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About WestEnd

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  1. Reductions on the Black Square aircraft except the Dukes. I've been waiting for this to pick up the King Air and Baron. Some other nice reductions too. https://www.justflight.com/
  2. I bought Active Sky last week. I had used it in FSX and P3D. Using default, I had turbulance set at realistic, and sometimes small GA aircraft were extremely difficult to control on the ground, and in the air on final. I could have turned that down to low or medium I guess. Also, with default weather, I found the likes of the Cessna 152 difficult to control on take off roll unless the wind was only light, and helicopters would be wrenched around in hover in anything more than light wind. I was hoping Active Sky would solve these things, and it has. Albeit, I don't know what the wind is really like for aviation in the real world. I only ever had a couple of real world lessons when I first got into flight sim in 2006. I also found it too much of a faff trying to find out the winds on approach if the aircraft doesn't display it. Too many clicks to get the weather when you are hand flying. Sometimes the airport I was approaching on final wouldn't appear in the drop down menu for METAR, So I'm happy I bought it, although it was kind of fun flying with what felt like extreme turbulance all the time.
  3. I finally got round to starting to use it a few weeks ago. There's a learning curve like there is with everything, but once you get used to it, and get your head round the best way for you to organise your sceneries and mods the way that works for you, then it's very, very good.
  4. https://www.justflight.com/category/msfs-summer-sale
  5. I just bought the Black Square Steam Gauge Overhaul Analog Caravan for $17.99, which is a good saving on the price everywhere else. https://store.flightsim.com/Just-Flight--Steam-Gauge-Overhaul-Analog-Caravan-MSFS_p_4872.html
  6. I just installed it, and hand flew a quick circuit. It worked perfectly. felt the same as it does in P3D, albeit it felt huge and heavy, as the last couple of weeks I've just been flying GA planes I bought in the marketplace sale. The turning when taxiing works properly, so hopefully they can sort this in the 737 now, as it is a pain having to use differential brakes as well as turning the tiller for tight turns in the 737.
  7. My ticket was responded to within 2 minutes, and I have my download link now. Can't complain about that!
  8. I've opened a ticket now, as i see PMDG are saying on their own forum that their systems are up to date now. "I bought the 777 for MSFS at 10.30pm UK time last night. I haven't received an email, and although the purchase is showing as completed on the orders page in my account, it is also showing as unavailable for download. I was going to wait to allow the backlog to clear before opening a ticket, but I see on your Forum Mathijs Kok says your systems are now up to date, so i would appreciate if you would sort my download link please."
  9. Landing it is not an issue. On P3D I've landed multiple times into Dunedin for example with about 75% load. That has a 6234 feet runway length. There is a setting you need to change in the CDU for short runways though to stop ground proximity warnings etc though. You just don't want to float too much. LOWI has a runway length of 6562 feet with a steep approach, and Captain Nav, a real life 777 pilot has a Youtube video taking the aircraft in there. I suppose taking off fueled up for long haul fully loaded with opassengers and cargo you would be a lot more limited.
  10. No email received for sure, but the completed order is there in my account on PDMG's web site along with all my previous orders for FSX, P3D and the 737 for MSFS. It just says not available beside download link. If that doesn't change by tonight I will open a ticket.
  11. I bought it last night at 10.30PM UK time. I've still not received an email, and on PMDG's website's order page, my order is showing as completed but not available for download. Hopefully they sort things today, but I will unimpressed if people are buying right now and receiving what they've paid for, whilst my order has been in limbo 11 hours now.
  12. I just tried the 350i ProLine 21 mod instead. That works pretty much as expected, where you need to keep your throttle just short of max to stay out the red in the dials. Hopefully the P1000 will be updated if something has affected it in an MSFS update. It would be good to have both mods as options.
  13. I tried the King Air for the first time today. With the G1000 mod, if the propellor levers are fully forward, the prop RPM guage is redlining with the throttles miles short of fully forward. (About 60% throttle) Without the mod, I didn't see any redlining, albeit there are fewer guages, and they're not so big so harder to see. Is it really the case, that the King Air would only have the prop lever about 85% forward for take off, to stop it redlining, or is SU15 perhaps affecting things? It would be interesting to get the opinion of those more knowledgeable than me. I did have the Carenado King Air for P3D, and only used it a few times as it was so easy to lose an engine with over torque that it took the fun out of it for me.
  14. Thanks for the help. It's working now. I think it was pressing the enter key twice that did it. I must have only been pressing it once before.
  15. Actually the 2 PMS GTN 750s are now working independently as NAV 1 and NAV 2 now. Perhaps that was a little bug as I bought a few planes in the recent marketplace sale, and another had a bug with a workaround needed for the GPS if you loaded ready to fly, and i noticed that was fixed in yesterday's update. I'm still struggling to get the CDI to respond to Nav 2 in the GNS 530 liveries though, after entering the frequency in the little keyboard, and selecting Nav 2 at the bottom right of the CDI.
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