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Everything posted by Zengo23

  1. Cessna 414 Chancellor: Don't know if this has been reported( I looked thru the forum topics and didn't see it). While coming in for a landing I have noticed that after I place the throttles to idle, the engines stay at a rather high RPM setting(@1,200-1,500RPM's) all the way thru the rollout-and you can also hear it. It is only after slowing down below 50kts or so that the RPM's start to come down. I'm running the sim on a laptop and I'm using the keyboard to "fly it"; don't know if this has anything to do with it. I check to see what position the throttles are in once I press F1, which is the "Throttle to Idle" key, and the throttles do go to idle. In any case, I think that IRL once you have set the props to high RPM for landing and then you go to idle on the throttles the engines should "spool" down to @1K RPM's or less-although I could be wrong. Also, if I remember correctly, the cowl flaps should have 3 positions: Open(all the way forward), Trail(kind of in the middle and it's currently not siimulated) and Closed(all the way aft). Its something that would add some realism in my opinion. In any case, I'm really impressed by the simulation of this aircraft so far. Frank
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