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  1. I'm slowly beginning to use MSFS more. I've been in flight simulation for 35ish years (!) and have been solidly using P3D for the last few. I wasn't impressed with the early iterations of MSFS (I was actually part of the alpha and beta teams - which put me off!), but I am becoming more and more converted. One of the things that were hampering me was the different (and apparently less "good") camera system, so over the weekend I put a bit of effort into learning how to use it properly (or at least how it works), and suddenly realised that I could re-create "tower view" and fixed external cameras (something I was really missing), by using the drone camera and fixing its location and then locking it to follow the aircraft. So, I visited the lovely Headcorn airfield, (thanks to some gorgeous scenery from Burning Blue Design), and took the Flyingiron Spitfire out for a display practice. (video starts just before power checks, and the takeoff roll starts at 3m10s). The video is "shot" from four static ground cameras, one on the balcony of the Aero Legends building, one somewhere down on on an imaginary crowd line, one from a field opposite the airfield, and one from the fence on the A247 at the end of the runway! (plus some use of onboard and tail mounted cameras). Yes, there are still multiple issues and problems with the system in the sim - and there's no way of saving a location (like a tower view) as you could in P3D or Chaseplane, etc... and the fact that there seems to be a very limited range of view of the camera (about a mile?) before the aircraft disappears. I also experienced some ghosting when playing back the flight in SkyDolly to record it (but this is my first ever FS video so maybe this is normal?) Anyway, I started out just experimenting with no aims of making a video, (let alone sharing it!), and I'm sure I'm late to the party and everyone else knows how to do this stuff, but I've not seen many videos from fixed/tower cameras (if any) so in case this is useful to inspire anyone then here it is!! No idea if I'll do any more, but I quite enjoyed the creativity, and MSFS does look lovely so who knows! oh, and don't look too hard at the clouds - this was shot in a number of takes and I couldn't find a way, (without having clear skies which don't look so nice), to keep the clouds consistent - but to my eyes (and ears) the atmosphere created is enough to allow your imagination to join the dots! (and yes - I'm flying the "Kent Spitfire", G-PMNF, and the same airframe also exists as a static aircraft in the scenery oops!!) (it also has a red spinner for some reason?)
  2. Hi, I should start by saying that I'm not a developer, just an end user but I'm posting here as I'm hoping someone might be able to shed light on this. My problem started (I thought) as a REXe issue, (and I have posted on their forum) but after spending all day trying to make things work I know think (know?) it's a Simconnect connection problem - if I can sort that I think I'm there!! As I was trying to get REXe working I've setup the .xml according to their instructions - which include setting the scope to LOCAL(?) and the port to 6600. I've tried all sorts of things to make Simconnect talk to the client PC (including lots of uninstalling/reinstalling - including the CLIENT OS as I was getting "SidebySide" errors!!!) - I eventually took a look at the Simconnect log file on the SERVER. Now I'm not an expert at all, so I normally don't really get what's going on there, BUT I am alarmed by the first few lines which say this..... 0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 0.00653 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.00850 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=49178, MaxClients=64 0.00999 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=49179, MaxClients=64 Which is worrying as the SimConnect.xml on the server is this.... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?> <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0"> <Descr>SimConnect</Descr> <Filename>SimConnect.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>local</Scope> <Address></Address> <Port>6600</Port> <MaxClients>10</MaxClients> <MaxRecvSize>4096</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>False</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>Auto</Protocol> <Address></Address> <Port></Port> <Scope>local</Scope> <MaxRecvSize>4096</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>False</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> </SimBase.Document> So my question is - where the h*** is Simconnect getting the server info from that's showing in the log??? According to the log the server is set to LOCAL scope, it's IP address is, and it's trying to work through port 49179. Whereas I want it to be a GLOBAL server, the IP should be and the port (always worked for me) 500. Anyone have any idea what's going on?? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?? Just for the record the SimConnect.cfg on the CLIENT is this; [simConnect] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=6600 MaxReceiveSize=4096 DisableNagle=0 The networking side of this setup is all solid. both machines can PING each other, access shared files etc. and FSUIPC/WideFS and FSInn/FSCopilot both work absolutely fine in the networked config. I'd be eternally grateful for the help. Many thanks CB
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