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  1. Well alrighty then.Just to clarify a couple of things. I have never posted on this orbx area before with my other name so suspicions can stop looking there.I did open another account here, not because I forgot. I never knew. But do what you must. To be honest I have only ever posted helpful stuff and encouragement to what I had hoped was go to keep people into fsx but at this point I believe my fsx foruming days are over. I am just going to go fly and forget the politics.I have only needed help a couple of times and the rest of the time just tried to help others.Kick me, ban me, delete everything, or come get me. As they say in SERE training - Do your worst.Signing out of forums for good. No need to respond as I will not be back. Not going away angry just going away.I wish you all the best!
  2. I am here under assumed name for obvious reasons. I am/was a poster on orbx forums. 8 0 % of what I posted there is to help others figure things out with not only orbx products but also to keep them involved with fsx. Which (as I will cover in a minute) should be what orbx wants to do as well.Here is some falling on deaf ears marketing advice - I am sure I could not post there.It is basic Marketing 101: 1. Drive traffic to your website!!! - Even if they are talking about a non orbx product if they are on your site you have the opportunity to show banners and promotions about your product. Driving traffic is so much more important than people realize not only for sales but Google monitors this in regards to rankings. 2. Always ask yourself when you write copy "so what" after each sentence. People want to hear what BENEFITS them in regards to your products. Example: orbx scenery covers the Pacific North West "So What" with amazing coverage that is lifelike. "so what" for a reasonable price.You get the idea. 3. What does banning and censorship really accomplish? Does it encourage more purchasing? You not only lose that person but most of the time (as evident here) you are losing many and gaining nothing. Look at the number of hits to this forum - 5700+ something is going on. 4. And this happens so much too much in the FSX development world. Let your marketers talk for you or take your personal feelings <Phrase removed by Mod>* out of responses. It is business. I find it hard to believe developers can get angry that they are being asked over and over when a product is going to be released. Time to worry is when people do not care enough to ask. They need to get over their personal impatience and market their products. Answer every time even if just a pointless update. 5. Although taken out of context this is what people remember that was written. And it only hurts you (honestly how does this help your marketing if the only thing posted is negative): • not a general flight simulation community forum (at least the bold was removed) • The 2012 posting - was that necessary for your customers? Even if you make it your new business model posting all of that negative information does not help. • We don't suffer fools…..really? This is a marketing strategy to sell products. Teach people so they will stay with fsx and then they will buy your products. Why would you want people to come to your forum only to post problems with your products? 6. It is the day of Social Media. And this does not just involve Facebook and Twitter. People expect participation and having positive postings instead of all negative comments. It really can make a huge impact. 7. Do some real SEO on the main website. It is built totally incorrectly. Words are inside of jpegs and Google or other SE can not read pictures.Hire a real website developer. Who ever is doing it now does not know what they are doing. The coding is all wrong too. Built inside of tables instead of CSS. No meta tags at all. At least add a description tag.But to be honest seems nobody in the FSX world knows how to build a proper website so you get a pass for that. 8. Stop with the intimidating character that is always "watching over" people. That is just common sense in marketing. Unless you run a security company branding yourself as something intimidating is the wrong approach. You defiantly are not going to scare a pirate with him but only serves to make an honest person leave. 9. Are the developers told not to participate in any conversations outside of direct product discussions? Seems they are unable to present a human face on the forums and can only respond to direct orbx questions. (Day of Social Media see above) 10. Admit when you are wrong and take reasonability for your mistakes and then move on. Do not get angry at people if they call you out on your mistake. It is called Damage Control and only serves to help make sells and loyal customers. Stopping sales and pointing out to people that it does nothing to help your company to do pre releases shows a lack of knowledge of how the sales funnel actually works.Please don't make any specific comments of that nature - Mod
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