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Posts posted by Cool

  1. Hi,

    If I enable the Saitek Panel I get the default commands of the panel

    Is it possible to affect new commands to the buttons using a script like for another hardware?


    Pascal Paillart

  2. On 5/21/2023 at 7:03 PM, Matchstick said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the GNS430 option gets removed if the built-in FMS gets fully updated to include GPS navigation.

    Personnally I prefer the GNS530 rather than a FMS. I hope that the transall will be GNS530 updated because it is a good fun to use, including weather, terrain and traffic... for instance Blacksquare aircafts are GNS530 equipped ;-). Of course a FMS option for pilots who prefer it should be available of course...

  3. Hi,

    In the yesterday update of the BAE146 pro, the AUTOPILOT RADIO ALTITUDE MODE control assignments has been added for controlling autopilot ALT ARM mode.

    But I did not find this control assignement in the list of the autopilot commands

    Did I miss something?

    As a workaround I assigned "R" in MSFS to the AUTOPILOT RADIO ALTITUDE MODE control and assign "R" to a button of the MCP combo but did not work as well whereas "R" typed on keyboard make it....


    Thanks for your reply


  4. Hello

    I used AAO with my previous computer without any issue.

    I did upgraded my computer (New mother boar, GPU....)in order to put all parameter at "EXTRA"

    Re installed AAO but is very slow:

    For instance I have to press a button a few second before it detect it and the same in the selection of the command, validation....

    I did installed the prerequisite applis as in the installation doc 

    Did I forget something?

    Pascal Paillart

  5. On 7/26/2021 at 7:51 PM, Lorby_SI said:

    With the DC6 you have to use the following EVENTS (= on the assignment dialog, select them from the second drop down, not the axis selection at the top)





    Thanks Lorby for this crucial info!!

    I am quite new with MSFS ( a few days) and already discovering AAO for PMDG DC-6.

    I did not yet find how to declare the propeller axis in AAO. Did you find it?

    Thanks again

    Pascal Paillart

  6. There is an easy rule of thumb to determine the TOD:

    subtract the current altitude from the target altitude, 
    ex: 30000ft - 10000ft = 20000

    divide the result by 1000 and multiply with 3 and you will get the miles
    20000 : 10000 = 20 x 3 = 60 miles

    so you have to start the descent 60 miles away from the point where you plan to be at 10000

    During the descent:

    • descent rate is ~2500 ft/min but not less than 2000 ft/min
    • speed is M 0.8 until crossing 300kts then 300kts until FL100 and 250kts below


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  7. On 4/25/2019 at 3:57 PM, ark said:

    To elaborate a bit on what FSW said above, as currently planned the initial FMS will be for the Lear 35A. It is being closely modeled after the UNS-1 FMS in the Lear flown by FSW's chief pilot, Joe. The FMS is still in the early development stage, and since it will go on the center console between the seats the Lear's radios need to be moved up to the main panel. So there is quite a bit of work to be done and it will take a while. The FMS will be offered as a separately priced add-on for those that want it. According to the plan, next up then will be the FMS for the Falcon 50.


    Good morning

    Any news about the FMS add-on please?

  8. Hi,

    I did try in KSFO.

    Tested 115.80 on nav 1 and nav 2. Both yellow and green RMI's point as they should.

    ADF 379.0  and 249.0 They both work after pressing the buttons on the RMI to ADF.

    And yes I needed to be in the air to see the ADF RMI working. Sitting on the runway did not work for ADFs but did work for the VORs.

    RMI VOR or ADF worked in both VLOC and GPS mode..

    I do not what happent yesterday. my mistake !

    Thanks for your help


  9. 7 minutes ago, Flysimware said:

    Tested 115.80 on nav 1 and nav 2 at KSFO. Both yellow and green RMI's point as they should. Near KSFO is a ADF 379.0 They both work after pressing the buttons on the RMI to ADF. And you must be in the air to see the RMI's work. Sitting on the runway will not work. VOR will work on ground. Go ahead and try these samples at this airport.


    ADF and VOR will work in both VLOC and GPS mode.

    Thanks Mark, will do so the test at KSFO this evening.



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