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Everything posted by MichaelC

  1. Hello, Have to first of all say a huge thankyou to the PMDG team for the outstanding job they have done with the NGX. What would be wonderful to see fixed in B737 NGX, is a problem when you fail a "complete" Hydraulic system A or Hydraulic system B (say by failing the Engine Driven Pump 1 and Electric Driven Pump 2 to fail system A), the flight spoilers (Roll) should have only two on either wing operating instead of four on each wing. Funny enough the speed brake does it job with the failure and only two of the four stood up (didn't check to see if the the correct ones failed). Another one I noticed is when you put the Packs from Auto to High when the APU is running them, the APU's EGT does not increase with the extra load?? Has someone already mentioned these?? Michael C. (Ex B737 NG driver)
  2. Excellent job on the B737 NGX guys. Just a little thing I noticed. When starting the APU with the ships battery the battery drain was showing -255 the whole time of the start cycle, in actual fact in the real ones it starts off with a fair amount higher drain and gradually drops off the a lot less near the end of the apu start cycle. Just little things if wanting to model the systems more accurately. Michael
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