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Posts posted by B747400F

  1. <br />Even though those are renders as people have stated above, I don't think the quality will change all that much. The NGX from PMDG pics at first were all renders and it looks almost identical to what has been shown in the sim. They even posted a side by side comparison of a render and in game screenshot and the only difference was the lighting. The 3d aspect remained unchanged. All in all, I don't think that it will be the best VC but it will be in the family as the best in FS, thats for sure. I am really proud of the developers that are doing everything they can to push the limits of Fs as well as their own. I honestly never thought I would see something so detailed from an outfit like QW.  Keep up the great work!<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Looks good, but for realism sake, I hope they include an accurate delay and failure model

  2. <br />I hate to bring this up, and I don't mean to hijack this thread. I have been contemplating this a/c for quite some time,.... I am interested though in how this compares to the Aerosoft A320x and yes I know other then the airbus/boeing thing... as far as systems are concerned, etc.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />It's more advanced than the Aerosoft because its FMC has sid/star capabilities

  3. Orb-X and other fantastic scenery and aircraft producers really have the right idea in terms of the activation process.<br />
    By forcing you to either login during the install process to activate or remember your order number? Everyone has something to fight piracy. Complaining about 5 minutes of "work" to legitimately reinstall is ridiculous.

  4. Why not? The logic is the same and so  your argument is flawed.  Criminals are criminals whether they are terrorists or pirates. No one can know in advance who is an honest customer and who is a criminal and so must protect themselves against criminals. You should blame the criminals for this - not the honest businesses who protect themselves againsy criminals.
    Comparing software pirates who get things for free and criminals and terrorists? That's beyond ridiculous.

  5. I think every honest customer should receive the product or service they paid for.
    What does that even mean? You sound like a politician.
    <br />If I buy a CD that contains a software that will not work, or will work partially, then I did not receive what I paid for. If I buy a FlyTampa scenery, install it using my name and code, works as it should, then I've received the product's real value.<br /><br />That real value may also come from years of enjoyment.<br /><br />My issue is not with activation. It's with the inability to install and/or activate. The developer has my personal information. I don't see what the confusion is.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />The confusion is you think software should be custom made to appease your situation and yours only and anyone who doesn't do that obviously doesn't care about their customers. Your logic is faulty and attitude is boring. Go try running windows without activating. Or MS office.
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