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Posts posted by Berlopez

  1. I too changed for a while to Defender, after I had the missfortune of the McAfee bug with a brand new computer. I got minimal economic reward.So I opted for Defender, but then heard the same had happen,after a while the computer started to malfunction and burned the graphics card connection to the mainboard, so good bye computer. Since then I have had two refurbished computers a Dell and a Gamer X which both function well with Avast, on the Dell I have FSX and in the gamer which is bigger I have installed FS2020, and like many I thinkis safe to say I am learning my way around FS2020.


    Happy flyings,



  2. I'm afraid not Charlie, when I get the postcard and choose Forum I get a message that says this page doesn't work. I just included the site by c/p the address to my included sites in my Avast antitrack software, doesn't help.? A message pops up saying that connection to this site is not safe.And it keeps on popping up ?





  3. When I first downloaded the ViperDen, installed it and realized I couldn't live with the Glass tranparency issue in VC I deleted it; Then I found a fix, that didn't help, later on I found another that after unzipping the file it gave me the result of a .Bmp file that work !😃 The transparency even improved the look of the panel in VC.

    Then I realized the AfterBurner effect was on ALL the time, even at idle and the lights blincked insasibely/Constantly, so I deleted again. Now after reinstalling I am more satisfied. I tried, only copying the Exhaust effect, hoping it was the Afterburner, but nothing shows.

    Can anyone advice?


    P.D. I am running FSX Acceleration.

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  4. Now I realize FSX is not installed, eventhough it starts from a DeskTop icon I copied there from the FSX folder shortcut I created to make changes to the program. This is also probably the reason I got into all this PartMrg issue in the registry. Hopefuly when I reinstall all this will be over and I'll be back to flying...


  5. airernie, thanks again for your reply and advice!

    I have been fallowing the PMDG Install/Uninstall FSX intructions from theire site, and as far as I can see I don't find traces of FSX\Accl. anywhere, Also having fallowed theire intructions I uninstalled all my addons, which I luckily have copies of and can still activate, if nessesary.

    When i reinstall I hope I don't run into the issue with the registry to change partmgr to PartMgr; Which I still can't understand why it happened to me ? My copy of FSX\Acceleration is original and genuine.

    Just downloaded Revo Uninstaller "Free" and run it it scanned and din't find any traces of FSX, which is a relief for me. Hopefuly this means I can proceed with a clean FSX install.

    I also use CCleaner to see and uninstall leftover programs.


  6. airernie, thanks for your reply and advice !

    When all this began to happen to me, all i figured was to uninstall FSX Accl. which I did from Control Panel until the program dissapeared from Programs and Features. Then I tried to reinstall by inserting the discs, but when I got to Acceleration that disc got ejected and nothing else happened ???

    So I proceeded to uninstall again,first via Control Panel again and then I deleted Saved Flights and what ever was left of FSX in my C:\.

    All I had left was the Shortcut I had created in my desktop, to make changes to FSX from there. From this shortcut I copied the FSX.exe to my desktop and incredible from there I can open FSX\Accel....But...For only 30 mins. Flights, Because I guess this folder is not Registered/Validated.

    So I am planning to reinstall and hopefuly after DISC 2 I get the validation page,where I can enter thekey and I should be good to go again...

  7. I have had FSX Gold for years. There are two product keys in my boxed version, one for FSX and one for Acceleration. I have had problems with Activation, so I'm for the moment stuck flying 30 mins. flights, I get the message I have to activate...But when I click "Ok" on the buttom all goes blanck and all I get is a Black Screen???

    Strangely I made a DeskTop Shortcut and I think I am running FSX from there.

    Sorry to bud in the topic.


    p.s: I know I have double posted, wanted to correct a small spelling error, I am unable to delete the erroneous post, I am sorry.

  8. Hi Charliearon: Have just began to check my registry and I see I have PartMgr correctly spelled,( As in my two images in the previous page) yet I only get 30 mins flights ??? I just got CTD'ed on Final grrr...

    I managed to fix my Weather engine FSXWX. I downloaded and run a SIMCONNECT which seemed to be missing and the software couldn't load these were the instructions:

    Install the three SimConnect.msi by double clicking on them in order:


    4-Reinstall FsPassengers

    Prepar3D NOTICE: It's normal that the installer's title is "Microsoft Flight Simulator X". Prepar3D use the microsoft version and you can find those installer also in your Prepar3D installation ("redist" folder).


  9. Hello Charliearon, thanks for your reply, Knowing and having been very careful to edit the registry and fallowing carefully instruction my PartMgr was indeed spelled

    partmgr,with small letters, I edited this to mistakengly PartMrg, which you just notice was wrong. Great you noticed ! I will edit this tomorrow first hand and fix everything.

    Thanks a million.


    • Upvote 1

  10. FSX is installed in Program Files(x86) I copied the .exe from the tree to DeskTop and start it from there. But! I have an activation issue now, after 30 mins. of flying the sim stops and I get a message to activate it...When I click on the "Ok" buttom all goes Black.  I checked my PartMng thing in the registry and it's as it should be.The only entry in Upper Filters is PartMng.


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