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Posts posted by gpf3m

  1. 7 hours ago, Rob_Ainscough said:

    I've always cleaned something that never needed cleaning ... but it's usually a car, or motorcycle, or race car, something that goes fast ... but I've never waxed an aircraft, or washed one for that matter ... do they even use wax?  🙂

    Cheers, Rob.

    Rob, I wax my airplane once a year.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Prpn said:

    Workaround is to install an older version from the links here: 

    That one works fine on Windows 10 2004, though of course you'll have older databases.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that the Flight1 config tool will say you don't have the required version but you can just continue, configure the gauges and they will work (at least in the planes I've tried).

    Thank you!  Works now.

  3. On 5/8/2020 at 4:47 AM, hjsmuc said:

    Just a note of caution for Win 10 2004. I tried it and it worked fine except for the GTN Trainer 6.62. So if you are using either the F1 or RXP GTN you may want to wait for a newer trainer before you upgrade. 

    How true.  The Garmin Aviation Trainer runs very slow installed on Win 10 2004.  The result is a slide show for the GTN 750.  So bad, its unusable.

  4. On 5/2/2020 at 7:46 PM, mtr75 said:

    Anyone know if this patch works for Alabeo, specifically the Seminole?

    Has not worked for any Alabeo or Caranado aircraft that I have installed.  All missing panels:

    Alabeo Cessna 170

    Carenado Cessna 182T

    Carenado Shorts

    Caranado Aero Commander

    Alabeo M20R

    Alabeo Piper Tri Pacer


  5. I just triedV5 with refresh set at 30hz, used nvida to set fps at 30 and departed of from KMRY using orbx addon.  Again, a stuttering mess.  Never had this stuttering in V4.5.  Settings with V5 are the same as those I used in V4.5.  The stuttering destroys the immersion.  I guess I can return this software. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Chock said:

    The reason it survived for a good while, is that at the time, plants were in their infancy and so it was not possible to find eleven herbs and spices. Nor was the land mass known as North America fully formed, thus there was no Kentucky, nor an indigenous Colonel around to gather the requisite herbs and spices had they been available.

    The fact that man had not yet discovered fire at that point either, would also have presented a bit of a problem where frying stuff was concerned. Nor had the bucket been created, and certainly not the bargain bucket, because money hadn't been thought of as a concept either. Last but not least, the magnetic poles would have been elsewhere on Earth at that time, and North Western Fried Chicken just doesn't have the right ring to it, does it?

    I'm sure it would have been finger-lickin' good had these things been about though.


  7. 1 hour ago, ChaoticBeauty said:

    I believe it was said that the original delay happened because the build compilation failed. The simulator is a very complex piece of software, and if they are going to cut it down in parts so that each group of testers are testing something different, it becomes a lot more difficult to launch the programme. They also have to prepare the scenery streaming infrastructure to be able to handle a large amount of users at once. I don't think there's any cause for concern.


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