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Everything posted by lfb

  1. Hi George, I will continue making more scenery using the Day variation and test. Regards, Larry
  2. GHD Ground Scenery Shadows was unchecked. However when I changed "Variation = All" to "Variation = Day" in the INF file and resampled, the problem was fixed. Evidently this was a shadow, rather than a default scenery problem. Thank you, Larry
  3. Luis I have changed my scenery to default values. Mesh Resolution from 10m to 38m Texture Resolution from 7cm to 1m No change in problem. I have tried all of my other 1 meter photo scenery (megasceneryx, megascenery earth, Blue Sky, etc. I see no display of generic tiles on the gradients. It seems to occur only with my photo scenery. I have created scenery using SBuilderX at LOD 16. TMF viewer shows LOD 6 through 16. Example shown below. Larry
  4. Luis My TMFViewer shows LOD 4 through 15. Thought I was downloading LOD 16. Thank you for all the help. Regards, Larry
  5. Luis Changed my texture resolution to 1 meg with the same problem. Using sbuilderx I downloaded the tiles with the zoom level 16. I think these are 1 meter tiles. I have some photo scenery from megasceneryx and bluesky without this problem. I am sure that something is missing from my scenery. Perhaps an exclude file. I have tried several exclude and polygon exclude files with no resolution. I am new at this and only use sbuilderx program. I have done about a hundred miles of the Colorado river, with watermasks (lots of time spent on this) and it looks very good other than the problem I have mentioned. If I fly in the morning the problem is not so bad. Later in the day it gets worse. Larry
  6. Luis My first time trying to upload a file. Hope it works. Larry
  7. I have created scenery using SBuilderx for the area around the Colorado River near my residence. I have made water masks and it looks very nice. The problem is, depending on the time of day, that polys appear on the verticle surfaces of the mountains and hills. These polys are not part of the photo tiles. It looks bad. The tiles are 1.1 m per pixel and the scenery is placed above the default scenery. Is there a way to eliminate this from happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Larry B
  8. I fixed this problem by doing a repair from the acceleration disk.
  9. SteveI was wondering if you got this problem solved.I am having the same problem. None of my planes will start. They turnover, then quit. The RPM's go up for a second then return to zero.I've rebuilt the FSX config and even resorted to deleting and reinstalling FSX. My mixture control is full in.A respondent to your problem suggested just to restart FSX, but this doesn't work for me. Im flying only the default Cessna 172 now.Any other suggestions out there?Larry B
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