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Everything posted by JackRichardson

  1. Hi Julian,I will be back home, with my FS PC in a couple of days now, so I will be able to test your recommended setup. - Just to clarify the quote above, do you mean that I should press "Weather Settings Off" in FSUIPC before I change the configuration, or before each flight?Thanks,Jack
  2. Thanks for that Julian, I hope that all your help will pay off in me, and hopefully others, having realistic weather with no wind shifts! - And as soon as I try it out I will let you know the result.Thanks,Jack
  3. Hi Julian,As soon as I get back to England I'll add these settings to FSUIPC and give it a run. - Is there any chance that you could post the weather config that you have in FSX, as the screenshot of this setup is broken in the provided link.Thanks very much for taking the time to post up these settings, it is appreciated with high regard, and I hope that this can also help others in the future.Merry Christmas,Jack
  4. I've now read through it and seen what he has recommended, although it seems that he was using DWC turned off (and using an older version of ASE), and this was primarily the recommendation for flying the FSLabs Concorde. His point listed at number three is also now a broken link and unavailable to view.nzch2010, which aircraft are you using when you are receiving "so much better weather depiction"? - And to clarify where you experiencing wind shifts problems previously to using those settings, and if so did this rectify this?Thanks for the link and input, but continued setup recommendations would be much appreciated.Thanks,Jack
  5. Yes, it does seem as though the wind shifts are only noticeable after flying for long periods of time as they don't occur throughout a flight, only intermittently. When I first got the wind shifts I was flying the PMDG 747 from EGLL->KDEN, a 10 hour flight and I experienced the wind shifts first about three hours in, and then about 9 hours in, both for periods of about 15-25 minutes. So you may have to do quite a bit of flying in the Mustang for you to experience it.
  6. Hello, Recently I purchased ASE, which seems to be a great and powerful piece of software, but as many people seem to have experienced I have also had some problems with wind shifts in aircraft such as the PMDG 744, MD-11 and Level-D 767. I have only flown a couple of flights since buying ASE (as I had to go off on holiday with no access to FS) and the weather depiction was generally fine. For avoiding the rather annoying wind shifts I purchased the registered FSUIPC for FSX and changed the FSUIPC file to what was recommended here on the forums and what was listed in the readme file, as well as modifying the FSX.cfg file by changing the turbulence scale. This seemed to help a fair bit but still didn't result in a perfect setup. - For clarification I have been using DWC on, and have been flying with all FSUIPC and ASE with the latest updates and service packs. I was wondering whether some owners of ASE, FSUIPC and FSX could recommend a perfect setup where they have no wind shift problems with aircraft designed by PMDG and Level D and also fly with some VFR GA hops. So basically I would like a setup where I have no wind shift problems, but where this doesn't affect the realism of the weather and not affecting my GA flights, as these seem to be fine. All my flights are on VATSIM so I think this adds to the reasons why my weather should be as real as possible. I have seen other topics asking about each individual piece of software, but not one that sums it all together with a recommended setup for all ASE, FSUIPC and FSX. I would be very appreciative if some users could collective create a 'perfect setup', thus avoiding wind shift and other similar problems for many people in the future. Thanks in advance, Jack
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