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  1. Hi. I've got a boxed version of the 737ngx from Aerosoft that I bought for my old PC. I've just upgraded to a skylake but I didn't order a dvd drive. Is there any way to swap my license for a download version or is my only option to install a dvd drive? Cheers
  2. Hi there - still haven't managed to sort this. I am running both as administrator and have uninstalled and reinstalles ASN but still nothing. When I reinstalled it and ran FSX I got NO message asking it I trusted it etc. I've run the ASCONNECT exe and that installs but still won't connect. Do I need to install simconnect as well? Very frustrating!
  3. Hi all I am running ASN (SP3) and FSX. When I load up ASN then FSX, ASN just has a message at the bottom in yellow saying "Waiting for Simulator". Can anyone with more technical experience point me toward some useful things to try? Thanks and fly safe! Darren
  4. Thanks. I've got some USB headsets. I suppose if it keeps happening I have two choices - kepp resetting it using the 'voice' button, or try to work out what is causing the disconnect. I don't hold out much hope on that front as I am not too tech savvy. Here's hoping! Will update after some more tests. Appreciate the prompt replies.
  5. Thanks Bryan - I'll give it a go. It happens most of the time. I've tried using a headset and I've tried just using the built in mic on the PC. When it happened last night I made the mistake of pressing RunPF and of course, this reset FS2 crew so I had to quit the flight. I'll try what you suggest - I love the software and very much hope I can get it working :-)
  6. I have also had this problem. Has anyone managed to find a solution?
  7. Hi folks - my graphics card has packed in on my rig and I want to buy another one and would like advice. I have the following specs:pentium dual core 2.8 ghz processor on microstar ms7187 motherboard2.5 ghz ramThe card that broke is an ati radeon x700 256mbI know absolutely nothing about graphics cards and compatibility butnhave about 30 pounds to spend at this store which sells second hand pc componentshttp://uk.webuy.com/product.php?mode=buy&catid=892Can anyone offer advice? I fly fs9 not faxHappy new year!
  8. Hi- checked the CD and it is clean. I don't have another PC to try it on unfortunately - can you let me have your e-mail address? DarrenI've sent you a PM JD. many thanks
  9. Hi allI have the CD version of RC4. I've recently upgraded to Windows 7 and have tried to reinstall it (it worked fine on XP). When I try to extract the contents of the CD, it refuses to copy the RCV43-0.bin file and gives me a 0x80004005 error. The exe file and the other bin file copy across fine. Can anyone help as this is very frustrating :-( Darren
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