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Posts posted by meesterlijk

  1. Hi guys,


    Recently a strange issue started to happen at JFK (fsdt).


    At some point the buildings start to be vague. When I load a flight at the gate everything is fine but after a few moments, especially when I change views there is a kind of blink and the buildings are vague, kind of blur into it.


    Its very strange and I wonder if you guys have the same experience. Never had this thing, it has been running fine for years.

  2. I agree on that. The woai installer is way easier but it simply is not up to date.


    American airlines now flies with aircraft that cannot be installed with woai like the three new heritage liveries (aircal, twa and reno-air) With Aifp I can make new textures in the aircraft folder and installe them.

  3. I stopped downloading from WoAi a few years ago. The frequency of new files dropped dramatically so I found other ways to get my recent files. Thats why I found AIG with always up to date files. :-)


    I use a program called AIFP to install these files.

  4. Thanks for the flightsim note! The UTT 787 looks great!


    If you want to be more up to date according to AIG flightplans you should go to their forum and keep an eye at the "announcements-topic".


    They have a 5 page thread going on with all the summer 2016 flightplans. United, Delta and American with all the regional services are in there since june. The library on asvim is not the place to be if you want to keep updated.

  5. And thats exactly what it is.


    Fs9 brings me lots of fun because all of all posibilities within the traffic and all the repaints and stuff. I love developers like FAIB. They have brought some beautiful airplanes into fs9 so my traffic looks great. With painters like Juergen Baumbusch and others it looks very realistic. Love this man.


    I always try to keep my traffic up to date with all the new repaints. I love to fly the QW757 or my new iFly737 between them.


    Its a shame that the developers have stopped making new airports in the USA. Sceneris like Phoenix, Houston and Memphis would have been great for fs9 but they are only for FSX. I just dont want to start with FSX because it will kill my frame rates.


    And thats the reason I stay with fs9. I got the most complex settings with all sliders maxxed, 100% traffic. I got frame rates in the 70's (target at fps at 70) with drops to 40 at very large airports like JFK.


    I cant give any reason to quit fs9. :-)

  6. Hi guys,


    I just found out that I am one of the few using a cdrom to start fs9. I still have my original copy of fs9 which is almost 10 years old.


    I have actually no clue how to start fs9 without.


    Could someone help me with this? Is there some easy instruction on the web?



  7. Hi guys,


    Ifly does not support its product on windows 8.1. I have the 737NG from Ifly it does nog work. I get CTD's when I click on the plane in the aircraft-menu.


    Do you guys have some knowledge for me so I can get this thing working? What am I doing wrong?


    Has it something to do with UAC?


    Some help is welcome!

  8. Does this only occur with the Md-11?


    Try to look if the same thing happens with other aircraft. Then you know where to look first.


    If it happens with other aircraft you should take a look at other programmes that are running. You already said that you closed everything else.


    A year ago I suffered from heavy drops in fps as a result of some ai-traffic files. When flying in the northeast of the USA (mostly between New York en Washington DC) there is so much traffic my fps dropped dramatically. I found out that especially the packages of US airways Express was very hammering on my CPU.


    Where do you have these drops? What packages do you use? There is also a difference between the aircraft you use for ai. Faib-aircraft for example are very demanding.


    Just some thoughts.

  9. Hi guys,


    I recently found some beautiful repaints made by Mark Voigt.


    I was looking for new paints and he made some beautiful repaints for the FAIB-738 and 739 for Alaska Airlines.


    These textures are in FSX format and I need to convert them to FS9. Voigt has a simple guide to convert them and he suggests a downloadable program to start with.


    I actually dont know what program this converting program is. Can someone help me with this?


    Thanks in advance!



    For my traffic, it is actually MyTraffic, (the latest for FS9).  I also use another legacy traffic that gives me smoking 707's and other commercial prop sleds.  For myself, the airline paint schemes aren't all that important, for as much, as they are there to fill out the airport and sky.  You are right though...I should at some point update to current carriers and the like.  You have an eye for the detail! :)  





    That is something I always look at. I keep my traffic as up to date as possible. I always use Traffic files frrom Alpha India and I always try to have the latest liveries Im my aircraft folder. I also like to have the FAIB aircraft or other high quality aircraft.

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