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Posts posted by pow0011



    I can recommend ORBX Brisbane and Canberra.

    Melbourne is technically weaker than the other AU releases (quite a frame rate issue.)


    I think Brisbane may be better on frames but it is more of a memory hog. I have way more OOMs flying in and out of Brisbane than Melbourne.


    You could try out the freeware Tasmania region with Launceston free as well.

  2. Haven't shown any interest in FTX Global what so ever so I can't comment on that part. That being said the Australian terrain has been out for a long time and I guess it lags behind the NA regions out there. However since its probably the only one ever going to be available for Australia I would go ahead and get it. The stupid thing is you need ORBX regions for the airports to work 100%. Never really tried the big airports out without the regions (then again its not like you can just uninstall ORBX). I still think that at least my part of the country looks nice compared to FSX default with the ORBX terrain and airports. I don't really fly within Australia that much (funnily enough) but the big airports make for good short and long hops. Stay away from Brisbane unless you have an uber computer, the place is FPS heavy even in default scenery and the ORBX airport doesn't help. Apart from that everywhere else is fine, don't forget as well that Aerosoft will be releasing Adelaide and FlyTampa are working on Sydney.

  3. Ahhhhh. Its always entertaining to read that something like this has happened again.

    Down With Telstra, on 05 May 2013 - 9:36 PM, said:

    I've also recently found out that the admin that banned me is on this forum as well. Let's hope he doesn't read this.

    You better hope they don't read this, if they were given an inch by the avsim admins, they would try and ban you here as well, anything to stop you talking bad about them (their little hearts just can't bear the criticism). These are the people that you need 'picture proof' for, they ban you, they say its your fault (like always), they then pretend it never happened. I've found that a few of the ORBX admins have a little bit of the keyboard warrior within. They'd run all over anyone they could behind their computer but runaway in real life.


    One more thing, I've only just wondered why now, why is ORBX so special to have that fancy little registration thing? I've only ever seen it with them and to be honest (though they may think they are) they are not the biggest forum going around(ego-wise maybe). Not sure what its preventing but it didn't stop me from making a fake account.

  4. I am happy with the models to come, but which liveries are in the base pack for the 777-200LR and 777F? 

    I hope for AirCanada and Emirates (-200LR) and AeroLogic, AirFrance, and LAN Cargo (F). 


    Any hints from Captain Randazzo? 


    Kinda agree with Akila. Over 400 -200ER and only 50 -200LR. Though any of the T7's is good for me.

    Probably the same with the NGX release, just have the PMDG colors installed and have the other liveries on their website  and seeing there is only 10 -200LR operators I'd say most of them will be ready upon release.

  5. It just came to me now as I was re-reading Rob's post for something else but..........I have heard of a few people, and know a couple of them that have tried using the NGX in multiplayer and with a bit of tweaking have succeeded. Now I now that it can get legal (sad for a hobby) and you probably want to take a hard look at the EULA before doing anything like this, but why can't PMDG simply invite eager flight simmers with creations like this instead of covering up their time and effort and claiming it as their own?

  6. So long as you have a right amount of runway distance taking off without flaps sometimes isn't a problem. The flaps allow the aircraft wings to create more lift at a lower speed so your bound to notice higher V-speeds if you use no flaps compared to flaps 1 or 5.  I tested out a no flaps landing the other week in Geneva and everything thing was normal aside from the high Vapp and Vref speeds.

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