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Posts posted by DT506

  1. Scott,

    Loaded the latest version of linda and fsuipc.

    Is the MCP2 from Vrinsight fully supported at present.

    If i load one of the downloadable profiles the mcp loads but none of the knobs work.

    Is there a line in one of the ini files that needs adding. Been a while i cant remember.



  2. James,

    Yep i know. I just thought id let the aircraft load completely before trying to load my saved scenario.

    Ok on a side note. When i thought i had this sorted i decided to copy over my saved modules directory that had my fsuipc saved in it with controls already configured. This was the version from Petes website.

    When i copied this back into p3d and ran it again. It failed !!!!!!!

    So i deleted the contents of modules again.

    Ran the sequence above and it worked again.

    Did a fresh install of fsuipc using the simmarket zip. Loaded my controls again and it works fine if i follow the sequence above!!!!

    I'm not saying this is a fix. There is obviously a problem somewhere but it seems to work for me.



  3. Had another look at this.

    Ok i have Win7. I had both the V3 and V4 installed and removed the V3 but it made no difference.

    I fly the 400F with the KLM Goldstar Texture.

    I have saved a scenario at EHAM using Flytampa.

    If i load P3dV4 and load the saved scenario from the scenario screen i get the problem.

    Sometimes if i swap to the default and back again it works sometimes not.

    I wondered if it was due to having a saved scenario so:

    I load P3dV4

    From the scenario screen i change the vehicle to the 400f KLM texture

    just hit ok to load the default scenario with the KLM 400f

    Once the pmdg countdown gets to 0 i then load my created scenario from the menu.

    The scenario at EHAM then loads correctly.

    Ive tried this 3 times and its loaded correctly everytime. Ill continue to test but it maybe something to do with saved scenarios. Bit like the old days with fsx!!

  4. I'm having a small issue since updating the 747.

    I mainly fly from the cockpit view and view left or right to give a view out of the cockpit. I'm using a homecockpit option.

    Since the update if i view left or right i can now see the wing tip and outer engine from withing the cockpit but there are no textures displaying.

    The wing and engine are just white in colour.

    Ive tried a new livery but its still the same. 

    Is there some way to disable the wing/engine from being displayed from within the cockpit?

    All other views are working perfectly.

  5. Or go back to Win7.


    I noticed after the update i couldn't stop defender running on startup. I hate these kind of things where MS assumes we are complete idiots and need everything done automatically for us.


    I'm back on WIn7. Its just familiar and more simple for me to use.


    Are the updates for win10 still automatic or can they be turned off?

    • Upvote 1

  6. I'm having a strange issue,


    Due to WIn10 messing up my pc i have reloaded win7


    I have p3d v3.4, Linda 2.8.3 i think and the latest fsuipc. I use the pmdg 777 200, 300 F and 737


    I have saved flights in these aircraft.


    I use the excellent Linda modules found here.


    When i start the 777F all is well and my key ,mappings work.

    If i load the 777 200 or 300 Linda syas it is loading the correct lua but the mappings do not work


    Linda shows it has the lua file for the 777 selected but the module says it is using default aircraft.


    If i then re-sync the selected module updates to the 777. I then reload the lua engine and all works.


    The same happens with the 777 300 and the 737.


    Why would it work with the 777F but not the 200 or 300. Dont they all use the same file?


    Its not too much of a pain to resync everytime but it used to do everything automatically.

  7. Kyle,


    Appreciate it's a sim site.


    My initial reply was a cheeky dig at Julian for having a pop at the awesome 200 although he was obviously talking in the context of Topcat.


    Dan then replied stating the obvious.


    Apologies if anyone got the wrong idea.


    Back on topic though it's a shame the 300 wasn't included. 

  8. I would agree. Moving the VC isnt ideal.

    I think if you want a good multi monitor setup you need other hardware.

    I use a monitor for the outside world (soon to be 3)

    Then 2 monitors for instruments. I have a MCP, FMS on Tablet and CH Product fight controls.

    If you use something like the PMDG777 you dont need the vc. 

    I use snap views for the overhead.

    It takes a bit of setting up but using software such as FSUIPC, LINDA, FS2crew you can get a great setup going.

    On a networked pc with another monitor i have pro atc x, ASN, PFPX and navigraph. Its like having an EFB.


    On P3d with the Pmdg777 i get 50fps and its smooth most of the time.


    I run a i7 4790k with a GTX970 and GTX760. I made a cockpit to house the monitors from MDF. Painted it like the 777. Looks pretty good.


    Good luck with it. Its what makes our hobby so good.

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