need another degree in computer science. So if someone has a script they're willing to share, I'll buy Axis & Oh's right now. My needs for heavy Lvar use is small at this point. I'm just trying to find a starting point as to their use, and how to interface between the model and MSFS. Thanks in advance
  2. I was concerned about the learning curve, and how long it would take me to become sufficient to do these simpler programs. So far the Duke product line is pretty well configured out of the box, but it seems many users are requesting the autopilot trim on both models to be assigned to an unused bind already coded into MSFS. But I will say a quick thank you, for your quick response, and will continue with what I have. Regards
  3. I to am a novice on Lvar programming. I own Spad.next and FSUIPC7, and am trying to assign the Duke (both models) autopilot trim to one of the HC split switches on the Alpha yoke. I'd like to keep it simple if possible. Any help would be appreciated. If the programs I own are to complex at this early stage, I'm willing to buy another app. Thanks in advance
  4. Hope I'm not in the wrong forum for this question, but I've sent this problem to Flysimware with no response. My problem is after a major crash on my PC, and rebuild of the OS, reinstallation of MSFS2020, and reinstall of Flysimware Cessna 414AW v4.4.1, I no longer have working panel gauges, needles are there, but non-working. I've reinstalled several times with same result, so is it possible that I've exceeded my downloads from Flysimware download site, and if so, am I required to purchase again? I bring this up, because I've had this happen before with FSX aircraft, usually due to and error on the vendors part. Everything about the rebuilt OS, MSFS2020, and Cessna 414AW are current. Any thought would be appreciated, as I'm tired of chasing my tail on this problem. I've tried everything! Thanks in advance.
  5. Doesn't seem you can set VFR altitudes (10,500) on the altitude auto-pilot control, or else I've missed something. Thanks in advance
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