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About Darwinian

  • Birthday 04/20/1986

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  • Location
    Leeds, UK
  • Interests
    Aviation, Football(Soccer), Rugby

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  1. Scratch that i have managed to get the weather to inject. Import METAR file was checked. Im not sure why having Run as Administrator checked was causing the crash. I will try a few flights during the week and then if all goes well I will upgrade to OpusFSI at the weekend. Michael
  2. Hi Stephen, I have manged to run Opus without the crashing by not selecting "Run as Administrator" in the compatibility tab. However it doesn't seem to be injecting whether into FSX. Regards
  3. Hi, I have recently returned to using Opus as i have finally managed to upgrade my PC. At the moment whenever i open and start the Opus Server, FSX crashes. I have moved over to using FSX: SE and i am wondering whether this is the cause of the issue. I am using Opus FSX Version 3.55.1. I am guessing this is incompatible with FSX: SE. Could this be confirmed before i go ahead and upgrade. I do not mind upgrading but just want some clarification before i i go ahead. Regards
  4. Hi Ray, What do i do if the one i used to purchase is one of the ones that is now inactive. I have moved from BT Broadband to Sky and eventually to Virgin over the years and each time i have got a new email address. Regards
  5. Thanks for the speedy reply Ray. I had thought that i would probably need a new key. I just need to remember what email address i used for registration as i have changed email addresses a few times since then and the old ones are not available anymore. Regards Michael
  6. Evening, I am about to do my first reinstall of FSX for about 3 years on a new PC. Could i just check is RC4 compatible with FSX Steam Edition and if so is there any special instruction to installing it ? Kind Regards
  7. Yeah i recently used the new FMS Data manager so that explains it. Thanks for your help Fabo. Much appreciated Regards Michael
  8. Evening All, I have a strange file called 60da9ed3-1fa0-4a07-bb23-dc5defeb0131.index in my PMDG folder. Does anyone know what this file is doing if anything and if not is it safe to delete? Regards Michael
  9. ok, thanks for the help mate
  10. Does GEX Europe just replace the European texture or all of them. What happen if i then fly outside of Europe.Mike
  11. thanks for the info guys, any performance hits ?
  12. Hello, Can anyone confirm they are using the NGX with FSCaptain and having no problems. I'm looking to replace FSPassengers with something a little more realistic and this is the best i could find Mike
  13. Hi, I'm just wondering is there a checklist anywhere for what you should switch off and leave on when you arrive on stand but you intend to do quick turn around. Mike
  14. This has a lot of Real World European routes on it. http://www.edi-gla.co.uk/fpl/login.php?go=/fpl/index.php
  15. i had something similar to this once. Had you already flew all the legs of the flight ?
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