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Posts posted by bakaman


    I have had the exact same issue, the aircraft starts boucing up and down when i hit FL CH in the lower levels (approach phase), forcing me to use VS mode.....


    RYAN ?!

  2. I dont post often, actually i used to be very active on here a while ago but with the banning thats been goin on and some people jumpin on every post to show they know more then everybody kinda make me stay away from posting. That being said, i have really mixed feelings about the SP and whats been goin on...

    One thing i absolutely love about RSR and his team is THEY ARE PERFECTIONIST . However almost a year to deliver a service pack is a little bit extreme. I remember a post of RSR back in 2010 or 2011 and i believe he was saying that they were looking at a 2 years dev cycle from that point on.

    -yes the plane is flyable

    -yes the sp1 is goin to be great

    -yes we've been waitin forever

    but still....disappointement is there

  3. Great post! You get a thumbs up from me.

    I may not get to fly the 777, but I do get to walk around inside it and play with it's joysticks! (cargo)


    Someday though...

    Thanks man ! If you have plans for flight training, hang on! I usually hear AC Q400s on the radio goin to Trudeau....

    Good luck brother. It's a long road, but worth it. I look at the past 10 years and smile at all the hard work it took. 

    thank you sir ! hope i'll be able to say the same thing 10 years down the road.

    Tremendously proud of you my brother! Keep reaching for the stars, and safe skies, in 2014 and beyond!!!

    Merci Merci ! you too my friend !

  4. Hi Everyone,



    Its really been a while since I last posted here, but time becomes a very precious resource when the flight training is going on. I will try to make this one short and concise.


    2013 has been a great year for our Hobby, a lot of products came out and took FS to another level. As a fresh Commercial and Multi-IFR pilot (soon to be a Flight Instructor, unless you have better to offer?? lol) I can tell you guys, that those of you who really want to make flying your everyday job that if you try to stick to the reality as much as possible using all the tools available to you out there on the market, you are doing a HUGE step towards your goal, and I am the perfect exemple of that. Even those of you who do not wish to be pilots, believe me, its way more fun to sim in a serious manner(I mean following procedures and air law rules).


    I remember back in 2008-9 when I bought my 1st PMDG product, that could barely run on my laptop, I was hoping to be a pilot and the only thing that kept me "alive" (lol) was the various posts from pilots on this forum or even videos made by aviation Lovers like me...I guess today is my turn to share my experiences and stories with all of you and especially with those being in the situation I was in back in the days.

    The reason why I post here is because (and I am sure that PMDG addicts already know all this, am I wrong Mr Pabari? ) this company is simply amazing. and I am going to give you a few exemples..:

    1- By knowing what an APU is and how it works....

    2- By spending thousands of hours behind my computer, trying to analyze every single actions/change on my PFD/ND/EICAS

    3- By noticing changes in performances when using one config instead of another (ranging from flaps settings to various de-rate Take-off)

    4- By doing flight planning (thank god We have PFPX now!!!)

    5- By reading manuals

    6- By flying online

    7- By doing tens of other things

    By doing all this, I got myself a solid base that I could build on, and that's exactly what happened when I got into my flight school. All the informations I got just added to my FS experience, or my PMDG experience, and THAT is just great. And today I can say that I am "a product of PMDG": it sounds funny, but definitely true .


    Mr. Randazzo and his team probably don't realize ( No offense guys), that their materials are an incredible source of knowledge, I mean im sure they do but its even beyond what they think ! I remember being in the sim room at the school, shooting holds and approaches reading charts, acknowledging clearances etc...piece of cake I swear guys.... No seriously we are lucky to have what we have.


    I guess I am not going to use much more of your time, I just wanted to wish the best to all of you, lets keep this community alive and PMDG no matter what guys keep doing what you do !


    I hate posting without adding a little something, so here is a little Video I put together yesterday to finish off 2013, so grab a drink and enjoy 23 mins on a south American journey ! If some of you have questions or wanna establish contact...do not hesitate id be happy to help ! And if you want to be a pilot, keep the blinders on, get your hours in, there is nothing better than this! 


    PS: I am aware this is a support forum, please moderators be indulgent....


    In Uniform ! The dream came True boys !


  5. You know what PMDG stands for don't you?

    People Making Development Great

    Because not one does it better.  They have wonderful support too.  Just a bunch of outstanding people doing an outstanding job.



    Good one BoB ! lol. I know what they mean to me.... I learnt A LOT of stuffs with their planes, support, discussions on this forum...etc....right now im not in a postion where I could give something back to this community but that they is not too far ...

  6. Hey Guys,


    Hope everyone is doing well today.....What brings me here, is that i would like to fly for westjet virtual, however, i dt know which one is the best.....So i was wondering if someone could recommend something. I would really appreciate it. Just to mention that i' define myself as a hardcore simmer so im looking for a VA who is well organized....with acars and lots of good stuffs.


    Thanks in advance !

  7. I (Luke Pabari) changed my username to 'EGLL77W' :P


    Congrats on the license - hopefully I will know that feeling too very soon! ^_^

    Alright Luke , thanks for the heads up ! Looking forward to see your first stripes !!


    GREAT Video. Got my Private Ticket when I was 18 (33 years ago) did not go to college so was not able to advance.


    KEEP RUNNING :clapping: .



    thanks Ron !



    Excellent video and Congratulations, Flight Sim, with it's recent improvements has really made many ppl realize their dreams in the r/w, I will be testing them soon.

    thanks Man ! And indeed like i said it, FSX can be an amazing tool if you use the right way...


    Chat to you soon Captain great work you deserve it.

    roger captain.... I will call you in a few hours.... I was flying with my buddies on vatsim !



    Congratulations Kaman! Did they cut your shirt? :P

    Thnks buddy ! No they did not ! Lol


    Nice video ! Congratulations !


    For me, PMDG is the best developer for "Hardcore".



    Thanks !

    oh yeah , no doubt about that ! And thnks by the way !



    Great vid. Even though I couldn't keep running in my own aviation career I hope your marathon to the goal is as fun as it will be rewarding. Best of luck to you and enjoy the ride!

    hehe thank you mate. I will definitly need it .... Hahhaha

  9. Hi guys,


    I have been away from this forum for a couple of months, since i was busy with my training but i am really happy to be back here. So i thought i would come back with something nice to show..... I perfectly know thats its not directly PMDG related however, i have to say publicly that this company has played a HUGE role in my life in the sense that 60% of my knowledge comes from what i have read in this forum, the various ops manuals, tutorials, explanations from Ryan and conversations with him.

    One thing is for sure, if you use FSX as a real/professional tool, follow the procedures, fly online, use all the available products out there on the market, then it'll take your simming experience to the next Level. I would like to thank Robert Randazzo for all his efforts, and dedication to the FS community, as well as Ryan Maziarz (just a fantastic person), all PMDG team members ( especially Dr E. Vaos), all the painters, all the knowledgeable people around here, and also all the active members on the PMDG forum that i unfortunately dont know personally: Luke pabari,Kriva, Scandinavian13, Epikk, Richard Sennett, EGLL77W, Linux731, McCarter, Aceridgey.......and MANY MORE.


    My dreams take flight and PMDG is definitely a part of it !


    Sit back, relax and enjoy !




  10. Hey guys !


    Been a while....looks like i haven't been around for a year ! This simulation thing should really be classified as a soft drug like "Mary Jane" ( Good chances to see Snoop Dogg around one day ! :LMAO: ).

    I wanted to share with you some shots i have taken especially for you guys. If you ask me, this vid is all about PMDG. You'll see some 777s (in production), dash 8 (to come), NGs (released) and a few other birds.....

    Enjoy guys !


    PS: the 777 really makes a special noise especially during startup: really hope PMDG will capture that noise.

    There is another video i'll put together of various spottings i've done and i'm sure you'll love it. Stay tuned i'll upload it shortly.... its just that I'm having troubles using iMovie... No big deal anyway...


    WATCH IN HD !!!


    Take care !


  11. Hey bakaman, please keep my name in mind. Thus within 10 years, when you´ll become in a B787, B797 captain or whatever be the ultimate in airliner, after landed and parked I´ll ask for flight deck access and you´ll say "oh, come in" :LMAO: Go ahead and GOOD LUCK, man :wink:

    LoL ! That will be my pleasure !!!! But until then there is a lot of work to be done...... :P


    In the post-9/11 world, visits to the flight deck are usually reserved to airline staff only once the aircraft has left the gate. Not even family can get in there nowadays. I've found here in Australia, though, that if time permits the flight crew are usually more than happy to have a visit after landing while passengers disembark.

    You're 100% right. Actually i could not have access to the cockpit because the crew did keep the door closed and locked most of the time. Howeder the flight attendants were very nice ...


    Stay tuned guys i have taken some VERY NICE pics and taken SUPERB videos !

  12. WOW.....A big "Thank you" guys ! Really appreciate the kind words..... It gives me a lot of Energy. Good news is, that i've bought a nice camera to do some captures. I do not know if my requests will be granted but i'll post some nice videos here ! ! ! Stay tuned ! ! !


    Congrats man! Let me know how it goes! I really wanna go to MFC for post secondary education. Just two more years! Are you planning on going back to Europe after you're done or are you staying in Canada?

    To be honest i don't know where my fututr is.... but i do not wish to go back to Europe.....


    Congratulations!! Kaman. Wish you the very best.

    thanks !


    Congratulations on being accepted to the flight college! I wish you the best of luck, I'm going to be attending Western Michigan University's aviation program starting in the fall, one of the top 3 here in the U.S.. I'm so excited I can't stand it.

    Thank you thank you ! Appreciate it. wish you the best of luck too !
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