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  1. Yes,I am having the same problem w/the C208 B Grand Caravan HD! Everything installs OK and is in it's proper setting[not strewn all over in pieces] ;however, the aircraft panels are missing and I can see right through the fms [flight dashboard] . Please,has anyone else had this problem. I am running with Windows 7 64-bit. I am having this problem w/other non-Carenado aircraft add-ons,also.[ Ex: "A2A" B-17] I probably will sound dumb if I ask this but I would rather risk sounding stupid than act like I know everything and start guessing: I thought all that we need is already included in the aircraft download from Carenado but how do I obtain this shader3 mod and how to install it PROPERLY w/o screwing something else up worst?? Thank you for advice.Dumb smile. :( Asus Revolution Mobo/ I-7 950 CPU/ Corsair Dominator 6Gb. RAM/ XFM Radeon HD-5970 GPU/ Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB = [any suggestions I should consider adding to my system?] [ to enhance the FSX experience! ]
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