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Posts posted by Simcees

  1. As there are not many (individual) instruments in a cockpitt with more than 4 knobs, I guess it is enought. Indeed not a lot of buttons, but in combination with a 32-button XL version one can switch various profiles between them, as I now do with 2 SD XL's. I hardly use mouse/keyboard and it works like in a real cockpit environment, pushing buttons and switches. ;-))

    Maybe 1 SD XL ánd 1 SD+ could work? I have to think about that ... Mmm.. interesting.

  2. I am fully satisfied with 2 Streamdecks XL, together with AxisOhs. You can set it up completely to your desired use for MSFS2020. I no longer use the keyboard or mouse. It is clear and there are enough profiles to be found. It works quickly and easily, You can arrange the buttons however you want, sometimes as they are on the dashboard of the cockpit. I imagine a real pilot doesn't use a mouse either, but buttons. Those two StreamDecks XL replace this as it were and give a little more fun. In addition, I use the stream decks for many other applications. Don't forget to donate the authors for their excellent work for the various profiles!

  3. My experience (for what it's worth) with the SD's. First I had 2 x 15 buttons. That was a bit too much switching. They were handy in themselves. After that, I could buy 2 x 32 buttons on the 2nd hand market for the price of one. Combined with a Hotas X T-flight (14 buttons) I have about 80 buttons immediately available. The experience is something of a 'real dashboard'. I use A&O. I hardly use the mouse or keyboard. There's one to the left of the Hotas and one to the right. You can switch quickly with the views and have the most important buttons on 1 display (with the names and/or images of the gauges). Usually these are AP / PFD / MFD / Baro-Com on display 1 (one tick !) and Views, Lights etc. on display 2 . I fly only with GA. Find enough profiles on internet or set them up yourself after a solid learning process. I don't want to miss them anymore (and use them for other applications too). Just my 2 cents.;-)

  4. Oooo, sometimes I've got PG on.. and off.. and on.. and off..and... Sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's ugly. Sometimes he eats up Framerates, sometimes barely. Sometimes you are right, sometimes someone else. Sometimes you recognize the arguments of others, sometimes you disagree. Sometimes we think we are unique, sometimes we are predictable. Ah, sometimes ... ?? 😉

  5. 3 hours ago, Ricardo41 said:

    I used to think the same way, but using the drone camera changed my opinion.

    Waiting for the day when it's possible to create "mash-ups" of different games: say MSFS with GTA, or Call of Duty, or MSFS + Train simulator.

    YESSS..., great idea! Dream on or imagine: Flying from X to Y with some cargo. Then you leave the plane and bring the cargo to factory in A. with "ATS/ETS2" as a truckdriver. After delivery you take a taxi  "Driver" and has an exiting drive. Your car went total loss, then you take the "TrainZ" back to your airport. Then you just 'Fly away' and had a nice day ... yeah.. YEAHH.. ;-))

  6. Hi, I am using Axis & Ohhs (the paid version) to my satisfaction. I have two 32-button Stream Decks and don't really need a mouse anymore. Works very well with various Plane-models! Profiles for SD can be found on the internet (eg Flightsim.too (don't forget a donation!). You can, if you want, arrange or change/adjust them to your own taste. Do update regularly and you have to spend some time in the software to be able to use Stream Decks properly. 

  7. In answer to the opening post's question: I have an old computer (i7, GTX1060, 32 Ram). I can still play well on high and some settings on ultra. I have 2 32" inch monitors. Msfs2020 runs very smoothly on this (about 20 fps) for me. I only fly the (G1000) aircraft (c172, c208, DA62, G36) and only over nature (mountains, coast, landscape etc .). I only fly with msfs2020 (standard) and completely vanilla. No mods, no 3rd party. At the time I was blown off on FSX because there was so much modding to do. I don't like that anymore. Plug and Play is my motto, otherwise I'll give up.. The only gadget I have is a TM Hotas FX and 2 Streamdecks XL's (love them!) The locations are worldwide which I search on the internet (or on this forum).. And this suits me just fine for this game.. I'm a happy simmer... 

    • Like 4

  8. Hi, I've had the SDecks for about a month now. Just like you, I delved into trying to understand the technology behind the SD as best I could. But there is a limit (for me): it has to be a tool to simplify my workflow. With regard to MSFS2020 (I also use the SD's for many other applications) I ran into a few practical problems: countless keyboard shortcuts, too small instruments with too small buttons and then operating the mouse (grr...). You often have to switch quickly and a lot between the instruments to be able to fly an airplane properly (you don't have a co-pilot who does that ;-)). Then I read about the StreamDeck, which could solve a lot of the (for me) difficult application especially after the major update (vs. 5.X). Then bought some.
    I studied it further and what I have learned (at the moment) is: I limit myself to Flight Tracker and Lorby's AAO, otherwise it will be too much of the same in my opinion. That is why I do not delve into SpadNext. You can copy buttons from the various profiles to a profile that you find comfortable. Making hotkeys is not difficult. Basically work with Profiles instead of Folders. I almost only fly propeller planes, want to enjoy the view. Beautiful profiles have been made for the G1000 NXi that work very well down to the last detail. (AP, PFD, MFD, light, view, communication etc. etc. ) Practically no need for a mouse or keyboard anymore. Mainly the Hotas and the Stream Decks. For the technical deepening there is enough to get from the various fragments of tutorials. But it doesn't have to become 'Rocket Science' for me. The goal is still: the SD's have to make it easy for me to simflying ... and they do! Just my 2 cents ;-))

  9. Thank you for your extensive post @redjr. That's what I (and many others) probably notice as well. EVERYONE wants/can post a video on YT these days. Everything with the best intentions. But only a FEW have the educational qualities to make a well-taught and recorded tutorial. That will remain an illusion, despite your heartfelt cry. I am currently working with 3 stream decks and it works out quite well, albeit with a lot of trial and error. There is not much specialist information to be found.
    Elgato may in due course. will come up with a new software version, which in turn offers more options for the 'normal' user. If you want the utmost customization, computer language will have to be used to be able to show various results (Flight tracker, Lorby AOA, etc.).

  10. Mmm..., unfortunately a sign of times. Nowadays there are plenty of multinationals that has to make (financial) choices.

    I thank the staff of AVsim for there efforts to make this a fine MSF-place to be and all the contributors too.

    I presume that I will play Flight just a few hours more and than I will remove it. The world doesn't end ;-)

    Good games never die, they just fade away ...

    Best to you

  11. Actually, it's not. It's not enough for a business to know their product is not selling... they very much want to know why it's not selling. It's much more difficult to correct a problem if you are unsure of the cause of the problem.


    Price is not the only reason people don't buy things.

    Thanks RRay for your reaction. My viewpoint is as a the consumer, your answer is more the producers' viewpoint. I stated: as a consumer you have less influence (as an individu) on pricesetting: the most influence a consumer has is (not) to spent your money on a product.

  12. C'on, all the discussions about the price is so useless. Be realistic, you yourself has all the latitude to buy this or any DLC or to leave it on Marketplace.

    Even the returning postings about how much something have to cost is difficult enought.

    The producer fixes his price, looks after some while if he has made some profit, advertise his sale ... and the consumer decides: to buy or not to buy! So simple as that.

    So enjoy your game that you have bought ... thanks to the producers' marketingstategy.

  13. Got it with MSpoints (had some points left over) in the game (marketplace). Paintingscheme: yellow and red.

    No new aerocaches, missions or challenges.

    I,m happy with this one, but in my hangar there are now enough of this 'kind' of planes. The next time I only will buy a helicopter or a yet with VC.

    Have fun.

  14. I have the same 'feelings' about this DLC. I mostly fly in summertime-conditions. Than I can enjoy the eternal-snow and green mountain-/valleyviews. They are great, especially with the sun/shadowing-effects. The details of the graphic stucture of e.g. the mountains are well done.

    Looking forward to missions and/or aerocaches. In the meantime I make my own 'missions'. Sometimes following a specific road, or a railway or a valley. Sometimes visiting a town and walking around in it.

    T.m.o more than in Hawaii, Alaska asks for some interactive objects (a few cars, a single train, a sailing boat??) as it is such a large country, so cold, so desolate and so spaceous. It looks a bit 'scary' to see no movement at all. But who knows in future DLC's??

  15. As I was happily surprised with the graphic quality of Hawaii, I discover that Alaska has it owns beautiful places. As it is a huge country, one has to search for them, but that's just the fun.


    Also the details of various objects are well made by the MStudio-team employees.

    Some examples are shown by other members, here some of me ...

  16. I am on AMD/ATI Catalyst 12.3 using a ATI 4780 card with 1 GB of memory. Perhaps I should fall back to the last very stable AMD drivers. Someone on this forum stated that 12.1 was the best driver release.


    Any opinions?

    I had the same problems. After installing CCC 12.4 the Catalyst Menu didn't appear anymore on screen. When playing MSF I suddenly get the blue screen (3 times, grr...), I never had that before in W7. I removed all the AMD stuff and installed 12.3 again. Till now MSF works fine.

    I think it is indeed the AMD update (12.4/12.6) that causes problems with the game. Shame on AMD/ATI. I have a ATI Radeon 4790 card with 1 GB memory.

  17. Unless it's a huge problem, then I don't worry about holes in the ground or the occasional flying tree. I've gone through every flightsim since the Commodore 64 days and I've seen just about all of it. I think it's great that some people post these "errors" on Steam, but again, I don't let it bother me. I just fly for the enjoyment .......

    That's just the same for me. I posted it purely out of curiousity. As I stated, I'm happy with the Alaskan DLC, regarding to the price and quality. It allows me to fly in beautiful surroundings (mostly the mountain views), and various weather conditions. No complex startups, simple handling, just have fun with the game!.

  18. Just flying around I saw a remarkable situation. Is it a 'bug' or a natural phenomenon?

    I you whish, see it yourself. Take off from Hunter Creek (AK66) - north of Cordova Smith Airfield - and fly half a minute on course 066.

    By the way, the mountainviews on Alaska are great, especially I like the condition: summertime-low and threathening.


  19. ... There are very understandable reasons for the relative silence from MGS ......

    Mmm.. I hope you don't mind I disagree.

    It's not a task of the devs (in large co.) to communicate about their product. It's better they doesn't at all (they are 'too involved'). It's the responsibility of the staff of the company (or maybe delegated to a communication/marketing staff)

    Naturally the devs will do their job as good as they can, but the employees in other companies do the same.

    I.m.h.o. you just focussed on one dimension of the process. Other dimensions could be the product it self (MSF) and the consumer/buyer.

    In the good (economic) times many large companies have forgotten the consumers-dimension. Nowadays, when business ($) reduces they (have to) change and revalue the importancy of the consumers/buyers.

    I have nothing with the MS-company, as I have nothing with the producer of my washdisher, my shoes or my bike.

    I only whish to have quality for my money. If so, maybe I will buy next time a product from that brand. If not, they never get my money again. As simple as that.

    It's the business-challenge of the MSGames Studio to get my money out of my pocket.

    The start of the MSF game was a good one. They had my money for the Hawaiian Pack, and a P-15 by accident. If they get my money in future, depends of the quality of their next product, i.c. Alaska?

    And so on ...

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