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  1. Good thought, I will check into that. I'll post my findings here after I dig into again and get a result one way or another.
  2. Only thing we could come up with I'm afraid is to start over. Format my FSX drive and start over, but, like I said, nothing else is going on. Why start over when it is only the PMDG MD-11? I have the 747 and the js41, no issues with them, just the MD-11.Honestly, I am clueless and can not come up with anything that would cause this. The only glimmer is there is a few others with the same issue and no explanation to why? So there is a reason, just that no one has come up it and a possible solution at the moment.
  3. O.k, I was just surprised that you did not include them into the airlines.
  4. I did a support ticket, the option left is to start over again from scratch, the whole sim I mean. The only bummer is, everything else is working fine. No other issues to report other then the MD-11 program.That stinks.The only thing that I could think of is....captainsim 727? I did install that, but no one has reported conflicts of any sort between that program and the pmdg MD-11?
  5. What is the graphics cards you guys using? I am using the Nividia 580 GTX. Now I have not changed anything, but this is what I am getting. I am not running the sim in full screen mode either. I did not install any add ons on the MD-11 other then fs2crew. So I have had no issues for almost a year until this started happening for no reason that I can find. It is beyong me, and I have submitted a ticket to PMDG and so far they are stumped as well. The only option left is to wipe the drive and perform a fresh install.The question is why? I have no issues with the sim, no corrupt files, nada, nothing. I have no issues with anything else, just the MD-11. I did uninstall it and re-installed it, but after several minutes and a few view changes, it acts goofy again with the same results as the picture above. So any of you chaps find a solution to this? I have done everything, updated drivers, rolled back drivers, un-installed and re-installed the MD-11, changed from wide screen to normal, lowered my resolution settings below recommended settings, changed my fonts to small, (which they were already, never changed them any way since I got the computer).Well, I am out of ideas on it.
  6. I rolled it back to the original drivers. No luck, any other suggestions? :(
  7. Nope, I rolled the drivers back to original, no luck. Anything else I might be able to try? :(
  8. Where can you find the Kagoshima scenery? It is no longer on his site. Any one else host the file?Cheers
  9. Byork,What happened to Singapoare Airlines for the PMDG 747 button version? They flew those birds alot and that was bummer not seeing their call sign in the airline list. Thanks for a good product any ways. Future update maybe?
  10. I would second that! Anyone, the ER or LR would be awesome for their new package. :(
  11. What voice sets? I have only one set, the english one, are there more for the 747 button version? That would be nice but as far as I know it is just the voice commander that has the different dialects, I guess I coud wish. Has anyone done any voice sets on there own?
  12. Byork,If you don't mind could you check out the post I put on the PMDG side on the panel issues and tell what you think? By far the MD-11 is my favorite and I hate having this suddenly happen. Kind of grasping at straws as to why?
  13. Hey guys,I have been using the MD-11 and FS2crew for FSX almost a year now. I just recently started seeing this so I have no idea what caused it. How ever I have read about the 64 window limit and I do not have any other add ons except FSUIPC, UT2, Supertraffic board and FS2CREW. I have had all those add ons for over a year and this just happened? The only other thing that I changed was my graphics card drivers which I updated for Nivida GTX 580.Any ideas to try? Maybe roll back to the original drivers on the card or delete a window panel? If I delete one or two which panels would you delete?Take a look and toss me some ideas to try if anyone has had this happened. Kind of caught me off guard. It happens a few minutes after start up or when I change views.Thanks.
  14. Hey, I would like to request a JS41 in SAS colors. I think the Jetstream would make a great turbo prop and look good in Scandinavian colors.Cheers.
  15. Aw, bummer. Worth asking though.
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