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  1. Does Sky Dolly have any application in 64 bit Prepar3D? Thanks in advance. Steve
  2. The simflight Network Forums are no longer accessible to me except for FSUIPC content. The link above says they cannot locate it. I have 4 of FeelThere Embraer jets and do have some questions. Can anyone update this information? Steve
  3. Garmin Launcher Crashes after Update After updating P3DV4.5 RealityXP GTN750 to Garmin Aviation Trainers v3.8.2 the GTN seems to work in P3D and the Garmin data base is updated to October, 2023 which is all great. My only worry is that when I try to launch the Garmin Trainer I get a crash of KERNELBASE.DLL . It is reproducible. I have never found a use for the trainer but I am concerned that there is a flaw in my installation which will show up and bite me later. So I would like to fix this. The install showed no glitches and my control panel says: Programs and Features RealityXp Garmin GTN (Fltsim) Installed 9/12/2024 v2.7 Garmin GTN Trainer Installed 1/27/2024 327MB v Garmin Aviation Trainers Installed 4.47GB 9/12/2024 v3.8.2 This is fully updated Windows 7. Thanks for your help. Steve Paradis
  4. PMDG has dropped its Prepar3D products.
  5. Thanks, Dan. I think I will get a Texas airport or two so I can do shorter flights across the state. You meant KCRP for Corpus Christi I believe. But I am thinking El Paso and/or San Antonio. I’ll check you mod out. Cheers. Steve
  6. Can anyone offer opinions on these sceneries? Steve
  7. Go to the old Milviz forum and find the download for the PC -6. It is for P3Dv4. No password or proof of purchase required. Steve
  8. I have heard that an outdated MilViz weather radar can cause a CTD in P3Dv4.5. The file in question is MV_WX.dll in your P3D gauges folder. I have file version Before I updated to it I had the same experience.I thought the included Milviz WX Radar v1.191023.exe found in the installation package was supposed to update correctly but I got mine from Just Flight where I bought the radar. Steve
  9. The Porter PC-6 model says it is for P3Dv4 and P3Dv5. But the installer I downloaded was only for P3Dv5. Have I missed something? Steve P.
  10. Bill, It is a vast improvement. Thank you. Ground handling is excellent and I like your alternate autopilot. The many bug fixes are also appreciated. Steve P.
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