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About JesC

  • Birthday September 18

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  1. @roadrabbit149 It may be related to your installation. Read through these instructions very carefully following each step. https://carenado.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046625614-Installing-Carenado-aircraft-in-P3Dv5 Be sure you are using the P3D version 4 installer and selecting P3D version 4, then browsing to P3Dv5. Don't skip the second step to select the v4 option. Jesse
  2. The product page at Simmarket says: "Product images show blending of ortho-imagery with DEFAULT Prepar3D landclass textures, for ortho-imagery blending with Global Landclasses a free download is included". Anyone know where to find that download? Jesse
  3. @blaunarwal Have you tried Verify Files and Resync in Orbx Central? Jesse
  4. Keep in mind this removes all hazards including all antennas, etc. Jesse
  5. @C2615 and @BerndB Thanks for the input. This has clarified the dilemma for me quite a bit. It seems to mostly be an issue of an aging GPS database (Not to mention the occasional operator error). There doesn't seem to be any way of reliably predicting the anomalies. So its just a matter of being prepared for a lack of vertical guidance as suggested. Thanks again, Jesse
  6. I have been surprised when flying some GPS approaches to discover they have no vertical guidance in the simulator. The published approach seems to indicate LNAV capability, but no vertical is displayed in the sim during the approach. My question is if there is if some way to determine if VNAV capability exists for the anticipated approach at the sim airport during preflight planning. (I guess I just don't like surprises during an approach. 😧 ) I am using the RXP GNS 530/430 in P3Dv5. Thanks for any help or suggestions. Jesse
  7. I believe that should only be true in the case of a sudden wind change (i.e. windshear). And even at that the difference would only be very transitory, quickly stabilizing at it's previous indication. From a practical standpoint, wind speed and direction only affects groundspeed. Jesse
  8. I believe you should be able to skip step 2 and then you will only need the .cvx file from step 5. You can add it as Ben explained in step 7 or simply add it to the original airport scenery folder. If I'm wrong hopefully Ben or someone else will correct me. Hope that helps, Jesse
  9. Excellent approach and very well explained. Jesse
  10. Perhaps the exclusions you were seeing were to set to exclude objects in earlier versions and didn't apply to P3Dv5 objects? Without a specific example that I could see I'm not sure I can help with that. As far as the "automatic" placement of the exclusions those are placed by ADE 1.79 by default whenever an object is deleted. They are very small and may be difficult to spot but I don't recall any instance of it not working for me. Give it a try. Just save the generated OBJ file (I rename mine as Excl files to avoid confusion) and add to the location of your other scenery files for that airport. Jesse
  11. I have been using similar methods to update airports as well. Another technique for creating exclusions which can save a good deal of time is to simply select "Lists" from the tool bar, then "Scenery Objects". Click on "Select All" and "Delete". ADE automatically adds a small exclusion at the insertion point for each object. Of course if you want to exclude only some of the objects then select only those in the list which you wish to remove. ADE will automatically move to that point making it easy to verify you have the correct object. I have done more than a hundred of the ORBX Freeware airports using this method quite successfully. Saves a lot of time. Hope that helps, Jesse
  12. I searched "stutter" by author (SteveW) and got 107 results. Hope that helps. Jesse
  13. I'm not sure if you still want a copy of my TracIR settings and profile. If you do want them you will need to PM me with your email so I can sebd them to you. I don't think I can attach a file to a PM.

    Just let me know.


  14. Another amazing work Sir. Thanks... Seriously! Jesse
  15. My personal thanks Ron. A beautiful job. I will be very proud to fly this. Jesse
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