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Posts posted by vyper883

  1. 18 hours ago, Farlis said:

    From my observation it does not. It simply reads the Arrival and Departure Tables off Flightradar24 and then uses that to populate the sim with traffic.

    But actual positional tracking is not done.

    And how is this different that what I stated? The "snapshot" comes from Flightradar24 when using FSLTL's injector- Not from Flightaware, as is the case with MSFS.

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  2. On 10/17/2022 at 12:45 AM, steve310002 said:

    What's the consensus? Overall, is the FSLTL FlightAware based traffic injector still better than using default real live traffic in SU 11 BETA, or is default live traffic now preferred? What are the advantages to default live traffic over using the FSLTL injector (in SU11 BETA)?

    FSLTL does not use Flightaware. It uses Flightradar24 data to inject aircraft into the sim, then passes those aircraft and their positioning over to MSFS' ATC. MSFS' default live AI traffic does the same, except uses data from Flightaware. 

    You can in fact use the FSLTL models with MSFS' own Flightaware data, and skip the FSLTL injector altogether. MSFS will use FSLTL models as well as AIG or any other third party model provider you may have in your community folder.

    However seeing what Flightradar24 brings to the table, I don't see why anyone would chose otherwise. Flightradar24 data really livens up the skies more so that Flightaware- for not costing anything moneywise that is. 

    • Like 1

  3. For those who are experiencing tiling: 

    Make sure rolling cache in the sim is turned off, and deleted. 

    The Map enhancement app has it's own cache. I find that this must be cleared from time to time, as google themselves update their tiles, which cause the tiling effect. The best way to do this is to manually delete the contents of the app's cache folder- it will rebuild itself the nest time you run the app, and the tiling effect will no longer be present. Mine for instance is D:\cache. Yours may be different. 

    The app itself has a "clear cache" button in the options- it does not work for me, so I just clear it manually when I have to. This may have been fixed in later versions of the app, however I'm reluctant to update as I've had issues with newer versions. Mine is 5.0.8. You can find it at github here:


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  4. 1 hour ago, PeterKoller said:

    Hi all

    I am flying MSFS FlyByWire A320neo using the Thrustmaster Airbus TCA set with the Joystick and the extended throttle set (Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus Edition).

    I am very happy with this set. 
    I would like to add the apropriate pedals to increase the flying experience.

    What is the best pedals set for the TCA Airbus edition?



    I picked these up a month ago. A bit pricey, but I believe it will be the last set of pedals I will ever need. They compliment my TCA Stick and Throttle quadrant nicely. 


  5. I've been jumping on Betas, since day 1. This time I'll bide my time. AIG Live traffic is a must for me. I don't want to break it. 

    As far as DLSS and directX optimizations, the consensus seems to lean towards not much added to the table, and some weird artifacts and blurs to displays due to DLSS. I'm not in a hurry to experience this, even though there is the option to simply not use DLSS or Dx12, due to breaking AIG Traffic.

    Removing encryption from premium aircraft is something I was looking forward to, as we know modders will be jumping all over the 787 and other aircraft, just as FBW did with the NEO. Still early on that front though. So, I'll wait. Everything is stable on my end with SU9, well enough for me to be enjoying my flights. Just my .02.

  6. You can set up multiple profiles for any mouse, keyboard, or peripheral (yokes sticks throttle quadrants) in the controls section of the sim, as well as custom naming of each profile for every and any plane you fly. Plenty of youtube videos on how to do this. 

    Once this is done, all you have to do is select a profile for a given aircraft you've configured- keep in mind each peripheral is separate. For example, if you fly the A320 and you have a stick and quadrant, you must select each profile you've configured for each peripheral (one for the stick and one for the quadrant). You cannot choose single profile for a group of peripherals at once. 

  7. I would like to add some thoughts: 

    Contrary to general simmer belief, IRL airliners sometimes, do not, or rather cannot always follow VNAV perfectly, more often than not, a pilot must intervene to some degree, even ever so slightly. There are variables in wind direction, and speed that cannot always be accounted for in the wind predictions data.

    There have been times when in both the Fenix and FBW, I have not had to touch a thing, and other times, the exact opposite. Sometimes, all that is needed, is just a "nudge" on the speed brakes.

    Experience in the sim as IRL, is helpful. I am not a real pilot, however I have developed a pretty good gut feeling at a glance of the ND, when and where to trust, that the bird will do it's thing if you let it. This comes from numerous times of resisting the urge to pop out of managed mode and, pull that speed brake handle, to see how far off the FBW's VNAV will be. It has surprised me many times. I urge folks here to try it. What have you got to lose?

    Keep in mind, in many airports, the altitude restrictions turning into the final, sometimes put you into the ILS glideslope a bit too soon- sometimes before you've even grabbed the localizer, despite the fact that VNAV may have been following the STAR to a tee. I believe this is an issue with the glideslopes in the sim rather than say- AIRAC data from Navigraph or even the data provided by the sim itself. I always aim for about 200 to 500ft below a given indicated restriction, and pull out of managed mode if I have to. KSEA 16L R and C for example is notorious for this in the sim. That is no fault of ANY aircraft you may fly in the sim, let alone the FBW.  

    If your STAR has you flying in the opposite direction parallel to the RWY, before you circle for your final, the ILS rose will give you a pretty good indication of what altitude you should be at, VS what the restriction tells you before the bird starts its turn for final. In this case the glideslope just might  be a tad aggressive- the restriction is likely correct, but it is the glideslope we need to follow nonetheless, so that is what we should aim for. That is just one tiny tiny VNAV aspect, and chances are experienced simmers/pilots are well out of VNAV before the final turn anyway.  I would hope inexperience is not the culprit for pinning this on FBW's VNAV, but who knows? 

    As far as TOD and onward, I have found (just off the top of my head-in no way empirical) I would venture the VNAV takes me down to say 5000 ft or lower in accordance with restrictions, on the money 7 maybe 8 out 10 times. YMMV,  but I certainly cannot complain with that, especially if you factor in that FBW still have VNAV as a WIP.

    Just some food for thought..... Cheers:)


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  8. 10 hours ago, Oldschool61 said:

    I guess you dont understand what data is or something.  GPS doesnt change based on who creates the data file.  Airac data is basically gps positions in space so to speak.  If 2 people make the same route using the same data values then the route is identical.  I'm trying to keep it simple for you.  Sure it takes a little coding but not likely what you think it does.  Likely just a matter of importing the data base of "nav" points which they plane does now with sim brief.  You would just need to use a different file/data base.  How do you think they handle the monthly airac updates?

    You're trying to keep things simple for me? That's a good one.....

    • Like 1

  9. 17 hours ago, Oldschool61 said:

    how can it have better  accuracy, waypoints are way points ?  I can see more features or function but to claim your more accurate is a stretch since Airac data and way points are just specific GPS coordinates.   COmplex routes?  Just a set of GPS values which are not variable regardless of airac data.   Sounds like mostly a bunch of smoke and mirrors with a pinch of extra features for the MCDU which should not be affected by your waypoint source.

    I feel bad for the folks- including an actual FBW developer, which have taken the time to explain these things to you, ad nauseum, with a generous amount of patience I-might-add.

    But personally, I won't be trolled any further. How can your responses be anything but?

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  10. On 6/27/2022 at 10:15 AM, Oldschool61 said:

    Explain to me how the default aircraft are able to integrate the flight planner into the FMC/MCDU

    I can explain it to you, OR......... You can simply click on the link I provided to you earlier in the thread :----------------------> https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/cFMS/#special-notes

    To quote FBW: 

    "Our custom FMS provides better accuracy and features over the default offering in MSFS which results in issues syncing the flight plan from the MCDU back into the simulator. Flight plans with complex routing may have significant issues if synced backwards or loaded externally through MSFS's simplified flight planning.This will always be problematic unless Asobo improves the built-in flight planner. Other aircraft with complex flight planning capabilities also have this limitation."

    • Like 1

  11. 13 hours ago, Oldschool61 said:

    To bad the developers of the addons are lazy (or just not capable) and dont program in integration so everyone can be happy.

    The FBW team, is anything but lazy. If that were the case they would have left the MCDU as-is. That is such a poor statement, and a first for someone ever saying a negative thing about the FBW team, if I've ever heard one. They have spent months on MCDU work alone, to bring it to a level of real world fidelity. You can see here why FMS/MCDU changes were made: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/cFMS/#special-notes

    The FBW team took the default A320Neo aircraft, and have transformed it into a near-study level aircraft, which puts many payware developers to shame. They even forked it out into it's own separate aircraft. The documentation on their website alone, is something to behold. 

    Makes me wonder if perhaps this thread's intended purpose is to illicit undesirable reactions. Or then again maybe it goes to show how much you really know. Heck as I said before, why don't you just use the default Asobo A320 and be done with it? According to your grievances, it most likely has the level of casual simplicity you seem to be looking for. 


    You could do yourself a favor and start here: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/


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  12. On 6/21/2022 at 9:55 AM, Oldschool61 said:

    I just fill fuel to the amount I need for the flight.  IF your not sure fill tanks up all the way.  The world planner will fill in all the SIDS and STARS if you select a specific ILS runway.  All you need to do is manage height and speed etc.  Even the auto land will bring you down if your not around.

    Its the super nerds who think they have to manually do all the flight planning.  Flight planner makes it simple and imports it into the FMC automatically so you can concentrate on flying.


    I use the Experimental version of the FBW. Using Simbrief, and starting cold and dark at the gate, entering the data, loading the passengers, and I'm in the air in 20mins or less. I know it seems intimidating and "super nerdy" but it is not. You need to take the time to watch some tutorials- you will be glad you did. 

    As far as the default flight planner, is is a jumbled mess regarding use on the FBW. And even if you DID use the default fight planner with FBW, and took the time to unravel the mess of a flightplan, you STILL have to manually enter the SIDS or STARS. The FBW MCDU's are now a custom deal, to make excellent use of simbrief. Heck the flypad will even load the simbrief flightplan into msfs if you set it to do so. This way you can still use default ATC, with the only difference is that you have to request your final cruising altitude as ATC does not know it. The Flight planner in MSFS is limited and very basic. It will give you nothing but grief with the FBW. 

    If you insist that you can't be bothered with all the "super nerdy stuff", I would just stick to the default Asobo A320 for the level of casual flying you are looking for.  


  13. 6 hours ago, Bobsk8 said:

    I got the Fenix A 320. I had a PMDG 737 in P3D, and I would not buy that again for  MSFS. I really like the Fenix , and that is now my go to Airliner from now on. 

    Hi. Have not posted regularly here in a long while! As a long time simmer since the FS 2004 days, and now with MSFS since day one- Flying nothing but the FBW since day one, Flying nothing but the Zibo 737- up until MSFS was released, Flying nothing but the PMDG in FSX/P3D since.... Well, you get the point LOL!

    Anyway, concerning the PMDG 737 for MSFS2020. I was not as excited, not anticipating this aircraft, and watching youtubers streaming the preview of it in low quality didn't do it any favors, nor justice. But since it was released, and reasonably priced. I thought I'd give it a shot. I was really missing the Zibo 737 anyway- one of my regrets leaving XP11 behind. 

    That is no longer a problem. PMDG really knocked it out of the park with it this time IMO. The textures inside and out of the cockpit are beautiful! The performance in the sim is amazing! If anyone recalls, the biggest gripe we all had back in the FSX/P3D days was how much of a frame hog this bird was in the sim. Now in MSFS 2020 it is the exact opposite! It outperforms, both the FBW Neo, and the Fenix A320, as far as sim performance is concerned. I have the Fenix as well, also a good product- although not crazy about the worn out cockpit theme they've gone with. 

    I have been away from a Boeing for so long, that I had to refamiliarize myself if-you-will, as I've been on the Airbus consistently since MSFS was released. Had this not been such a great performing, and beautiful bird, I don't think I would have the patience to do so. 

    The 737 in P3D or FSX is Not the 737 in MSFS sim performance-wise. And that's a good thing!  No regrets here, it really surprised me! The price is more than worth it, and if anyone recalls the base package for this plane was the same as it was back in 2012!  

    I've done about 8 short-haul 2 hours or less simbrief loaded flightplans with it and it is rock solid IMO. Barring any performance issues with the sim itself, as many folks are having, I don't see why anyone would regret getting this bird. Just my .02. Cheers.

    • Like 3

  14. Excellent post cavaricooper!

    I could not have said it better myself for the aforementioned FBW mod. I absolutely love this mod, and the a32nx is pretty much the only bird I fly. It is akin the the zibomod 737 in XP11, which I also loved, but alas -even with MSFS' growing pains, I have veered away from XP11. It will be interesting what XP12 will have in store upon its release, but at this point, being able to have actual maps, be it bing, or "otherwise" will be a tough act to follow by any other sim.

    Since the release of MSFS 2020, I remember how disappointed I was, when there was no 737 to be had. The Bredok 737 which came later- let's face it. Its bad.

    So I started familiarizing myself with the Asobo A320, and in almost no time at all, FBW went to work on it, and this is what we have today! FBW have done a remarkable job with this bird, and it takes my breath away, every single time at cruising altitude. 

    • Like 1

  15. I just finished it two days ago! I liked it so much, I'm having another go at it. Amazing and immersive storyline! The graphics are mindblowing, and the subject matter of mental illness of Senua and her struggle are spot on!

    Also great care and attention has gone into the audio of this title. The experience can be a bit unsettling as the whispers and voices literally seem to live in your head- especially with headphones. IMO it is worth every penny!

  16. I have my old i7920 / GTX 480 system OC'ed at 4.4GHz. Before that I had it at 4.0GHZ. Yes a 400MHz increase in clockspeed made a difference. However I was already in the process of building a SB based FSX rig at the time.


    The best advice I could give you, is your results will depend on how you set up windows/FSX. I'd strongly suggest you head over to the simforums and follow NickN's guides regarding OS and FSX tuning. Don't skip anything and follow the guides verbatim.


    Win 7 Tuning: http://www.simforums.com/forums/topic34141_post198187.html#198187


    FSX & Acceleration Install & Tuning: http://www.simforums.com/forums/topic29041.html



    Is it worth it? Well, it depends on a few things. How much money do you have to spare? How much of a sim enthusiast are you? Are you using your rig for more than just FSX? My new rig set me back about $2100.00 for all components. Did I get a 2100.00 increase in performance? Not likely, but then again FSX runs very well on a SB platform. And I don't see any perf issues with the 680 either, just so we stay on topic. :) If your rig is going to be a dedicated FSX rig, then you could save some $$$ by sourcing out a 480 or 580.


    Personally, I have no regrets, no crashes, no glitches, no uautomationcore gremlins. And I now keep a detailed wordpad log of ALL the changes I make to FSX, so I can revert back, if issues arise with add-on installs.

  17. Well...guess most of us are always looking for the absolute best possible FPS and if I know myself I'll probably end up with both the CPU and GPU in the end. Haven't done much to my PC in quite some time now so maybe I could use that as an excuse to myself also getting the new GPU :wink:


    Sorry if you already mentioned it but what kind of cooling solution are you using when running your 2700k @ 4.9? And what about your GPU, just stock cooler on that one and did you have a 580 or a 680? As I understood it the difference between these two in FSX is minimal and maybe the 580 even is the preferred one at least at the moment before the drivers catches up for the 680.


    For the CPU Corsair H100. I usually scrape off the TIM that sometimes come on aftermarket CPU coolers, and use arctic silver, but this time I just left alone and used what Corsair had already applied. Yeah, I was lazy..... :D


    If you do decide to go this route I'd suggest using a quality TIM solution from the start, as you will always wonder if temps could be better, when you start OCing the CPU. I may at some point re-seat the block and OC to 5.0GHz just to see if there is any variation in temps and stability under load.


    As far as the GPU, its the EVGA GTX680 superclocked with the stock fan. No overclocking other than how it comes out of the box.



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