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About Roadrunner2131

  • Birthday 11/08/1978

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  1. Hi Alex, Creating a copy of my scenery file with the PSD entry's did the trick, I can now see sids and stars when planning a route. I don't use any add-on scenery except for FreeMeshX, but I assume fsAerodata would also cause this discrepancy. With the P3d files loaded I now see 185603 waypoints does that sound about right? Thank you for the support and the great program, I look forward to see what other features you add. Jeff
  2. Hi Alex, I love what your doing with Little Navmap its a great program. The problem I'm having though is no sids or stars are showing in the procedure tab, just approaches with the "All Runways" drop down box is there. I have an active subscription to both fsAerodata and Navigraph. The fsAerodata configuration tool reports that my FSX:SE database is updated and installed. I also see the fsAerodata directory in my documents being scanned by LNM when loading the scenery library. Ive also noticed that when LNM finishes scanning it shows 214372 waypoints, but if I close the box and open load scenery library again it shows 166380 waypoints. A few other numbers changed to, so I'm not sure whats happening there. To my understanding I should be able to see sids and stars when planning a route, so it must be something I have set up wrong or I missed something. Thanks Jeff
  3. lol, I had it messed up pretty good, I even found a PMDG folder under my Windows directory, lol. Back when I first tried to install sp1b it was giving an error and I can remember deleting files out of my InstallShield directory, I think this is where all my problems began. I managed to manually uninstall the 737ngx and reinstalled it and all the files went in the proper locations. I then tried the uninstaller and it worked so I had to reinstall it again, lol. So everything seem to be working as intended and my aircraft.cfg files now read "Current with Build: 1.00.3219". Now a guess it's time for me to give that second tutorial a read.Thanks
  4. Yeah, thats the only way I can see how to uninstall.
  5. Couldn't uninstall kept getting "an error [-5055 : 0x80070002] has occurred while running the setup." I assumed something must be wrong in my InstallShield directory. Then I found out the last two service packs were installed under the directory "c:program filesPMDG Simulations, LLCPMDG 737 8900 NGX" I have FSX installed on a different drive. So I guess something is wrong with my registry pointing to where FSX is installed? I than copied all the files from the programs directory to my FSX directory and everything seems to work fine. Any way to solve the uninstall error? I would still like to try reinstalling.Thanks
  6. ok, I'll try reinstalling the whole thing and see if that works.Thanks
  7. Hi guys,After installing sp1b awhile back and sp1c just today, my aircraft.cfg files are still showing "Current with Build: 1.00.3057". Is this normal? I ran the installer again and it said that it detected version 1.00.3219 but no change to the .cfg files.Thanks
  8. I assume it would. When I load the default "ngx long" panel state it has all the ground connections active except for the pitot covers.
  9. I did start fsx up just before with no internet connection. I guess that could do it.
  10. Hi guys, Is it a normal for the pmdg 737ngx to ask for reactivation without reinstalling? The only thing I changed was a .cfg file, I doubt that would cause me to need to reactivate. The first thing I thought I would have problems getting it to reactivate like a few others have had, but it activated fine. I'm just curious as to what could have triggered it and if others have had it just randomly ask for activation? Thanks
  11. So basically its just trial and error tweaking it till I get it to look right? Is there any apps besides FS Repaint that are freeware to view models outside of FSX? Jeff White
  12. Hi everyone, I saw a few requests for the Sungwing livery so I decided to tackle it as my very first repaint. lol, looks like badderjet beat me to the punch, I didn't realize anyone else was doing one. I got stuck on the tail section where the texture splits apart, just cant get it to line up right. you can see it in the Picture below. Not much point for me to release this one now that someone has one done, but it would be great if someone could give some pointers as how to fix my problem.
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