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  1. How disappointed will you be if your negativity is proved wrong. It would appear that you want MS flight to fail. How about you just 'wait and see' rather than asserting 'facts' that you possibly couldn't know!
  2. Hello all,My first post on AVSIM. I got into flight sim about a month ago, purely by fluke. Ii was looking at going on the flight experience simulator in Adelaide when I came across footage of FSX on YouTube.I assumed that this was a cutting edge brand new game and rushed out to buy it. I was more than a little surprised to find that it is nearly 6 years old!Anyway that was my introduction and here is my thoughts on FLIGHT.I cannot for one second believe that it could be limited to one Pacific island. Surely the development of a game means at least progress from the previous one. That said FLIGHT is not a sequel to FSX but a re-birth of the flight sim genre.If MS are aiming at a new market, for example 13-20 year olds who like to fly fast and shoot stuff, the kind of people who realism is a barrier when it comes to enjoyment, then Hawaii only is probably the best option. Limited world, HD graphics, heavily mission based. Therefore MS will gain a new customer base.Then expect to see FLIGHT II LAX bombing raids!!! Followed by yearly releases.If MS want to retain the more mature 'simmers' then they would be mad not to make it a whole world game. I don't really do short flights, unless it is when I am short on time and generally I do a quick touch and go circuit, but given time I will do a medium to long haul flight. That is where my enjoyment is and I have no intention of upgrading to FLIGHT if it is Hawaii only.In conclusion.I will buy FLIGHT if it is whole world.If not then I will probably take a serious look at upgrading FSX further or X-Plane 10.Anyways, nice to meet you all.Dave
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