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  1. Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I solved the problem myself. Somehow I got stuck in an old version of th PMS50. Updated it now to the actual version, and this fixed the problem. Was even on the bug fixes list. Topic may be closed, thanks 🙂
  2. Hi, first of all I love flying the C414, very well modelled and great detail. Since VATSIM changed to 8.33 frequencies, I discovered the problem being unable to set some of them. YES, I have 8.33khz active in the setup 😉 For example, 119,880 ist not working. I am unable to switch to this one. Any help please? Thanks a lot, cheers David
  3. Hey Denis, thank you very much for the hint! It worked!!! ^_^ Now I'm checking if everything else works as normal, but it seems so. Thanks a lot!! David
  4. Does anyone have any other idea or more help? Otherwise the only solution would be a new Installation of FSX, which will take a few days... :unsure:
  5. ok, I'm not a hero regarding IP-adress' etc... I opened my network connection window which tells my IPv4 adress (host Computer has a LAN connection, remote Notebook via WLAN) I checked that my simconnect.XML files (I have two of them) had adress, so I changed the last digit to .5. On my remote Laptop simconnect.cfg (in the documents folder) had ending number .2. as well, which I also changed to .5. But still the same Problem. Did I make something wrong?
  6. Dear sim-community! I use my FSX with a big load of addons, flying online, and I have a Notebook from where Active Sky and IVAO are providing my FSX with data. So far everything worked great but today I wanted to start FSX and got the message "can't init simconnect error". I already worked through different Google links but I'm not an expert in programming (regarding simconnect), so I didn't find a way to repair. The only Thing I did before starting FSX today was installing the newest AIRAC and Aerosoft Bologna, but why should this influence something regarding Simconnect?? In the last days we had some troubles with internet connection and I restarted my router a few times. Any possiblity that a change of IP-adress happened? I would appreciate any help! Thanks so far! David
  7. Hi Bryn, this looks really, really great!! As long as it's not possible to integrate the WX in the PMDG's ND, I would like to know if it's possible to use your WX on a second computer, where I have my AS running?! Thx a lot!
  8. Hi, thx for the reply, as far as I know I had SP2 Beta?! And now I upgraded to SP2 Official. But it worked perfect before so I can't understand the troubles now...
  9. Hi guys! I'm using AS2012 on my laptop as client and FSX on PC. Before installing SP2 everything worked great but now I have the message "FSX Disconnected" on top of the screen While start-up of AS2012 I see in the log "17:16:13 - InstallFSXDisableHazeLayerTexture Error: Der Zugriff auf den Pfad "\\DAVID-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Texture\cirrus_overcast03.bmp" wurde verweigert". It means that AS2012 has no access on the shared folder. But I haven't changed anything and I can access the shared folder by myself without an error message. I guess this auto-message created by AS2012 has something to do with my problem?! For info: I tried the AITraffic.exe for testing the connection and everything is fine FSX is connected via network! Thx for any help!!
  10. I already run FSX in windowed mode, because of getting black screens when switching between full-mode and desktop ;)And i have a free VGA port as well, so i think i will get that CDU :)Thx a lot for your help
  11. Maybe i didn't get it, but how do you erase a typo without using "clear" ? I always use that button in the NGX ;)Just to make it sure: I can easily use the CDU II as a stand-alone on my table without using additional screws or fixes?!
  12. Hey, thx for the fast response.So i better wait until the SDK is released and then i'm sure what i spend my money for ;)
  13. Hi guys,I'm planning to buy the CDU II Hardware from VRinsight.Does anyone can tell me if it works with the 737 NGX without problems? Is the CDU II difficult to install?Just want to make it sure, because it costs lot of money ;)Thx, David
  14. I hope I solved the problem now!!!Thx Craig for the link. I disabled everything regarding flap settings at FSUIPC and it seems to work now. Will make an online flight tonight and then report if the case is closed.Thx all for the hints
  15. Thx for your answer!Here you see during approach. All seems normal, but look at the pitch!! You can see how much power it needs during descend The same moment from outsideThat how it looks short before touchdown and normal landing configuration
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