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Everything posted by Nazkorn

  1. Hi. Good afternoom.. Does any one have the mod still? Nazkorn@Gmail.com
  2. Hi... I'd just purshased the Lear 35 from Flysimware Store and had some Issues: 1- The program does not recognise the FsX Steam edition Path... I copied the path from the navigation bar and pasted... it worked. 2- The Aircraft does not appear on the Aircraft selection menu on free flight.. 3- I'd unistalled them tried to do te same on the step one... And now the installer does not work as the previous try, even if you copy and paste the path on the Sim... Any help or comments would be usefull
  3. I had the mod 6.1... follow the instructions as was writed to do. When I realize that the features anounced on the mod don't work... The only thing i can see is some improvements on the engines, auto pilot and flight Dynamics... In the pasts post i saw that i have to get some XLM file, im using FSX Steam edition. Donwload it, Installed as required... but don't see any diferent behavier regarding some dynamics of the engines... example the start locks or correct start procedure...
  4. Hi... I'm new in the modification on aircraft... I got the last Commander 690B mod, Installed as the readme said... But i noticed that some features that included in the modifications dosn't work or not simulated. Example: prop start locks not working. I noticed that they requires a file Xlm if i remamber right. Please any help that can gave me is usefull ... Thanks
  5. Hi... Have anyone The Annuciator lights of the Gen LH / RH always on... even when the switch and the gen position, is opeating and picking load?
  6. Please can somene can share the Mods for the Piper Cheyenne and the Commander 690, made by whamil77? can you send me a copy? I have a custom sound for the 690B than i'm willing to share if you are Intrested... Nazkorn@Gmail.com
  7. Hi... can someone send me ttthe 690b Mod...? Nazkorn@Gmail.com Thanks!
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