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Benjamin Beyer

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Everything posted by Benjamin Beyer

  1. hi , I bought and installed your tool. Have the following problem, see the link below. http://s1.directupload.net/images/140602/il3q93wi.png This is Aerosoft Düsseldorf and the NGX. When I go to the Exterior and am turning around the aircraft to the airport, he invites this black film on the scene! Is it normal that DX10 takes longer to load the textures or I have something set wrong? My system: I7 3770 GTX 660 2GB Wint7 64 bit 8GB memory Could you give me the right settings for my system? CFG NI IN Game FSX. That would be very nice in the hope that I can use DX10. Thank you. regards Ben
  2. Hello, i have installed the new DX10 Fixer 2.2 and it works great, but i have no Papilights on German Airports 3 Tegel at Day, in Düsseldorf the same? It works under Aircraft Shadow on Ground set and the Papis works:-) the Problem is now many IVAO MTL Jets only see when this option deaktivated!!
  3. The Problem is the AIRCAC from Navdatapro! ARPT_RWY.dat AP;EDDF;FRANKFURT ;50.033306;8.570456;329 RW;07C;50.032617;8.534631;329;11055;068;068;13123 RW;07R;50.027542;8.534175;328;11095;068;068;13123 RW;18;50.034169;8.525931;326;0;179;179;13123 RW;25C;50.045128;8.586981;364;11155;248;248;13123 RW;25L;50.040053;8.586531;362;11115;248;248;13123 -------------------------- Die Tripel Seven möchte aber gerne alle Runways die es in EDDF gibt vorfinden. Darum erweitere den Abschnitt um die fehlenden Textzeilen. Siehe blaue Markierung im folgenden Abschnitt. So sollte es nach der Änderung aussehen. In Englisch with Googletranslate However, the triple Seven would like to find all runways available in EDDF. Therefore, the section is increasing by the missing lines of text. See blue marker in the following section. It should look like after the change. --------------------------- AP;EDDF;FRANKFURT/MAIN ;50.033306;8.570456;364 RW;36;49.998481;8.526283;316;0;358;359;13123 RW;07R;50.027542;8.534175;328;11095;068;069;13123 RW;07C;50.032617;8.534631;329;11055;068;069;13123 RW;18;50.034169;8.525931;326;0;178;179;13123 RW;07L;50.037056;8.497078;305;11175;068;069;9186 RW;25L;50.040053;8.586531;362;11115;248;249;13123 RW;25C;50.045128;8.586981;364;11155;248;249;13123 RW;25R;50.045825;8.533717;353;11135;248;249;9186 now it works again That was the right track Rob the Airacs. The devil is in the details B) Ben
  4. I have made ​​has brought nothing. Currently, the 1404 R1 installed. Work with Navadatapro
  5. hello I can select in Frankfurt no SID and STAR! Have it the Mega Airport EDDF of AS including update. Why is that? Thank you greeting Ben
  6. Hi, have the values ​​for the ini taken from the Handbook of Active sky. What is hacking and what are the exact values ​​I must now put under the fsiupc winds? A sreenshoot would be great. thanks ben
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