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Everything posted by Jcannon

  1. Thanks for that Willy, Unfortunately it happens at all airports, 3rd party or default. I suspect that its something to do with the AIG Manager and Traffic Controller,. but their thoughts are that its impossible to inject traffic if their software isn't running, even though the aircraft appear in the traffic controller map and have liveries from the AIG manager.
  2. Good Morning, Trying a little tweaking of my system and MSFS, I have noticed that AI traffic doesn't disappear. All the traffic options are off, in the flight conditions, I am in single player and no live traffic is on, yet I still see aircraft at large airports, 3rd party, deluxe edition and default. I am currently seeing a lot of SAS liveried aircraft at CDG, so I am thinking its something to do with the AIG traffic thing. Does anyone know how I completely turn off all traffic so nothing interferes with Vpilot? Kind regards.
  3. I highly doubt that Dovetail hacked your pc, You could liken it to Microsoft 'hacking' you because there is a windows 10 icon on your task manager. You have obviously installed something which you shouldn't have. No one will know how to get rid of it because you're post doesnt contain enough infomation. Have you tried asking Dovetail? If you put a tinfoil hat on whilst you contact DT they won't be able to read your mind.
  4. I recently re-installed UT2 with no issues at all. Do you have UAC turned off ?
  5. So Olli, As you can see from that thread, it it said by a moderator that you do not need to registered your product with Aerosoft just yet as they don't know how it will work.
  6. If I give you my serial key for my boxed copy, Can you give me a digital version? That way you can cancel my existing CD and I dont have to be punished for getting an unlimited installations boxed copy rather than a 1 year access to a download link?
  7. I recall Dovetail said they would be making an announcement regarding FSX at Flight Sim 2014. I didn't get to go, but does anyone know if they made the announcement and what it was about.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/QualityWings/posts/10152419718949639
  9. the QW could be released today...
  10. Just Flight offer a 'freemium' 757 in British Airways colours. Its free, Its a large plane, and its definately entry level stuff. http://www.justflight.com/product/757-jetliner-freemium
  11. damn thing, I need to register a flight, I don't want to go inactive!
  12. In reply to no one, Its clearly all marketing, avsim is the biggest FS community going, Sure the 'rumours' would hit here first. The 'source' is more than likely an employee for of the licensee. Its also more than likely that the 'source' is reading these forums, especially this thread. He/she might be taking all of the comments on board in order to carefully design the press release. I cant see why the rumours would hit here if it there wasn't going to be development in our favour, rather than some other gaming journalism site like IGN. Either Tom is in the loop and knows when the information will drop, or is being kept on a tight leash. I think he will be the first to post the news on these forums.
  13. You do have one of the largest freeware collections, but thats my point. If you search the most downloaded or best rated addons, you would assume that it would come up with some 'astonishing' freeware products, but no it just comes up with ai packages. The problem is that the library is filled with ai packages, afcads and re-paints. Everything else just gets drowned out by them.
  14. I feel that you should have a section dedicated to freeware. The best thing about FSX is the community, if it wasn't for the community and those who produce freeware add-on's, then there wouldn't be all these payware add-on's. If people stop downloading freeware then the content will stop being created, The current problem with freeware searches, is that the results are populated with re-paints and AI packs. I often search for 'most download' or 'highest rating'. Many communites are slowly dying, thus they don't do 'add-on of the month'. I know that avsim did a poll a while back on add-on's for last year, but I don't know where to find the results, which stops me from finding out what the majority of the best add-on's last year where. Support the community, take the effort to find the best freeware add-on's (per your opinion) and give them a bigger section on your website.
  15. And he is correct. You can disable everything in the start up tab of MSCONFIG without causing damage to the pc. Just because he has refrained from listing the negatives to each of the programs listed doesn't warrant your sarcasm.
  16. Why would you have those in the 'start up' folder, they run automatically anyway?
  17. Check to make sure your rudder pedals are not assigned to alierons in the FSX axis menu.
  18. For those who don't to fiddle with the NGX settings. Open the playback device manager and disable all but the device that you want sound to come from.
  19. I have a few but this is my favourite. Alabeo Pa38 Tomahawk FTX Global and REXe
  20. Funny thing is, I haven't read the introduction manual. The other funny thing is that I haven't had any time to sit down and read or play with the OC or the 777. Hence why I thought I would ask. Its nice you to reply in a helpful manner though.
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