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Posts posted by jc2231

  1. Hello all,

    P3D v4.5 starts up running well and then performance slowly starts to diminish to the point where it is unflyable (60fps down to 0-5 fps). This occurs no matter what settings I use; all sliders to the right or left. This is a new issue that more or less came out of nowhere. I have made no changes to the sim in the last 9 months and that includes add-ons.

    Below is a graph of my GPU usage. After start-up GPU usage trends downwards and will hit 0 on occasion. Every spike up corresponds to a positive spike in performance (FPS) and every drop corresponds to a negative spike in performance. The GPU temperature remains stable at 54C.


    I also included images of my CPU usage and CPU clock. Both are also unstable with the CPU clock also diminishing over time. 



    I'm not a hardware expert so this may be normal activity. My question to the community is; is this normal activity for the GPU and CPU when gaming or is one or more of my hardware components failing? If the later, which one? Based on what I have read so far it's either the GPU, CPU, or hard disk (SSD).

    I have done a complete uninstall/reinstall of P3D. At present time, there are no add-ons installed to the sim; everything is default. I have tried all sorts of settings and nothing stops the diminishing performance. 

    System Specs:

    My system is old, 7 years to be exact. However, it ran P3D with no problems until now.

    i7-4790 / 4 GB GTX 970  / 16 GB RAM / Samsung Evo Series 840 x2

    Any help will be much appreciated.


  2. Hello,

    Here’s a weird one for everyone.  I have the Alex Farmer Alaska New Colors livery and after the PMDG 737-800 is loaded and initialized - with this texture and this texture only - the aircraft looks to be in a cold and dark state with engines off, however all of the panels are in the powered up/on state yet the displays are dark.  Switching off the battery does nothing and the FMS is also dark and cannot be used to put the aircraft in any state.  I’ve used this livery 100s of times with this sort of thing never happening.  This is an all of a sudden issue and none of my other NGX liveries do this.  Has anyone encountered this or have suggestions?

  3. Hello,

    Is there a tool available (some sort of ACARS program would be great) that will allow me to create a KML file of a flown flight so that it may be displayed on Google Earth?  This was a FSFK feature that I loved as it showed in detail every turn, altitude change, ground movement etc...Does something like this exist?




  4. Hello,

    I'm new to painting and I'm finishing up my first ever repaint.  The only item I have left is changing the the virtual cockpit registration number from N738PM to whatever (in this case HZ-ATR).  No matter what I do, N738PM shows on the registration plate, not my desired tail number.  Here are my steps:

    1. Open the VC registration number PSD and change the registration from N738PM to HZ-ATR using the text tool.  I should probably mention that I do not have the default PMDG font so I resolve it with a similar font from the fonts library.
    2. Copy the entire registration plate using Ctrl C
    3. Click on the Alpha channel tab and hide RGB and show the Alpha Channel (what I see now is the registration plate in black with N738PM in white)
    4. Paste the HZ-ATR over N738PM
    5. Inverse select the background instead of the registration number
    6. Black over everything underneath HZ-ATR so what I have left is the registration plate in black and HZ-ATR in white.  There are no traces of N738PM.
    7. Hide the Alpha Channel and show RGB
    8. Click on the layers tab, now HZ-ATR is displayed with a gray background with the default effects
    9. Save the PSD
    10. Flip the PSD vertically, and past and save as DDS in the appropriate SimObjects\Aircraft folder

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?



    James Castonguay

  5. On 10/18/2017 at 5:49 PM, gnt586 said:

    Ya just need to remove them from the main livery which ya probably done already and the Alpha layer remove the windows which ar ein black and turn them white color

    If unsure see open up my west atlantic livery on avsim to see the alpha layer 


    Hi gnt586, I'm new to painting I cannot figure out where the Alpha layer is to remove the windows.  Can you point me in the right direction?

  6. Yeah...that might just work.  In essence I just want to copy each part and fuse them together on a blank canvas, paint, and then transfer the parts back to the paint-kit?  I tired a fuse on the paint-kit but when I tried to copy sections of the fuselage I received an error saying something like, "cannot copy selected area empty."  Is there something I'm doing wrong?




  7. Hello,

    I'm painting a livery that has multiple long curving stripes that start at the nose of the aircraft and extend to the APU exhaust.  That's easy enough to paint however I'm having difficulty lining up the stripes from the end of the fuselage 1 boundary to the beginning of the fuselage 2 boundary and the again between the fuselage 2 and 3 boundaries.  Can anyone provide any techniques to ensure everything lines up appropriately?  How do I paint around the boundary gaps?



  8. In researching ways to stop/reduce shimmering in P3Dv3.3 I found three possible solutions: 1) NVidia Inspector's SGSS AA, 2) DSR, and 3) a higher resolution monitor. SGSS AA caused performance issues especially when flying through clouds and DSR (2715x1697x32 and Tex Res. is set to 4096) has helped but some shimmering still exists. My current monitor is now 8-9 years old and I've been thinking about upgrading from 1080 to 4K. 

    For all the hardware experts out there will a 4K monitor: 1) improve the visual quality of P3D (mostly the shimmering), 2) do I need to upgrade my video card (I currently have a GTX 970), and finally 3) is there any potential for a performance drop with a higher resolution monitor?

    Thanks in advance,

  9. I had an issue with 'swampy' runways and taxiways, but they were fixed by moving the Water setting down a notch. There's something not quite right about this scenery.


    Yes!  Swampy runways!  I have those too and I also find 'stranded' boats and ships scattered about the airport after landing.  I never have issues if I depart from LGA, just during arrivals.  I'm relieved to know it's not just me.  

  10. Hello,


    I installed ImagineSim's New Laguardia and have the below scenery issues:








    I'm not quite sure what could be causing this and believe me I've tried everything to fix it.  I looks to be an elevation issue or a conflict with something else, however, the only other sceneries I have in the area are FTX Global and FSDT's KJFK v2, everything else is default.  I've reached out to Orbx and they advised that Global is not causing the issue.  I've reached out to ImagineSim, and, while they have been responsive, they have not been able to resolve the issue.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Oddly the FSX version of LGA works just fine, however, the FSX and the default versions appear to have a higher elevation than the P3D version.  If anyone can help please share your thoughts as I love the scenery and it's one that I will use frequently.



    James Castonguay



    P3D v3

    i7 4790 4.0 Ghz

    GTX970 4GB


  11. I was wondering if someone could explain to me how VAS management in P3D works. First let me provide the scenario for an OOM I experienced as I hardly, if ever at all, receive OOM’s. I flew from SEA to LAX with the following add-ons: PMDG 737NGX, FTX ORBX PNW, NCA, SCA, AS16, T2G Seattle, FSDT LAX, and WoAI (however I flew on-line and encountered very little AI enroute or at my departure and arrival airports. Upon turning final to LAX runway 25L I encountered an OOM. This was my first ever OOM in P3D. I have made no changes to my sim for months now and was perplexed as to why this happened. 

    I decided to replicate the flight and this time I utilized Pete Dawson’s FSUIPC VAS monitor to see where the problem occurs. Immediately after starting the sim I lost about 2GB which I expected on the ground at SEA with PNW and the NGX. The departure and enroute saw the some VAS return, not a lot, but at least I was not using more VAS. I arrived into LAX on the SADDE7 arrival and descending down to about 12,000 my frames were smooth hitting the 50’s consistently and there was minimal VAS usage (I was still hovering around 2GB used). Closing in on LAX my sim paused to allow the Couatl engine to load LAX and once LAX was loaded my frames dropped to the high 20’s / low 30’s and my VAS usage increased fast. This time I was able land, however, shortly after landing the sim OOM’d. 

    I thought with P3D OOM’s were a thing of the past as the sim would dump used memory creating more VAS space, however, that was not the case for me at least. My understanding of P3D’s VAS management may be incorrect which is why I’m asking for everyone’s help in explaining how P3D’s VAS management works and how I can prevent OOM’s in the future. Should I save my flight, close and reopen the sim, and reload my flight? Will that work? While that’s a nuisance, I would rather land at my destination than the alternative.

    My specs:

    i7-4790 4.0 GHz 

    GTX 970 4GB 
    16GB DDR3 SDRAM 
    Samsung 840 500GB SSD (dedicated to P3d)



  12. I just started experimenting with DSR setting and seem to have found a sweet spot at 2X and 33% smoothing.  I've seem some real improvements with visual quality and performance with DSR but wonder what the impact or negatives are to utilizing DSR?  Is their an impact on VAS?  What about GPU and CPU?  Will my GPU run warmer at higher DSR settings?  




  13. Hello,


    Can anyone suggest a good AI traffic program for P3D v3 that does not kill frames, works well in P3D and with vPilot?  I also prefer to stay away from a long, tedious, and complicated installation process as well.  I used WOAI for awhile, however it is a native FS9 and FSX program and the liveries are a bit outdated.




  14. My start-up process is as follows:


    1.  Boot FSX at the departure airport gate with the Trike and engines running

    2.  Launch FSInn

    3.  Load PMDG NGX and let it complete the initialization process

    4.  Load Cold & Dark panel and let it complete the initialization process


    Is there something else I need to do?




  15. Hello,


    After installing SP1d the FUEL and ANTI-ICE annunciators stay illuminated after engine start and will not extinguish.


    1.  I uninstalled/reinstalled the product step-by-step as suggested by Kyle

    2.  All necessary fuel pumps were turned on

    3.  The weather conditions at the departure airport were 00000KT 10SM BKN250 06/M01 A3021 (so no icing conditions)

    4.  Window heat was turned on

    5.  Pitot heat was turned on

    6.  Turning on Anti-ice equipment had no effect

    7.  Failures are turned off


    Any suggestions?  Is this a bug?  Should I trying a new download and reinstall?


    Thank you,

    James Castonguay

  16. I have FSInn weather turned off.


    I do not regularly visit the PMDG Operations Center which means I may have installed an update from a month or two ago recently.  Have there been NGX updates other than the migration to the Operations Center that could be causing this?  Also, is it generally OK to accept and install the updates directly from the operations center as I am aware that there can be an order of doing things like when the SP for the 777 was rolled out.  


    I know this is a weird issue and there may not be a solution as this appears to be isolated to just me.  


    I'll keep troubleshooting on my end and report back if necessary.  


    Thanks Kyle!

  17. Hello,


    Recently, and by recently I mean within the last week, the 737NGX slowly drifts off the magenta line to the left only when LNAV is engaged.  The MFD displays L0.2, L0.3, L0.4, and so on until about L0.9 and then the aircraft makes a hard right turn to get back on course.  I've tried to correct this manually by using Heading Select to put the aircraft back on course and then re-engage LNAV.  Once LNAV is re-engaged the aircraft slowly drifts back off-course to the left again. This does not happen all the time and this was never a problem prior to a week ago.  The only thing I have changed with my sim in the last week was to accept a 737NGX update through the PMDG Operations Center.  Any thoughts?  Should I complete an uninstall/reinstall?



    James Castonguay

  18. Hello,


    I've been thinking about purchasing this for a while but have concerns about the gauge?  How does it work?  Does it embed itself in your add-on aircraft, and, if so, what is the effect on the aircraft itself?  Can it be removed and essentially wiped clean?  FSX is very quirky and I'm terrified this program may negatively affect my aircraft add-ons and overall FSX performance.  I will mainly use this as a record keeping device and to review my flights with the multitude of information the ACARS portion generates. 


    Also, what is the effect on performance?  Is it any different than a VA ACARS program? 



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