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  1. Brian firstly well done on this release, its fantastic and well worth the money spent, you have outdone yourself with this one!, 1 question, I noticed there is no option for First Officer take-offs in this version, is that correct?
  2. Hello BryanThumbs up on the MD80 voice version. A quick question tho, I have a Saitech yoke and I am battling to setup the mute function on the Yoke, I dont own a version of FSUIP however I took your advise and downloaded JoyToKey. I still cant get it to wok with this even tho I have tested JoyToKey with other key commands like the Gear (G) which worked fine on the joystick. Any suggestions?Thanks
  3. Thanks RichardCan you tell me what aircraft you were flying and with what other addons. If I fly with the standard aircraft, I can go on for hours. I seem to get the error when flying the PMDG 747, sometimes with Active Sky and Fs2Crew... in the mix there as well.I also noticed at one stage that FSX.exe was using 1.5mb of memory
  4. I am almost out of patience with these OOM errors. I have tried all the suggested tactics including the 3G switch as well as the cleanmemory app but nothing works. I am running a fairly decent machine and I would llike to think the specs other than XP are way above what is required:Q9400 Quad 2.66GHZ4GB RamNVidia 9800GTXP Pro Service Pack3FSX SP2And I still get these errors. Most of the time it when I have Active Sky Advanced, and the PMDG 747 running together. Today I got the error after an 11 hour flight from cape town to london as I was on final ...(so a little annoyed).Not sure what else to do other than bite the bullet and go vista 64??...
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