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  1. OK Jason. Thanks for that. Cheers John
  2. Thanks for the link flyingsub, but what I need to know is where does one find the pre-installed animals in Simobjects of P3D Cheers John
  3. Hi Folks. In P3D simobjects there are whales, zebras, elephants etc. Does anybody know where abouts one needs to be flying to see these in the scenery please. Also, what has to be set in the P3D Settings, so they show up? Thanks John
  4. Hi Folks. All of a sudden I am unable to get the panel lights to go on, in the cockpit and overhead, of my iFly B738 in P3D. Shift+L doesn't do it, nor does switching the relevant Dome switch on the Aft OHD. Does anybody know why I have lost my lights please. thanks John
  5. Hi Folks. Does anybody know please, why it is that when I set my Propeller and Mixture levers for my Saitek Pedestal at the top, the only reach 80% in the cockpit and I have to push the last 20% up using my mouse on the levers in the actual cockpit. I have tried setting both with FUISIP and I have tried setting both in the control panel. But still I only get 80% when the levers are pushed to the top of the Pedestal. This is for all my light aircraft in P3D, not just certain ones. Hope someone can help. Much appreciated. John
  6. Hi Folks. On the Albeo C404 Titan, there is a round knob, (just underneath the 'Switch Source Select - GPS to Nav switch). It rolls between 0% to 100%. I cannot find any mention of it in the Manuals. Does anybody know what it is for, or what it does please? Thanks John
  7. Thanks Lindsey Much appreciated Mon Ami. John
  8. Hi Folks. I think there may be something wrong with my B1900D that I fly in P3D. IT seems to laterally rock side to side, even to steep bank angles of 60 degrees sometimes. The wind for example at 7000' may only be 2-5 knots yet this lateral instability still occurs as though I was flying in the middle of a serious thunderstorm. Does anybody know what is causing this please? Is there anything in the aircrafty.cfg that can be 'tweeked' to make the roll and yaw more stable? Thanks guys. John
  9. Thank you Bert, Much appreciated. I'll try that.
  10. Thank you Bert for getting back to me. But How do I do that please. Thanks John
  11. Hi Folks. When flying my Carenado B1009D above 5000' I get a warning saying 'CABIN DIFF HI' Does anybody know what I need to to get it to cancel please? Thanks John
  12. Thanks Piper9t3 That's it. well done. John
  13. HI Folks does anybody have the PA32 Saratoga II TC, if so. Where is the Starter please to start manually. Can't find it anywhere. Surely you don't have to start it with CTRL+E do you? John
  14. Hi Folks. Does anybody know please, why I get this dreadful loud jet engine noise when I select a flight in the Free Flight panel. Even a Cessna. It is not airport surrounding noise as I still get it on a farm strip, when I first enter the cockpit on aircraft selection, whatever airplane it may be. If I scroll through the various views using 'S' key tower, spot views etc, when I get back to the cockpit view, the horrendous noise is either cut by 80% or it has gone. If I then click on any of the tabs, i.e. World to get to Time and Season, when I return to the cockpit view the noise returns, and I have to scroll through the various views to get back to the cockpit view where again the noise is either eliminated or cut by 80%. Does anybody know what on earth is causing it, and how I can remedy it. Thanks Folks. John
  15. Hi Folks. I am running FSX on three monitors. I have a 4th monitor overhead that I like to use to put my undocked Overhead and Radio Panels. However, recently, when I undock these panels and slide them onto the 4th monitor above, whilst the Blue Frame of the undocked window goes onto the monitor, the image of the Panel turns black and there is nothing of the panel visible. This seems to happen on my iFly and my QW jets. Does anybody have any ideas please? John P.S. I am running Win7 and my Graphics Card is an Nvidea GeForce GTX 780 Ti
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