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Posts posted by utd4life10

  1. Well I am well and truly confused!Just loaded up a flight and this time instead of opening REX and then loading FSX I first opened FSX and then Loaded REX. This time the flickering happened a little as REX was loading the weather and then it stopped. But on pushback the aircraft still bounced.... hmmm

  2. Did some Googling. This has been reported before by others. If you turn off your Weather Engine, everything is fine. I just confirmed that it works. Problem is, that's not really a good solution! Not sure how this would be resolved, since both developers would likely point fingers at each other. Personally, I can live with the flickering cursors.....RE: bouncing. I think the only time that happened to me is when I re-set the flight with REX2 active.
    Yes I've just been doing some Googling too and also found other people have experienced this problem. Ugh! Such a pain in the ***. I can live with the flickering cursors I guess, but a fix would certainly be nice, when you pay so much money for these type of Add-ons they should at least function correctly with one another, and if not such as this issue it needs investigating and hopefully some sort of patch developing.Hmm I guess I'll try uploading fsx first and then loading up REX2 and hopefully that will stop the bouncing!

  3. Just pushed back from the gate at Manchester airport and the bouncing happened again and this time stayed throughout the taxi. I am guessing it is something maybe to do with a Scenery clash between my Uk2000 addon scenery, GEX scenery and then REX's taxiway/runway scenery... :(

  4. I have both REX 2.0, GEX and UTX installed on my system along with all package's of the NGX. I dont experience any bouncing or flickering of the mouse cursor, You dont use AES by any chance do you?
    Nope sir I do not use AES the only addons I use are GEX REX and then any airport addons including Aerosoft and UK2000
    I had a bouncing episode once, but hasn't done it since. I am DEFINITELY experiencing that flickering cursor tho--every stinkin time. Driving me nuts. I'm going to search the REX forum to see if I can find out what's up. I'm still on SP1 of NGX, and haven't installed the REX hotfixes yet, so I need to do that to see if things clear up.BTW, I also run GEX and UTX for North America, and the NGX didn't exhibit that behavior until I installed REX.
    Yes same with me this has only started this evening after installing REX... GEX Europe hasn't provided any problems but now I have installed REX the flickering and the bouncing started.... hmmm :(

  5. Hey guys,Just installed REX 2.0 on my FSX system.I also have GEX Europe Installed.Well I loaded my 737 NGX at EGAA airport with UK2000 addon scenery for this airport. And as I was pushing back I noticed the aircraft to be bouncing up and down. As I taxied out this seemed to stop but any idea why it happened?The second problem I have is when I hover my mouse cursor over buttons and switches etc it flickers where before I installed REX it didn't flicker. Any idea on how this can be fixed?Kind Regards,Dan

  6. make sure you have them set properly. Either Radio or Baro, note that Baro should be set to altitude above MSL, not AGL or above TDZE.
    Could you ellaborate a bit for me please? (sorry kind of a newbie still getting to terms with everything). I always have the pressure set to what ATC tell me, e.g 2992.Dan

  7. Hi guys,In the PMDG 737 NGX I have it set to callout 'Approaching Minimims' and 'Minimums Minimums' in the FMC settings yet it doesn't call them out. Does anyone know why this might be?It calls out the other GPWS sounds such as "2500" and "50 40 30 30 20" etc but it doesn't call out the minimums even though I have it set to call them out?Kind Regards,Dan

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