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Posts posted by Gaiiden

  1. Is there a good reference someone can point me to regarding the operation of vehicles (I guess fuel trucks mainly) at airports? I'm making vehicle paths and understand that they need to be connected to aircraft parking paths if they are to service an aircraft. Question is do I have to always use vehicle pathways? In areas where I would not like a surface to be drawn, for example, can I use apron pathways to finish the connection to the vehicle parking path? I've never used a fuel truck in the sim so not familiar with how they work but don't want to be ignorant of other simmers when designing my scenery and I want to make sure I implement their use properly. Thanks!

  2. Unfortunately it has turned out to be impossible to fly in Seattle area with the slider settings suggested by ORBX. I got stutters and fps around 10-12. I also experienced that if I turned down road traffic from 16 to 0 and GA traffic from 20 to 0 (all traffic off) things improved somewhat. Fps went up to about 15-17 and stutters decreased somewhat. But if I then turned down texture resolution scenery density and water (three steps!) very little changed with regard to fps and smoothness.
    Sounds like you have a decent graphics card but are lacking in the CPU department. Running lots of AI traffic will chew up your CPU cycles and slow your framerates. FSX isn't that intensive for modern day graphics cards (unless you jack it up with a ton of HD REX textures) but it still can chew up a modern day processor. Intel is supposedly cutting the prices of i7s in half very soon to match AMDs price cuts and I got my eyes on a quad core i7....

  3. I have MegaScenery Earth for my area (NJ) and I gotta say he quality is very good. Of course, I lack comparison with other products besides what I've seen in screenshots but as an actual resident of the scenery I'm flying over I can say that VFR flights are a joy with this scenery. I can literally take a photo in FSX then go on Google Maps and find out exactly where I was flying if it's part of the state I don't recognize from above. I looked at the Sim-Savvy scenery and that seems to be a nice-looking alternative although the quality to me from the screenshots seems on par with MSE and MSE has excellent night textures as well as water masking - although the masking does seem to be a bit random for some reason - for example part of a river will be masked but another part will be satellite photo. The water masking issue is really the only (very minor) complaint I have with MSE

  4. I'm on Windows 7 x64So I tried another scenery and looks like my FSX Scenery Library does not want to cooperate. For example:1) I click the add button2) the dialog pops up and I navigate to the Aerosoft folder in my main FSX directory3) I select the folder "Manhattan X" and re-name the layer to "Manhattan X2" since the scenery library already has Manhattan X installed.4) I click "ok" and the file tree takes me into the "Manhattan X" folder to display the "Scenery" and "Texture" folders.5) I type in just the plain Manhattan X directory path into the box below the file tree and hit "ok". Nothing happensThis is the same for any folder I try to add. It always opens the folder I select instead of adding it to the library!However, I located the Scenery.cfg file (there are three of them for cripes sake but luckily AddIt listed the directory of the file it opened to edit when I chose to modify scenery, so I found it in the Program Data/Microsoft/FSX/ folder) and added the new scenery manually.Oh and taking the KTEB texture files out of the Group1 folder and placing them in the KTEB/Texture folder alone fixed the problem with the 3 missing hangar textures.Well, quite the learning experience. I think I should be good to go now. I'll just have to do everything manually ;)But if anyone has any suggestions for the graphical texture shearing I'm still experiencing (only at this airport so far, strangely - and even before I had the custom scenery installed), I'd love to hear em!In regards to the shearing, I have the following installed:MegaScenery Earth coverage for the entire NJ/Long Island areaUltimate Terrain XGround Environment XUltimate Traffic 2REXManhattan X

  5. Actually I tried it via the install instructions first, but when I went to activate it in FSX it wouldn't let me. I placed the "Teterboro KTEB" folder in "addon scenery/scenery/" and then tried to add it but when I selected the "Teterboro KTEB" folder and hit OK, nothing would happen. A few times I got an error message. Reading the instructions further, they say:"3) You will need to activate it within FSX by going to scenery library and adding it....thats it. FSX does have an issue with this sometimes, so if you cant install it from inside FSX, then download and install the freeware Program called Addit! Pro for Flight Simulator X, works like a charm."So that's what made me go the AddIt route.

    All of the individual textures (32 bmps) which are found in the folder named textures are to be placed into your FSX default texture folder. Not the folder named textures but the 32 files inside that folder.This is exactly what the author's instructions direct you to do.
    Actually, the instructions tell me to:"2) Next, place the Teterboro KTEB folder inside the Addon Scenery folder, and then copy all the files inside the other folder (textures) inside the Addon Scenery\texture folder....its very important to do this so the textures show on some of the hangers."But I did what you suggested and it worked, so the instructions were mistaken for that point. I still have 3 jet hangars that remain untextured (tried twice copying all the files into the default texture folder to make sure I had them all). But that's not so bad.Thank you! If anyone has further suggestions on the shearing or the 3 missing hangar textures, I would be grateful.

  6. Hey everyone, I installed my first scenery add-on today with the help of AddIt and have come across two problems. First, and possibly not even related directly to the scenery, is some minor tears in the runway textures. You can see here that the runway texture has been torn, but if I shift the view over just slightly, like this, they are fine. I suspect this is a graphical issue unrelated to the scenery and if anyone has any suggestions for it please let me know. I am using REX with TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096. I've noticed even worse tearing when I would change graphics settings within FSX and forget to reset TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD from 1024 to 4096.Second, and definitely related to the scenery, are these black aircraft and buildings. Obviously they are missing textures, so I wonder if I screwed up something in the install. I'm keeping as much add-on stuff off my main drive (where FSX itself is installed) to save space for other games I'm playing. So while FSX is on my C:\ drive, I am loading as much add-ons as I can on my F:\ drive (some specify they must be installed in the main FSX directory). Using AddIt, I installed everything to the F:\ drive, but I'm wondering is some textures must be installed to the main FSX addon scenery/texture folder?The scenery I installed was KTEB by Eric McCloud.I put the Teterboro Airport/Teterboro KTEB/Scenery/ files from the ZIP in F:/KTEB/SceneryI put the Teterboro Airport/Teterboro KTEB/Texture/ files from the ZIP in F:/KTEB/Texture/Group1I put the Teterboro Airport/Texture/ files from the ZIP in F:/KTEB/Texture/Group2 (should I have put these in fsx/addon scenery/textures instead?) As always, thanks in advance for the great help and support I get here.

  7. Don't think the wide view aspect change will fix your issue. When you get to the freeflight screen, go into settings and adjust your resolution so that it displays on one screen only, once the flight has loaded.
    That's the problem tho - I don't see how you can do that. Adjusting resolution won't change anything - it will still show the second (or third) monitor as detected. There seems to be no way within the FSX shell to completely disable a monitor

  8. Anyone have an easy way to disable FSX's detection of multiple monitors? I have three (plus two software-driven small USB screens) but I don't care much for the surround view abilities - I find I can work and fly just fine off one monitor. I like to throw up charts and information for my flight on the adjacent screens for easy reference.Problem is, if I start up FSX with all my monitors activated (excluding the USB ones - FSX crashes during start up when they're active) it will use all 3 monitors when I load a flight. To prevent this, I disable all the monitors except my main, load up FSX and then re-enable all the monitors (including the USB ones - FSX runs fine with them active).That's a bit annoying. It would be nice to just start up FSX without going through the extra hassle to deny it my multiple monitors. Currently, I'm thinking of just having FSX.cfg open and deleting the entries for the two extra monitors from it after FSX has started. Any other ideas? Anyone else with multiple monitors that don't use them for the flight aspect of the sim?

  9. I'm stumped here, and could use some insight. The following two pictures demonstrate my problem:http://www.blade-edge.com/images/Flight%20Log/2009/10.16.09%20%284N1%20-%20KBLM%29/2009-10-16_10-59-51-546.pnghttp://www.blade-edge.com/misc/2010-8-22_14-13-28-90.pngThe first image was taken prior to me installing W7 on my machine and then reinstalling FSX. Notice how clear things are all the way to the shoreline. The second image was taken after reinstalling FSX and is in the same area of the first image. Notice now how the texture detail drops off very quickly.I've completely maxed out ALL my scenery settings (distance, mesh, textures, etc) - even moving the draw distance slider around shows no appreciable difference.The only add-on I have installed now that I didn't have back when the first shot was taken is REX. I don't see how that could be causing this problem but it's my #1 suspect at the moment.Any other ideas? Many thanks in advance.

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