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  1. If I'm not mistaken, SquawkBox (SB) is using simconnect. So if TA/RA is switch on in the aircraft, will it also be switched to mode C in SB when having a client-server setup (for example FSX and NGX on one "master (server)" PC with SB on another "client" PC)?
  2. Any word on this PMDG?
  3. Since the last topic got closed with no answers given, this question is stated to the PMDG team as a simple yes/no question. The intention is to get closure and so that 2D panel users can move on. Therfore i ask of you, avsim members, not to start bickering so this thread gets closed too and to respect whatever decision PMDG makes..Will there be a 2D TQ panel for the NGX at some point in the future?
  4. Thanks for clarifying. I think the majority of us in this thread aren't demanding a 2D TQ panel for the NGX, it's more of a request. And as to what PMDG have chosen to go for in future products is of no relevance to us regarding the NGX.
  5. So what's your point? I don't get it, all you're saying is that PMDG is free to develop their product how they want. No one is saying the opposite.
  6. You say that if there is a circle and I think that it's a straight line, then it's not opinion. How can you be so sure? I say that there exist no such things as straight lines or circles, it's just matter of opinion as when you judge them to be what they are per your own definition. Therefore, straight lines and circles are just made up definitions by humans, which are opinions. So, according to my point of view the 2D panel can in fact be more realistic than the VC. +1
  7. I think you need to cool down, it just a matter of opinion. Don't expect everyone to hold your's.
  8. Since the poll was deleted, I'm kind of scared that PMDG will ignore our request. I hope at least they will reconsider the simple TQ 2d panel...
  9. I just meant that it was difficult for me too see why VC-users want so badly to get rid of 2D panels... the panels doens't even ruin their VC-experience. But fuel cut off levers, trim and parking break will suffice if you ask me...
  10. I understad why PMDG wants to go VC-only, because it's time consuming to make 2D panels. But why do VC-users start a war about how the 2D-panels are big no-no? 2D panels doesn't ruin VC-users experience?
  11. Nope... And I don't think PMDG approves of users adding panels to their creation and putting them up for download by anyone without consent.
  12. Think of it this way and never mind the VC vs 2D debate: You're told that the plane comes with a VC, then when you buy it you see that the VC throttle quadrant is missing in the virtual cockpit. It's a little disappointing, no? That's all there is to it, nothing more. But if PMDG only were to include fuel cut levers, trim and parking break handel in a nice 2D panel, in a future update, I would be happy!
  13. Guys, Maybe they will include it in a later SP update?
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