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Everything posted by JamesNewall

  1. Hi Bozdog, Thanks so much for getting back and letting me know, and so glad you like them! If anyone else is looking for fitted prescription lenses for their VR headset (replacing the need to wear glasses under the visor), you can get 5% off at VR Optician using this link: https://vroptician.com/?coupon=JamesNewall
  2. Just a quick update, if anyone is considering getting prescription lenses for their VR headset (to replace the need to wear glasses under the headset) you can now get 5% off at VR Optician for any of the VR Headsets they support here: https://vroptician.com/?coupon=JamesNewall
  3. Hi Bozdog, I have recently posted a review for the Meta Quest 3 where I added some lenses from VR Optician for my Dad you can see our review for them by clicking here.. In short they have been fantastic! Regarding your own prescription, send them a message with your query here and hopefully they will get back to you soon: https://support.vroptician.com/contact If you do decide to get some you can get a further 5% off at VR Optician for any of the headsets they support by using this link: https://vroptician.com/?coupon=JamesNewall I hope this helps. James
  4. All, A little over a year ago I shared a video on the forum showing how I built a Flight Simulator PC for my Dad; and later, a second video of how I bought a Meta Quest 2 to compliment the PC and immerse him into the MSFS2020 virtual cockpit. The results were outstanding! Surprising, not only my Dad but also myself as neither of us had experienced VR in such detail and depth before! However, in recent months I noticed he was using less due to mild eye strain and discomfort from wearing his glasses under the visor. So to try and resolve this I bought a Meta Quest 3 and added some prescription lenses from VR Optician replacing the need to wear glasses under the visor. This is how we got on and my overall review for the Meta Quest 3:
  5. Thanks jcomm! He mentioned how having a feedback chair would be great in the video , so I'm now looking into what 'the best' feedback chair is and will post a review when/if I get one.
  6. Hi turbomax, I've heard and read some great things about the Reverb G2 and was torn between the two. I'm planning on getting the Quest 3 when it comes out and will post a YouTube review about it soon after. For now though, the Quest 2 is fantastic and has greatly improved the in-flight experience my Dad is having with Microsoft Flight Simulator. 🙂
  7. Thank you Fielder, I don't believe the Quest 2 has a blue light filter but it does have night mode which we haven't tried yet. Anything to reduce eye strain or tiredness can only be a good thing. I appreciate the suggestion!
  8. I can only speak for our own experience, but it was a huge difference between the two. I wouldn't have kept the headset nor made the video if the cable hadn't worked so well. That said, WiFi worked perfectly with some other apps I briefly tried including SuperHot VR the game.
  9. Thank you pipo8! It was only while using the VR headset that my Dad mentioned how a chair with feedback would make it even more immersive, so I have started to look into this. I appreciate the suggestion!
  10. Hi cianpars, thank you! That's interesting as I hadn't considered a TrackIR 5 device so based on your recommendation I might have a look into it and see how well we fair. When you had the Quest 2 did you try it though a link cable or through WiFi? I ask as I found the performance difference between the two was night and day with the link cable providing a flawless in-flight experience. I agree VR will (and needs to) improve, something my Dad noticed and mentioned towards the end of the video.
  11. That is fantastic feedback, thank you. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some for him and it will further improve the flight sim experience. In the YouTube comments for the video, someone mentioned using a fan with their Quest 2. I had a quick look and sure enough there are fans you can attach to the headset that pull cool air in and expel warmer air, perhaps that might be of some use? (although having air pushed past your eyes might make them dry quicker?)
  12. Hi Fielder, thanks for the comment! I didn't think of an additional battery pack, although using the link cable means the headset remains charged up. Initially, I connected the Meta Quest 2 via WiFi but visual lag/delay in flight was horrendous, and the link cable fixed this. Eye tiredness is the main downside for using the headset, where after 20-30 minutes use we both found we needed a break. I'm currently looking into getting some additional prescription lenses (for my dad) for the headset and will post an update if we get some.
  13. All, Following on from video I made showing the PC I built for my Dad earlier in the year, I’ve now added a VR headset and wanted to share with you how it’s gone: It’s incredible how well it works where I almost got carried away using it myself after setting it up. We are absolutely delighted with it!
  14. haha that made me laugh. My Mum is delighted as she now has the remote control for the TV back 😂
  15. Thank you Simtech95382 that means a lot to me! 🙂 I just read out your comment to my wife and we both agree it is extremely impressive you are still building PC's (for yourself and your son)! The cabling in particular can be awkward to fit.
  16. 🙂 thanks @DAD it's much appreciated. Given the video it probably goes without saying, but flight sim's are the only 'gaming' my Dad is interested in. However, his old PC was a huge restriction where he was just about getting by with FSX. This is leaps and bounds ahead!
  17. Thanks Mace 🙂 I am delighted with the combination of the components and how the build has gone. The resulting experience with Microsoft Flight Simulator is exactly what I wanted to achieve for my Dad. I'm looking forward to getting a VR headset for him and will post a video of this once we have it (in the near future).
  18. Yes, you're right! I noticed I did this at the time. Thankfully, I didn't apply much pressure before readjusting my hand position. Appreciate the kind words 🙂
  19. Thank you Lawrence, it is very much appreciated! 👍 I also appreciate the multiplayer offer too, I'll mention it to him when we next speak. 🙂
  20. haha, that's a great comment thanks turbomax 😂 and thanks for the kind words too. I've been wanting to build him a new PC for several years but until recently he could only get 3Mbps as there was no fiber to the property. However, that all changed recently where he now has 150Mbps. Regarding VR I keep hearing great things about it so I'm looking forward to trying it out with my Dad soon. Please do consider subscribing as I'll post a video about it when I get one.
  21. Thanks ryanbatc! I wondered if someone would notice them 🙂. You probably know this already, but for anyone else these are the Logitech z5500 speakers. I also have the Logitech Z906 speakers, which I will probably setup for my Dad... although in reality I can't hear much, if any difference between them. That said, the sound of the jet noise in the room, particularly from the Hawker Hunter is incredible!
  22. All, I hope it is ok to post this here? I wanted to share the following video of the new PC I've built for my Dad, replacing his much older PC so he can play the latest Flight Sims... specifically Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Reading this forum and the advice whether to get the Steam or MS Store version of MSFS was very helpful, thank you!
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