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Posts posted by cslawrence

  1. 5 minutes ago, wedgantilles said:

    You can probably speed up things for deactivating by turing down all P3D settings. As I suppose you're about to remove P3D for your system.

    I can reactivate P3D easily. No sense reformatting my entire machine for a video card. PMDG is about the only company I have addons from that require this amount of work to prevent issues. A little under 30 minutes later, I'm done with them all.

  2. 17 minutes ago, elv said:

    Yes a very good idea. I can't see it happening in the current ops centre as I think I remember Robert talking about a v2 in the works with more functionality so maybe it will come. 

    Yeah, honestly I don't care when it happens. I just want the feature to hit their backlog for development. But so far I'm 15 minutes into this with one plane left to go. The license dialog forces the sim to close after each deactivation. Even on SSD, P3D takes a couple of minutes to get fired up in the plane. And lord help you if you have the default config for an aircraft set to cold and dark. :)

  3. I've got a new video card coming tomorrow, so from searching the forums, I gather that I should deactivate my licenses for PMDG stuff before I install the new card and then reactivate. If that's incorrect, please let me know. Given how switching from one PMDG aircraft to another in the same sim session goes, this could take a while for every PMDG product I have installed (NGX, QOTS, 777, DC6). I'm sure PMDG aren't keen on giving out a roadmap, but can you please consider adding license management to the Ops Center so that it's decoupled from the simulator environment?

    • Upvote 1

  4. 23 minutes ago, Alex Kulak said:


    unfortunately people dont look at it from that view 

    I'm not going to feel bad that they're sending more money to AWS for S3 data egress charges due to installer issues (I seem to recall they use S3 for file distribution). Their cost to improve the process is just the cost of running a business.The constant uninstall/reinstall process is a bit burdensome. As someone who works in this industry for a living, I'm not going to pretend that things don't happen and customers are sometimes asked to accommodate the developer for a time while they work something out. I'm willing to deal with it for now. That said, this is starting to get old and there will come a point where "we're improving the installer" just isn't a good excuse anymore from a customer service perspective. That's not a dig at PMDG; I'd make the same statement about any company from which I purchased software.

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  5. I've had it happen a few times recently, but the 777 on P3D (haven't tried in FSX) will suddenly go full throttle not too long after I initiate a descent. VNAV will be enabled, I'll set an altitude in the MCP, and push the ALT knob to initiate the descent. Not too much later (within a minute or so) the throttle will advance to full on its own and I have to bring the throttles back manually. I looked in the FCOM and couldn't find anything describing this behavior, but I may not have been looking in the right place. Am I hitting a bug or is this expected behavior? If it's the latter, what's going on here?

  6. The level of detail in this bird is incredible. I have been reading up quite a lot (more than I probably should) leading up to this release, and when you get down into the technical grit of this plane, you really see the work they have done. Everyone needs to do a cold/dark start at least once. Where I saw the detail was the electrical system. Turn on the APU, watch the APU feed the whole bird, start the engines and watch the generator on each engine take over, the bus tie close, and (if you're running engine 1 and running the APU) the APU continues to power the 'right' side of the aircraft, while engine 1's generator powers the 'left'. Watching all of that orchestrated on the electrical display is fantastic. I've only had about an hour of time with this plane so far, so I'll continue poking at various systems, but so far I'm really impressed. It should also be noted that this soundset is the best I've ever heard.

  7. That (presumably) IIS web farm is chugging along and appears to have hit a snag. I was able to check out and have an order number and order code, but I don't have a download link yet either. Calm down everyone, I'm sure the sysadmins are on it working to get it back and running. We'll all get our hands on it soon enough. PMDG want us to have this just as much if not more than we do.

  8. I'd be curious to know how much cost actually plays into an ADF receiver on a 777...it's basically a glorified AM radio. I wonder if it has more to do with the fact that NDBs are dying off.

  9. I wasn't on any forums when the NGX came out (2 years ago??).  Is that typical PMDG lead up to release style, outside-inside shots then a video?

    The video, as I recall, came out after all the picture previews, similar to what we're getting now. The video showed, from the VC, the NGX from holding short of the runway to a take-off run and initial climb. There was a subsequent video demonstrating the HUD. I was of course amazed at the detail, but what really stood out to me was that it SOUNDED like I was in a 737 in addition to looking like one.

  10. Ryan (or anyone from PMDG),


    If the NGX was any indication, no doubt you'll have some nice 777 video previews lined up for us at some point down the line. The thing I remember vividly after seeing the first NGX video was the sound. I feel like the sounds are some of the most underappreciated aspects of your work by fans of your stuff. Would you guys be willing to go over how you develop the sound packages you ship in as much detail as you do the model and the VC? I'm especially curious with the sound package in the 777, as some of the sounds it makes, to me at least, would seem incredibly difficult to replicate (though, I'm positive you'll have faithfully recreated them in the end). Not asking for trade secrets, I just want to get a sense for the amount of work that goes into creating a realistic representation of something as complex as an aircraft soundset in a product where, let's face it, you and your customers demand so much in terms of realism.

  11. So let's say you're flying the Janesville Five arrival into KORD. Link: http://dtpp.myairpla...6JANESVILLE.PDF If you're flying the Mason City (MCW) transition, you're told by the chart to expect to cross 15 NM west of JVL at FL180. I can do the math on it to figure out roughly what altitude I would cross at 15 miles out, and then continue that math to enter in an altitude value for JVL, but there has to be a better way. Can someone educate me real quick on how to input this in the LEGS menu? Thanks!

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