Hope I'm not in the wrong forum for this question, but I've sent this problem to Flysimware with no response. My problem is after a major crash on my PC, and rebuild of the OS, reinstallation of
MSFS2020, and reinstall of Flysimware Cessna 414AW v4.4.1, I no longer have working panel gauges, needles are there, but non-working. I've reinstalled several times with same result, so is it possible that I've exceeded my downloads from Flysimware download site, and if so, am I required to purchase again? I bring this up, because I've had this happen before with FSX aircraft, usually due to and error on the vendors part. Everything about the rebuilt OS, MSFS2020, and Cessna 414AW are current. Any thought would be appreciated, as I'm tired of chasing my tail on this problem. I've tried everything! Thanks in advance.