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Matthew Kane

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About Matthew Kane

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    Wellington, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Flying, FSX, Skiing, Mountain Bike, Lots of Traveling

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  1. That's fine but not ideal, the Dash 8 is heavily used in gravel but if some ATRs are landing on gravel on occasion you could, but the ATR would be a mess for the mechanics ATR very little clearance: Dash 8 was designed with a lot of clearance:
  2. Its not about the landing distance, it is that the Dash 8 is designed to land on gravel as I have already clearly stated, I never mentioned STOL. as the Dash 8 is a Canadian design that was important for Canada, the ATR being France they don't have an arctic therefore not a feature Edit: The Dash 8 Launch Customer was NorOntair, which operated on remote airports in Northern Ontario including gravel strips, for STOL they also operated the Twin Otter also made in the same factory as the Dash 8, but that was the concept the customer focus was Canadian Operators and at that time DeHaviland could sell both Dash 8 and Twin Otters to meet the needs of Canadian Operators and of course with Canadian Government Subsidies
  3. I don't see a rivalry, the Dash 8 was designed for arctic operations, that is the reason for the 'Stork' style landing gear, it can land on gravel strips in the most remote regions of the world, the ATR landing gear is very close the the fuselage, therefore limited to hard surface landings only, the ATR has a market but is limited to a regional aircraft, the Dash 8 like all its predecessors is a turbo prop bush plane airliner for which the ATR can never be.
  4. My all time favorite succession of aircraft has been the linage from the Beaver to the Dash 8 and everything in between, I would love to see a future Dash 9 or some sort of Dash 8 reboot as speculated in this article: https://www.flightglobal.com/airframers/de-havilland-eyes-2025-decision-for-possible-dash-8-production-reboot/159313.article
  5. Yes been that long since the Queen visited, he is about to go to Australia but won't come to NZ due to his health so he is keeping that Aus trip short, understandable. He may or may not in the future because yea he is not as healthy as his mother was
  6. He still hasn't come to visit my island and looks like he may never, I would head out of town if he came to Wellington anyway to avoid the crowds
  7. Glad they are taking care of you and a quick recovery, yes the medical care is a lot better and more thorough these days, I’ve got a 6 year old with health issues since she was 2 months old but her care has been exceptional, mostly now just observing her development
  8. I was on an Air Canada flight recently from Toronto to Vancouver on a 787, this was mid June, beautiful summer day and blue skies all the way, but for some reason the automated window shaders were set to dark on the entire flight. I had the window seat so I would open the shader but that would last about 10 seconds until it slowly went to dark again. Canada has the most beautiful scenery especially on a day like that but unfortunately Air Canada doesn’t want you to see it 😂
  9. Clearly you’ve never hung out in a Pilot’s Lounge, like they talk exclusively about aviation too 🙄 this is a place where like minded people can talk about aviation or other world events with your peers, feel free to join in
  10. Boeing agrees to buy the Boeing portion of Spirit Aerosystems for $4.7 Billion, the company will be broken up and Airbus gets the remaining Airbus Supply Chain from Spirit Aerosystems for a nominal $1 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/01/investing/boeing-spirit-aerosystems/index.html https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-07-airbus-enters-agreement-with-spirit-aerosystems
  11. That's not the way to make money, you invest offshore to get larger returns on your investment by also changing money overseas. UK companies invest offshore for better returns, and you end up with a mix of foreign investors in your domestic market. I think the Ontario School Teachers Pension Plan own quite a chunk of the UK airports, Infrastructure and the the Camelot Group which run the Lotteries, but to be honest their is nothing to fear about Ontario School Teachers, they own most of the world now anyways and are probably the best investors at this point. If anyone wants to retire a millionaire, become an Ontario School Teacher
  12. I pay for the subscription to not have the ads, but I also make money from Google so I am just giving a tiny bit back to not have the ads, but ads are good for me because I get paid when people see them 😁
  13. So many microbeads are now used in cheap beauty products as exfoliants, and the waste water treatment doesn't always remove them so it ends up in the environment. A plastic bag is one thing but the microbeads is next level due to being undetectable, and the mass amounts now being produced.
  14. Yes the O-Rings didn't seal properly in cold temperatures and were breached, but the real disaster was this issue was known but they were pressured to launch regardless, and with a civilian school teacher on board. This disaster was fully preventable.
  15. Sorry to hear, the little fur balls are a big part of our lives, and those poodles are known for there intelligence and companionship and all around good natured friends
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