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About welshflyer

  • Birthday 01/12/1951

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    Cornwall, England
  • Interests
    Piano, Flight Sim, Cycling

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  1. My impression is that the plane/pilot was part of the 'stunt' (trailing smoke and a left bank towards the idiots on the runway), if indeed any of this is real.
  2. If this is real then, for "Lucky" ready "bl***y idiotic"! Should never be allowed to fly again imo.
  3. Thanks deetee, I take your points. Mike
  4. Thanks for the link to my own thread! I had hoped to widen the knowledge base here :rolleyes:
  5. I guess it's not possible then...
  6. Someone please tell me there's an alternative way to read back ATC comms, other than having to use the mouse to click in the ATC box. I've found the option to assign a button/key to bring up the ATC box (instead of the return key) but curiously, nothing for the ATC acknowledgements themselves.
  7. Thanks Goran, the problem is solved! There was a small file in the library of my Mac under preferences (nearest equivalent to Windows registry I guess) which 'remembered' the location of previously installed copies of X-Plane, even though the copy itself had been deleted. I deleted this file and now all is well. Many thanks to you and to everyone else who took the time to help me. Mike
  8. Hi Goran and thanks for your continued help.. Perhaps I should clarify that I am able install X -Plane, as a second copy. My problem is the 'phantom' copy which the installer thinks is on the desktop. I want to get rid of this. As I say, I have deleted X-Plane completely but when I run the installer (whether from DVD 1 or downloaded) the installer tells me that I have X-Plane already installed. It thinks that the Desktop itself is the X-Plane 10 folder, even though there is no content, if you understand my meaning. I'm using a Mac, so no registry as such, but I'm starting to thing the problem is at a deeper level.
  9. GoranM, doing as you suggest makes no difference. I did an experiment and, using the UPDATE facility in the installer, tried to update the 'phantom' copy of X-Plane. The downloaded sub-folders and files went directly onto the desktop, not into an X-Plane 10 folder, if I make myself clear.
  10. I'm using an iMac In an effort to get to the bottom of this problem I've deleted my newly installed X-Plane 10 completely, and all other traces of the program that I can find. I then tried again from scratch (DVD1) but the installer STILL thinks X-Plane 10 is already installed on my desktop (but not in a sub-folder)
  11. When I insert DVD1, to add scenery for example, I'm STILL being told that: "You have more than one copy of X-Plane installed on this computer. Please pick which copy of X-Plane you would like to add scenery to. . /Users/myname/Desktop/ . /Users/myname/Desktop/X-Plane10 This is driving me crazy! What is "/Users/myname/Desktop/" referring to?? I only have ONE folder on the desktop, named "X-Plane 10"
  12. Thanks FlashIsisMayia, your solution worked! The only thing that baffles me is that XP 10 did work fine for a while, without DVD1 loaded. Do I need to have the DVD in the tray every time I run the program, or is this a one-time solution?
  13. I've installed x-Plane 10.05 on my iMac, but only as a SECOND COPY since, apparently, the installer still thinks I've got the demo installed, even though I deleted it before starting the installation. I've used the full program a few times now but sometimes - not always! - when I start the program (I'm using the latest beta 64 bit version) the program appears to start the demo version (water at airport locations and joystick time-out warning). I'm sure there a simple answer to this, I just don't know what it is!
  14. Thank you all for your replies! :( Tim_Sims, thanks for your reply. I understand that flying with FS9, as good as it is, will always be second best to real world flying and this is why I was careful in my initial post to write "'real', within the program's limitations of course". I take note of all the excellent points you make but I was also careful to ask only about the aircraft behaving as realistically as possibly, in flight. I would like the basic handling characteristics (of the Cessna 172 initially) to be as realistic as possible; things like scenery enhancements etc. can wait until I've "learned to fly" competently. kiwiflyer45, thanks for your reply too, sir. Interestingly you write "you need to move on from the default aircraft and get something with a good flight model". I guess aircraft with "a good flight model" is exactly what I'm asking about. This is why I thought it might be possible to modify the flight models of the stock aircraft in some way. With this in mind, may I ask you what you think about the stock Cessna 172's flight model? As I'm going through the flying lessons using this aircraft, it's important, I think, to start flying with a good "flight model". Do you have any recommendations for a better add-on aircraft in which to learn, maybe another 172?Thanks again for the help!
  15. With apologies if this has been covered elsewhere....Like most people, I guess, I'm only interested in flying FS9 - from the outset - with the aircraft behaving as close as possible to the real thing. In the "Realism" section of "Settings" there are various options (General, P-Factor, Torque, Gyro and crash tolerance). My question is, quite simply, how should I configure the "Realism" so that flying in FS9 actually is "real", within the program's limitations of course? Also, are there any add-ons/modifications available that I can use which would further enhance the realism?
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