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Jim Robinson

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About Jim Robinson

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    Member - 1,000+
  • Birthday 01/07/1963

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    Bonners Ferry, Idaho

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    Former Orbx developer (Jul/2011-Apr/2014).

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  1. They tried that 10 yrs ago, everybody complained.
  2. Do the 7-day free trial and find out for yourself but I just did KLIT-KBDL specifically because I saw on windyty.com that flight would give me a hell of a tailwind. Simbrief said I'd have between 60 and 80 kts on the tail and that's exactly what I got from AS16. I saw 590 kts GS for a while and 580 almost the whole trip flying the Eaglesoft C750. :smile:
  3. IIRC you're on satellite Roger? Try turning off web acceleration in the modem settings, mediafire fails for me every time if I don't turn that off first before I try to download something. Jim
  4. Here are a couple RW flights I watched circumnavigating thunderstorms near Kansas City, MO last night on flightaware, one was a 744 at FL400 so they must have been some pretty severe storms. I thought someone might want to try AS16 with historical weather. :smile: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/DAL1376/history/20160712/0635Z/KMCI/KOMA http://flightaware.com/live/flight/AAR2923/history/20160712/0535Z/KORD/KSEA
  5. Well that's my silly way of getting my $40 bucks worth out of it instead of b*tching about it on the forums.
  6. You can fake DTO by inserting your DTO waypoint into the FMS a second time and then using the DIR button to select the 2nd occurrence of the wpt. Now you're flying a zero-length leg between two identical waypoints, the sim can't calculate a course on a zero-length leg and therefore no intercept angle, the FMS will fly directly to it.
  7. I just liked the way this one came out. ReShade MasterEffect "Realistic Lighting" with some modification, PTA atmospheric scattering only (alternate version, slider 3.0), I think the sky textures were from HDE v1. Took this a while back, still running v3.2 at that point.
  8. My understanding is it's not LM that stands in the way of a gmax gamepack, Autodesk simply won't allow it. If you have the FSX MS gamepack though and you can export an FSX-native .mdl from gmax, MCX can add the z-bias material setting and export a compliant z-bias GP using the P3D SDK-supplied compilers. Jim
  9. You're welcome Josh, glad it worked. Have fun with your training! :smile:
  10. I'd try the Flight1 registry repair tool, run it, navigate to your FSX SE installation and show it where fsx.exe is located. It should make a dummy FSX MS reg key pointing to your FSX SE installation. That should bluff the Carenado installer into installing in FSX SE.
  11. Three words Sam, "Non-Disclosure Agreement". Likewise I appreciate you taking the time to read what I had to say. :smile:
  12. Not sure if you're implying I'm opposed to or reluctant to use the new z-bias GP tech, if so that is not the case. Let's put things into perspective though, the problem is the z-bias tech simply didn't work and we all had that figured out a month after v2.0 went public. Only in this very latest v3.3 release has it even become somewhat viable because up until last Wednesday shadows didn't work on z-bias GPs, remember the post on Orbx about KSQL's P3D-native GP being "fixed" by the v3.3 patch? We haven't "had 3 years to get onboard" with z-bias GPs, we've had a week and one day and it's still not up to speed with what we had in an FS2002 GP. I understand LM is looking into the shortcomings and that's wonderful. You will see devs flock to this new tech in droves now because of the bump/spec/detail/precip opportunities that weren't possible in FS2002 style GPs. This notion the community seems to have about devs being lazy or reluctant to use the new tech because they can't use the same GP in FSX and P3D is complete nonsense, there isn't a dev on the planet that doesn't wanna do something cool with the bump/spec and it's really not that big a deal to export a GP for each sim once you've built the model, it's just that it hasn't worked up until a week ago. That said I think we're about to see some of the most amazing groundpolys that have ever been seen in a flight simulator. Jim
  13. OK, I'm asking at this point that some kind of seasonal provisions for P3D-native ground polys be considered because as it stands LM hasn't provided a completely suitable alternative to the "evil FS2002 groundpoly". Even if some kind of naming convention controlled the swap of multiple .bgls as "wi" or "fa" loads season-specific LC textures, whatever it takes. Moving forward I guess it'd be acceptable to build GPs consisting of asphalt & concrete only, where a seasonal change (or lack thereof) wouldn't be hugely noticeable, that's actually a hell of a lot easier, but that doesn't help much when you built the problem GP 3 years ago before z-bias was a gleam in any developer's eye using "current tech" (2cm as per Russ White!) and spent a couple months building custom seasonal textures. Fine by me if this airport dies right along with FSX, I haven't received a penny off it since 2014, I couldn't care less and it's not technically my problem, it's Orbx's problem, but since I'm the one with the source files and the txt file that tells me which material should be assigned to which layer and which material should be transparent or not (there are 280 materials!) I speculate I'm pretty much the only human on the planet capable of pulling this off and that's why I'm doing it. Lastly, I was on the LM beta team at one time via Wes Bard but suddenly the "solution developer's" forum went dead and was eventually locked. Obviously the betas are being conducted in a forum I don't have permissions for now.
  14. Indeed KSQL's GP seems to work well. Guess I just needed some reassurance it could in fact be done. Looks like the trick might be using negative values for z-bias. Well that's a finger pointing in the right direction anyway I hope, lol. I also noticed that some of the old, old style Orbx lights with the attached effects (think FTXLights_Day.exe, FTXLights_Night.exe era, lol) are suppressing autogen in v3.3. These are placed as autogen library objects, that method was obsoleted when the FTXG lights replaced them and they've apparently been removed from the default.xml now. One of these old style lights placed in the autogen wipes out an entire autogen cell in v3.3, I don't know if that's because of the attached .fx nature of the models or the fact that they're now missing from the default.xml but they do cut a nice 1.2 km swath in the autogen :smile: I deleted them all from the ,agn and everything came back. They just need to be replaced with FTXG lights - 2 years ago.
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