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Stathis Mexias

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  1. The trend nowdays is for themepark games. And that is what ms did. End of story. And even if flying VFR at Hawai will be nice, how many times will you fly? It is only Hawai and it is small. And then we have Vatsim, Ivao e.t.c. You cannot use MS Flight for those. And, how long will it take for MS to build another part of the world? This just a way to gain money from xbox users who will buy Flight, fly 1-2 days and then will put it on the self. Maybe in like 3-4 years if Flight has added the whole world by then and airliners and all that, and we can buy them in a nice price as a package, then we can talk about it again. But it took the developers what? 2-3 years for just Hawai?Darn, give me the whole world in the detail of Hawai in Flight even if it is 500 GB and i'll buy it, but this thing, not.
  2. The truth is, people will go where their favorite 3rd party developers will go. If orbx would go with xplane, then i would go there. For the moment orbx goes with p3d, so because i like scenery and all that orbx does, i will propably go with p3d. But... for the moment the fs community is divided, and that is what is troubling. And still, we don't even know how to use p3d, i mean it is supposed to be for private use and all that, but you can still purchase it, and it is all very complicated at that department. It is like we will be using it but hiding at the same time, if you know what i mean.With the Ms Flight fail, one thing came apparent. The lack of something else that would be as good, and open to the whole world, and basically... inexpensive. Xplane is an option, but i tried it too, and didn't like it that much, and basically the thing that i don't like at all with it is that i can't even asign the hat switch for looking around as with fsx and other games, do you have to be a nuclear scientist to do it??? If people at Laminar research simplify some of these things, then xplane would be more worthwhile. Right now it is loosing customers just for the whole customization mess alone. That plus th e default planes are not that good, and there aren't many other options, 3rd party aircrafts for xplane are very few.
  3. Allright people, one of the reasons many will stick to fsx and prepar3d is the nice improvements being made, orbx sceneries and all that, and it is true that all of that enchance fsx, and if flying IFR you don't really need much more things, vatsim is there for those who want nice atc. But, what about VFR???ORBX makes amazing sceneries indeed, but all based on what the fsx platform can provide. We are in 2012 now, and as John from orbx said they would love to get their hands on an engine like that of the Battlefield series e.t.c, a modern graphics engine that should bring scenery design to very high standards. Of course they can't due to the cost, and the hope for a better graphic's engine was with Flight (if it has a better engine). So, now that Flight is out of the picture, we won't get a more modern engine on that deparment. That means that i'll be flying the piper cub at 60 knots over a scenery that has the roads that fsx had, and many of these elements. And i say again, orbx sceneries are awsome in many aspects, but they cannot elevate scenery design at the level we and they would like to.When i though of Flight, or other future flight sims i always thought of better graphics. Because some of us like to fly vfr at low alts, and we want as much realistic scenery as we can get. Personally i am now waiting for orbx to create sceneries for Europe and other places, even if it is for prepar3d, which in the lack something else i am willing to get at some point through the monthly payment plan, and to see what's next.So keep in mind, that although we now have very nice and realistic planes that can even be used for flight training, we also want graphics.
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