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  1. Would like the basekit for tfsdh1-2.zip but can't seem to locate it. Still repaints for it so someplace there must still be a basekit for it thanks /jd
  2. Thank you Joe for prompt reply.Exactly what I was looking for. Easy to work with and looked great. Had been searching many a night with zero results./jd
  3. Would like to find a lighted wind vane and if possible runway pattern imdicator for fs9. If wind vane is in segmented circle thats ok. Have ADE9,rwy12,and Instant Scenery to work with.please email or send message thanks/jd
  4. VERY HARD TO READ CHECK LIST. PAGE IS WHITE AND PRINT IS VERY FADED OUT-IS THERE AN ANSWER?/jd However happy to see some new aircraft for fs2004
  5. would like to add-if there was a way to get rid of the 3d knobs, i could change the radio setup. I preume you need a different model file for the 152 to do this/jd
  6. Would like a nav 2 for the C152II as I have a few grass runways with radio controled lights I would like to use with the 152. Thanks /jd ps If there is a glide slope also available that would really be great.Using the fs9 version mostly
  7. bliksimpie,thank you for the reply although didn't find what I was looking for and this is partly my fault for notdescribing what model I have.As I feel why buy a new model if you can fix the old one up to your liking.I have boththe V35 and F33 for FS9 which is probably some of carenado's early aircraft.Since this might be of interest to othersthere is a way to change window tint although the procedure is a little different. My son helped me on this as he doesgauge work and I tend to work on scenery.You need something like Adobe paint portable that will open the vc winow bitmap and break down into classes or layers.In this case you want to change or fill in the blue layer,just the windows itself, with black,save it and then use bmpdxt to saveit as extended bitmap. if you have problems with this ,either post a new reply or send me a pm and I'll try to explain itbetter./jd
  8. would sure appreciate some help on getting rid of the window tint period! In vc-especially- thanks/jd
  9. CoolP-I'm still one of the FSX holdouts as I love FS9 and am used to it.Hard to change old habits. I have an older licensed copy of the V35 andthe download came with a FS9 version and another file to adapt it to FSX. Everything works great in 2d but when in vc panel lights work but notlanding lights. On radio stack,can't change from nav to gps and etc.thanks anyway /jd
  10. Is there a patch or a fix for the vc?I have the fs9 copy that comes with an adapter for fsx.A lot of things work in 2d cockpit but not vc./thanks jd
  11. Bert, I guess I'm being a bit too picky as most used cessna's are going to have some scratches. I followed the previous post regarding transparent windows on the 182rgand using DXTbmp I got rid of the blue tint and then is when I noticed the small scratches on the upper right side on the windshied.So since no one else has noticed thismaybe I did this or it just didn't show up as much with the tint.yes ,I would like to try your transparent file. thank you /jdGHarrall-got back a little ways on the posts and look for the 182rg transparent windows.it explains it very well
  12. Hey! always got room for humor.from others comments,I understand you can no longer go thru or appeal to carenado for a fix? anyway thanks for reply/jd
  13. How is this done? I have been able take out the tint with sucess but beyond this I have no idea. I have a licensed copy.. Does Carenado have a different windshied available? thank you/jd
  14. anyway to get rid of scratches in windshield-very annoying/jd
  15. Well, yes it looks pretty stupid I know. Email posting was an accident and browser would not let me edit my posting[object error],anywayevery thing corrected-nothing like a lesson learned the hard way. Ron, thanks for the concern and also the link/JD
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