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Posts posted by nikita

  1. 50 minutes ago, fppilot said:

    Interesting that the downloadable wall paper files are all 2560 X 1440.  Could that be a cue to minimum display specs?  My current GPU is more than capable but my display is still 1080. Watching monitors as I near a new system build.

    There's no such thing as minimum display specs.

  2. 8 hours ago, mp15 said:

    Doesn't look right to me, if the glass Index of Reflection glossines is 1500 points, the steel IOR Is about 1000 pt, the difference shouldnt result in such a blink jump from material to material, the switch should be smoother, and It is the sun reflection size that changes projected on the material rather than intensity blink due to specular properties in the shader, I have thousands of dollars in videos cards to appreciate this kind of things when well done. i sometimes think I could be a wonderful art director for a game..

    Yes yes, you're God's gift to 3d graphics, we got it

    • Like 6

  3. 1 hour ago, Cruachan said:

    You would think so and yet BT Infinity (FTTC) can only deliver 10Mbps down and 1.5 Mbps up to my home 4 miles south of Edinburgh in Scotland. Virgin infrastructure has recently been established close by. Assuming speeds are significantly higher, and I can connect, then once they are online you won’t see me for dust! BT should be hanging their heads in shame! 


    Whoever told you FTTC would be fine at that distance ripped you off. Anything copper is good up to 2, maybe 3 km if you can accept low speeds. 4 miles is garbage and i'm surprised you're getting a stable signal in the first place. At those distances you're looking either at FTTH or wireless stuff.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Christopher Low said:

    I do not see them producing a study level simulation of the 747-8 either. It may well be more detailed than default aircraft of the past, but "study level" involves a lot more than a basic FMC, PBR textures, and fancy heat exhaust effects.

    It's still just a fraction of what it takes to develop an entire fligh sim of this level from scratch. Additionally i'll just quote this bit from Lorby_SI:

    On 4/19/2020 at 5:14 PM, Lorby_SI said:

    In this strange world of end user flight simulators, we customers were lead to believe that making a "study level" airplane is some heroic task that only the chosen few can perform. And we worship them for doing it. In reality this is just like any other tech project. Put enough money and resources on it, and you will get the result.

    In the end a virtual plane is nothing but lines of code, be it Abacus or PMDG. The difference is made by the resources and effort put into it. It's not some black magic witchcraft.

  5. 7 hours ago, Captain747 said:

    Like I said...an expensive rig will be needed


    The point of the post you quoted is that the new sim can be optimized really well.. Especially DLSS 2.0, if it gets implemented it basically means we'll get higher fps and a sharper picture with less aliasing.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Wobbie said:

    Maybe people (some of them, at least) do not fly around the whole world, & only prefer their own area.

    And simply adding what the community has done is updating!

    Maybe give the payware developers a chance?

    Regarding payware developers i'll go back to the X-Plane model: when doing updates to airports that you want to be adopted as new default scenery you have to limit yourself to what comes with the sim when creating the airport. No 3rd party libraries, no plugins, no custom models, because it has to work out of the box for everyone on a vanilla install.

    Payware developers aren't going to be affected by this because they're the ones that are going to provide the full detail airport with custom models and so on and have no interest in their scenery becoming the new default.

    • Upvote 4

  7. 3 minutes ago, jlund said:

    Thanks, I assumed it was a graphic thing, like better Anti Aliasing, resolution etc.but what you're (Google) saying is it can use the CPU and GPU more effectiv?

    In a way it's both. It allows developers to control things much more directly, so instead of having to rely on an API such as DX11 or OpenGL to interpret what they want, they can create their own code specifically tailored for their use case. It's more difficult but if done well has excellent results, as shown with the recent X-Plane 11.50 beta where the Vulkan graphics engine was shipped and people had massive performance and smoothness improvements across the board, particularly AMD graphics card users who saw even doubled FPS. This increased performance headroom obviously allows you to improve graphics, because you now have the performance headroom for it.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Wobbie said:

    G_d NO! Dont let the community fiddle with what Osobo has done!!

    What you want is called SCENERY ADD-ONS, and can be developed by freeware & payware developers, so we have a choice to take it or leave it.

    Leave the core of the sim alone!

    Why not? X-Plane already does this for airports with their scenery gateway and it works very well. Users submit their work, Laminar reviews it and if they deem it good enough it will become part of the default scenery from the next update. Works very well for keeping airports up to date too. And from the glimpses we've had, the SDK seems to be very powerful and easy to use.

    • Like 6

  9. 59 minutes ago, Doug47 said:

    So you're saying it IS only for entertainment value and not a true 'simulator' as far as PC 'games' are concerned?  So the Air Force flyboys have replaced the ping pong table in the mess hall for P3D the fun game to amuse themselves? 

    Wish they would've changed that word not allowed EULA then.  :rolleyes:

    To be fair, LM only received the license for professional use, entertainment went to Dovetail. It's not their fault they can only market P3D as a professional product instead of the entertainment product it is for us.

    • Like 1

  10. 2 hours ago, Claviateur said:

    You would still need a fairly strong CPU work for the many maths done in a simulation process otherwise it will be the bottleneck... The i7 2600k overclocked to 4.5Ghz I have since I built my PC in 2011 is still doing a very good job. This CPU welcomed to my PC box 2 generations of GPUs, Extra RAM and SDDs... 

    So after years of flight simulation, generations of PCs and Simulation engines, I would say a strong combo of CPU / RAM / GPU and now the essential SSDs is always the best thing to have for flight simulation.

    They did say that physics calculation are actually easy enough that they need something like 5% of just one core.

  11. 1 hour ago, LHookins said:

    You know it. 😄  Nearest neighbor is over 1/4 mile away, nearest paved road is about a mile, no traffic noise.  After living in the suburbs all my life this seems like a little bit of Heaven.

    I won't be moving back to the city just to have upgraded Internet.


    No mobile network plans or local WISPs either in that area?

  12. 5 hours ago, Sticky said:

    oh come on,...y'all are using the "simulator" word to justify to your wife why you're sitting in front of a computer for 6 hours playing a game.

    I wanted to ask why some people are hellbent on these games being simulators but you already answered for me. May or may not include a touch of "i don't play games for kiddies, i'm an elite who pretends to fly virtual planes".

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