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Posts posted by Jcannon

  1. Thanks for that Willy, Unfortunately it happens at all airports, 3rd party or default.


    I suspect that its something to do with the AIG Manager and Traffic Controller,. but their thoughts are that its impossible to inject traffic if their software isn't running, even though the aircraft appear in the traffic controller map and have liveries from the AIG manager. 

  2. Good Morning,

    Trying a little tweaking of my system and MSFS, I have noticed that AI traffic doesn't disappear.


    All the traffic options are off, in the flight conditions, I am in single player and no live traffic is on, yet I still see aircraft at large airports, 3rd party, deluxe edition and default. I am currently seeing a lot of SAS liveried aircraft at CDG, so I am thinking its something to do with the AIG traffic thing. Does anyone know how I completely turn off all traffic so nothing interferes with Vpilot?


    Kind regards.

  3. On 9/13/2021 at 9:51 PM, garydpoole said:

    Well, a modicum of success - no problems setting up the drone yaw axis using AXIS X. But for some reason, I have no AXIS Y option, I only have AXIS Y+ and AXIS Y- , meaning that I can only control the pitch in one direction depending upon which one I select. 

    Any thoughts ?


    I also have no AXIS Y available, only AXIS Y- and AXIS Y+, I wonder if the issue is with the mouse, which mine is a corsair.

  4. 33 minutes ago, adino said:

    1) go to this site: https://account.microsoft.com/ and click your avatar (right hand above) and sign out;

    2) go back to https://www.flightsimulator.com/ and sign in, thats it!


    NB: Some people report that even when they sign in they are unable to see the updates (it happens sometimes)

    This work out for me : Go to the insider home area and move back to the home page (it kind-of do a refresh of the pages)

    Hopes they figure out this annoying issue...


    this worked!


    I deselected remember me, and It logged me in.

  5. 32 minutes ago, b737800 said:

    This is what fixes it for me (although the issue does reappear at some later point). Using Google Chrome browser as an example.

    1.) Close ALL instances of Chrome browser.

    2.) Open Chrome and visit live.com

    3.) If you are logged in to the site it takes you to, log out.

    4.) Revisit live.com and clear ALL cookies that are used on that site. To do this, click the padlock icon next to the URL bar, then select Cookies, then click Remove until there is NOTHING left.

    5.) Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 for bing.com (this is a belts and braces step.. you should not need to do it).

    6.) In Chrome, go to flightsimulator.com

    7.) Clear ALL cookies that are in use for this site using the same procedure as in step 4. Note that you will be clearing ALL cookies that are shown, even if the domain for that cookie is not flightsimilator.com.

    8.) Close ALL instances of Google Chrome.

    9.) Open Google Chrome again and navigate to flightsimulator.com

    10.) Click the Insider Login link (you should be able to click the user icon to the right of this, but I've only tested clicking the insider login link).

    11.) If all is OK you SHOULD be taken to a generic Microsoft login page. Enter your email address and click the button. Enter your password. For me, this now logs me in successfully to the insider pages.

    Yeah that didn't work for me and I've had the issue for a while. 


    I was told that its been stopped for people who aren't part of any testing branch.

  6. Sorry for the poor title, but its pretty much my issue.


    Running P3d v4.5 with active sky and REX sky force, I found a huge FPS loss when it comes to the detailed clouds option. Flying into TAPA last night they was a storm going on which caused my normal 30(locked) or 50+(unlocked) for that region to plummet to the single digits. I have never had any fps loss with this option being used before and normally had it on the highest setting, but i'm guessing my hiatus from playing has been very limited over the last month or two due to lack of performance.

    No matter where the slider was at, low medium high, if detailed clouds option was ticked the FPS dropped down to single digits. Could anyone shed light on whats going on with this setting when I use it. 



  7. 10 hours ago, BMW969 said:

    I do not know how for you, but every additional FPS is dear to me.)  And minus 25-35% , this is critical!

    Oh yeah its ruined and my local hubs EGKK and EGLL, I have been avoiding Heathrow since TE GB came out, as it was virtually unplayable.


    I did do a clean install and removed all files from everywhere. Yesterday, I looked in the shaders folder and found to my amazement that i had some 3000+ files in there. I deleted them and so far the sim has only generated 450, but i saw no performance increase.

  8. I did a fresh install, currently I have only installed Orbx TE GB south, Uk2000s egkk and the AS airbus and QW 787, Seeing a huge reduction in FPS, was was normally 40 with no stutters when panning the view, to 20fps and huge stutters when panning the view. 

  9. Hi guys, yeah the bugsplat64 was installed during the installation of the 787 or 146 from QW. Its their automatic bug reporting software. I fixed the issue by re-installing both aircraft and choosing no, to sending the reports.

    It is no longer the cause of my CTDs right now, and surprisingly gained some FPS in the process. 

    • Like 1

  10. Evening all, 


    I have tried to launch P3d twice now, got to the point of cold and dark on the ramp and it crashed to desktop.

    Event Viewer tells me that its the BugSplat64.dll causing the crash. I cant for the life of me remember where this reporting system is from. 


    Faulting application name: Prepar3D.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5bfdbb35
    Faulting module name: BugSplat64.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5b5f3291
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00000000000190c6
    Faulting process id: 0x24b0
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d4ae93c6d29137
    Faulting application path: D:\Prepar3d V4\Prepar3D.exe
    Faulting module path: D:\Prepar3d V4\BugSplat64.dll
    Report Id: 60a33377-1a89-11e9-9f95-94e979502fb2


    Can anyone help please!



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