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Posts posted by JesC

  1. @C2615 and @BerndB

    Thanks for the input. This has clarified the dilemma for me quite a bit. It seems to mostly be an issue of an aging GPS database (Not to mention the occasional operator error). There doesn't seem to be any way of reliably predicting the anomalies. So its just a matter of being prepared for a lack of vertical guidance as suggested.

    Thanks again,



  2. I have been surprised when flying some GPS approaches to discover they have no vertical guidance in the simulator. The published approach seems to indicate LNAV capability, but no vertical is displayed in the sim during the approach.

    My question is if there is if some way to determine if VNAV capability exists for the anticipated approach at the sim airport during preflight planning. (I guess I just don't like surprises during an approach. 😧 )

    I am using the RXP GNS 530/430 in P3Dv5.

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.



  3. 3 hours ago, stans said:

    Wind direction and speed will also affect the relationship between IAS and TAS.

    I believe that should only be true in the case of a sudden wind change (i.e. windshear). And even at that the difference would only be very transitory, quickly stabilizing at it's previous indication.

    From a practical standpoint, wind speed and direction only affects groundspeed.


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  4. 3 hours ago, Nocturnal said:

    I am a little lost about what the current topic of discussion is, pilots looking out during cruise? reporting posts? scenery?

    No, it's about 2D cockpits (I think). Please pay attention. 😃😃

    And while you are away from the cockpit could you please make some more popcorn?

    Lotsa Smiles,


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  5. 6 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    No one has mentioned them yet but I wonder if Hi-Fi can continue to exist when they’re denied access into the MSFS weather engine. Sales of AS must have plummeted. It would be a huge shame were they to go out of business.

    Interesting. I have been wondering pretty much the same. Maybe we would some day see a subscription based ActiveSky?? Some other developers have already begun dropping support for P3D; who is next and how soon?

    I think ASP3D is probably my most essential add on and I have always wondered how they can maintain suc high levels of development and not be charging more for updates, etc.

    I'm just hoping P3D does something that rejuvenates interest and future add on development.


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  6. 17 minutes ago, Shomron said:

    Thanks! If my only problem is the altitude and I don't have default building etc.. blending in is there a shorter flow to just fix the altitude?

    I believe you should be able to skip step 2 and then you will only need the .cvx file from step 5. You can add it as Ben explained in step 7 or simply add it to the original airport scenery folder.

    If I'm wrong hopefully Ben or someone else will correct me.

    Hope that helps,


  7. 1 hour ago, blaunarwal said:

    I´ve seen this small exclusions on a lot of airports I had to rework. As I understood, these mini exclusions do no longer work at least the airports I saw, had default buildings going through. I also don´t know how these exclusions are made automaticly. I tried with my ADE, there´s no such effect. I use 1.79 development version.

    Perhaps the exclusions you were seeing were to set to exclude objects in earlier versions and didn't apply to P3Dv5 objects? Without a specific example that I could see I'm not sure I can help with that.

    As far as the "automatic" placement of the exclusions those are placed by ADE 1.79 by default whenever an object is deleted. They are very small and may be difficult to spot but I don't recall any instance of it not working for me.

    Give it a try. Just save the generated OBJ file (I rename mine as Excl files to avoid confusion) and add to the location of your other scenery files for that airport.


  8. 6 hours ago, blaunarwal said:

    Draw Exlusion rectangles over all unwanted objects and taxisigns. Make them big enough to cover enough but keep it inside the airport to not exclude autogen scenery outside the airport. I usually need about 5 - 15 rectangles. Make sure to select "All" at the end, click "OK".

    I have been using similar methods to update airports as well. Another technique for creating exclusions which can save a good deal of time is to simply select "Lists" from the tool bar, then "Scenery Objects". Click on "Select All" and "Delete".  ADE automatically adds a small exclusion at the insertion point for each object.

    Of course if you want to exclude only some of the objects then select only those in the list which you wish to remove. ADE will automatically move to that point making it easy to verify you have the correct object.

    I have done more than a hundred of the ORBX Freeware airports using this method quite successfully. Saves a lot of time.

    Hope that helps,


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  9. For the sake of clarity, note that the POH takeoff checklist does not call for flaps, in fact it specifically calls for flaps to be retracted. I have also watched a number of youtube videos of 421c takeoffs and have never seen a takeoff with flaps.

    Of course if flaps help you in the simulator no harm using them I suppose.

    Hope this helps,


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  10. 16 minutes ago, dave2013 said:

    I like to make flights on the same actual date that they occur, but sometimes the season is all wrong for the location on that date, like Nov 1 in Europe for example. 

    In this case what I do is just set the date to Oct 31, then set Nov 1 and the time in Active Sky so I still get the actual weather for the date of the flight.


    Yeah. That's more or less what I was doing. The Season Manager seems more accurate and simpler. I think now I can fly in real time with both live weather and correct seasons on the actual date. And so much easier to do.


  11. Really glad that I caught this thread. Purchased a one year subscription to Simelite Season Manager today.

    Set up was easy, less than 5 minutes. Just start once a day and you're seasons are current.

    Also tested historical. I went back a few weeks to default fall textures of this year in my area. That has always been a problem around here, we just don't get all that color.  But it was absolutely correct with season manager.

    For me it is well worth the $2.00 per month. I would recommend this.

    Thanks to everyone's input and recommendations. This is one less annoyance in my sim world.


  12. 2 minutes ago, Afterburner said:

    Yes, it does work with ORBX global textures and OpenLC, since - as you assumed - it just reads the season, and the textures and tree colors are provided by ORBX. There is no performance impact that I have noticed

    Thank you very much. I think I will give this a try as soon as I get a chance. It may fit very well with my desire for more "live" realism.


  13. 19 minutes ago, Afterburner said:

    There is a solution to this problem...

    This looks very interesting. Do you know if it will work with ORBX. I assume that ORBX just reads the current season from the season manager files and applies the appropriate textures. The other thing I am wondering is if there is any performance impact. Again, I assume not. And one other if you don't mind. Is this also compatible with P3Dv5?

    Thanks for any help you can provide while I will continue to research a bit more.

    Thank you,


    EDIT: Found the answer to P3Dv5 compatibility. And, Yes it is. I just overlooked it before.


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