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About raptor1

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  1. Hello again, I just purchased Aerosoft Simple Traffic, but I can't get it to download and even turned off Windows security and still no luck. What can I do to solve this problem It's very frustrating right now. Thanks
  2. Thanks for all the replies everyone. I was wondering what AIG is, and how difficult it is to install?
  3. Hi, I'm looking for realistic airline markings for FS2020 that are easily installed and won't mess up the Sim I don't have any add-ons in the sim and I'm not sure how to do it at this time. Also airport signage on hangers and terminals are wrong. I don't want to mess up the sim though, as I am not a computer genius. Thanks
  4. I have set the rocker switch for trim adjustments already thanks.
  5. Hi fellow flight simmers, I need control setting recommendations for my T Flight Hotas controller in FS2020. I usually fly the Cessna 172 because that's the plane I flew in real life years ago. But it just doesn't feel right to me, its kind of sloppy and loose and not what I want. I don't have that problem when Flying XPlane 11 with my old AV8R01 joystick as it feels more realistic in that Flight Sim than FS2020 does. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks
  6. After todays update my Thrustmaster T flight Hotas 1 trim setting using the rocker switch on the throttle keeps returning to neutral after setting it during flight. Any suggestions please? Thanks
  7. I installed the latest XP Hotfix from MS. for error 0X00B0003, rebooted my computer and installed the Flight update. Problem solved! Sorry, Thats error 0X800B0003.
  8. Sorry, but I'm not that computer savvy, I downloaded and ran the MS Fixit program and still get the same error message.
  9. I started Flight today, and downloaded the update but keep getting the error message "0X800B0003". I'm logged in and connected to the internet, but still get the same error code, any suggestions? Windows XP SP3 Nod32, Malwarebytes,and CCleaner. Thanks
  10. I also got my copy today, and I'm very impressed with it so far.I agree with the above posts on many points, but I would surelike to have elevator and rudder trim, even though I can cheatand use the autopilot instead.I hope that they can add some traffic and ATC to the programas well. So far it's a very good Sim with lots of potential as faras I'm concerned. :(
  11. Has anyone noticed that when the female ATC controlleris pronouncing the number 2, it ends with p as in "taxi to runway three twoop left"?Is there a fix for this? As its kind of annoying to me.Thanks
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