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Everything posted by Aaron9LG

  1. Have you tried re-porting it? Be sure to clean out all the 206 files first before reinstalling them.
  2. Hey there! After buying Carenado's new Archer, I was also a little disappointed by the tan cockpit, as the Archers I train in all have black cockpits. I've always had the itch to make a black panel for this bird, and finally got the incentive after seeing your post. It took me maybe 5 or 10 minutes with Photoshop and Irfanview. All I did was desaturate (take the color out of) the entire image, and used the the "history brush" to restore all the other items around the panel in the texture file. Here are some screenshots below. If you'd like the file, please e-mail me at mademesomepie@aol.com. So far, I've only made the alteration for the 5DK paint (the reg. tag on the panel is also in this texture and needs to be altered for each repaint, but that shouldn't take too much work). There shouldn't be much to correct here, but all suggestions, questions, and complaints are welcome :(<img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/ApulPieFan/panelfrontARCHER.jpg"><img src ="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/ApulPieFan/FS92011-02-2419-17-12-06.png">in case those don't show^, click these links instead:Panel textureInstalled in the cockpit
  3. supported by the company in their support forums or supported on your computer's OS software? I have the the whole e-jet lineup as well as their stunning ERJ-145 on my 64-bit Vista and have had no problems whatsoever. I hope you'll come to enjoy flying those birds as much as I have :)
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